Online Income Ideas

10 Sure Tips to Selling Softwares Online
The Software industry is one of the biggest globally. It is estimated that the software market would be worth USD 650 billion by 2023. Clearly, you could potentially make a lot of money in the software industry.
But you don’t have to be a tech genius or a software programmer to make a lot of money with software. You can just retail software. There are already many companies who instead of programming their own software, just retail them instead.
For example, there are the Apple and Android stores for software apps and Steam for game apps and software.
These companies make hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars just retailing software. So, as said, there’s good money to be made from softwares.
But there’s one big issue you need to know before selling softwares: you have a lot of competition, It is estimated that there are already 7.5 million online sellers of software.
Here are some tips to increase your chances of success in this business:

Simple Guide to Selling Feet Pictures Online
There are many kinds of fetishes. Some are tame while some are extreme. Foot fetishes are one of the tamer kinds of fetishes.
And there are online companies who are capitalizing on this fetish, one of these are feet pics platforms/websites. They act as a middleman between feet pics sellers and buyers. But there are other platforms besides feet pics platforms where you can sell your feet pics.
While it might seem laughable and strange, there are people who are making money selling their feet pics. And what could be an easier way to earn money? Imagine, all you have to do is to take pictures of your feet and with some luck and planning, you could earn good money.
If making money seems a good idea for you to make money, this article would give you pointers on just how to do it.

How to Start a Podcast in 12 Steps, Plus More Info!
The podcasting industry is fast growing. Numerous online sources dated 2023 state that the podcasting industry is growing at an average rate of between 27% to 32%.
This is a very good rate considering that industries that have 10% yearly growth are already considered very profitable industries by finance and investment experts.
But we don’t have to look far than to note the earnings of podcasting poster boy Joe Rogan who reportedly earns USD 100,000 per podcast episode. He reportedly earns USD 48 million per year once all his sources of podcasting revenue are added up.
As you can see, podcasting can become a very profitable career or business for anyone. But how do you really start a podcast? Here are a few steps and more information about podcasting:

Selling Digital Products: The Detailed and Easy To Use Guide
Digital products are intangible. You cannot touch or taste them, but they are one of the best selling products out there. Digital products can be composed of software code, text, audio and/or video.
They are so profitable that the worlds top companies make them. In fact, many of the top billionaires in the world are involved in selling digital products.
Aspiring digital products billionaires can even start their business right in their own bedroom or even dormitory with practically little to no cost at all.
If you are now interested in selling digital products, this is a detailed but easy to understand guide on how to become one:

Selling Life Insurance Online: 8 Steps for Probable Success
If you are an insurance agent or broker, selling life insurance online seems like a better alternative to cold calling, door to door selling and the numerous drives to appointments which usually end up without a sale.
However, selling life insurance is not easy either. It not as simple as creating a life insurance website and waiting for customers to log in and buy life insurance from you.
For the most part, you should treat your life insurance website as a lead generation tool just like what many professional insurance professionals do.
If you are just entering the life insurance sales profession or even a professional already, here are a few steps you could take if you want to increase your chances of selling life insurance online:

Working at Home: 12 Advantages, Disadvantages and Solutions
I work from home, so does my niece who lives with me. I also know of a couple of people, including neighbors who also work at home.
This wasn’t the case before for many of us, but working at home as a trend has been rising fast even before the pandemic which accelerated and even somewhat institutionalized working at home.
I can see for myself, niece, relatives and neighbors the benefits of working at home: the time and money saved from not having to travel to work, the proximity of your loved ones while you work and so on.
But there are also disadvantages to working at home: being detached to your coworkers especially to your company team & bosses, and the dissolution of your work-life separation

Teach Yourself Coding: 7 Free Steps to Be a Self Taught Programmer
Slowly but surely, the world is being digitized. Even our cars now run on computer codes. Computer programmers are generally well paid and are much sought after.
This is the reason why there are a lot of people who want to learn computer programming. However, many are intimidated on the alleged difficulty in learning computer programming. Computer programming degrees are also quite expensive.
But this doesn’t have to be as proven by many tech entrepreneurs who are college dropouts or never took computer programming degrees.
For example, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame coded Facebook while still attending college. He eventually dropped out of college after Facebook became famous.
I myself never had a computer programming degree then yet was able to work as a computer programmer and IT professional. I learned computer programming and IT by myself.

How to Make Money on YouTube: 24 Things You Need To Know First
In a survey on 2019, it was found that American and British kids would rather be YouTubers rather than astronauts. I made an article titled Anything Wrong With American And British Kids Wanting To Be YouTubers Rather Than Astronauts?
Many kids are enticed by the low barrier to entry of becoming a YouTuber and the success stories of such rich YouTubers like PewDiePie and more notably MrBeast.
But with 51 million YouTube Channels already, can new and unknown YouTubers still make money from YouTube?

How To Make Money From Your Website
Owning a website is like owning real estate. This is because just like real estate, you can put advertisements and rent out parts of your website just like what you do with real estate. But in terms of earning potential, a website can have more earning potential than a real estate...

Do You Need To Put Ads On Your Website As Early As You Can?
There are many ways you can monetize a website. For example, you can put ads and affiliate links to it, set up a Patreon or Donate Form, or sell your own merchandise like books, digital downloads, mugs, t-shirts and so on...

Can You Potentially Make Good Money With An E-Learning Business?
Yes, there is potentially good money to be made with an e-learning business. According to the industry reporting company, Statista, the e-learning industry is projected to reach US$ 166.60 billion in 2023 with an annual CAGR of 9.37% from 2023 to 2027. The industry is projected to reach US$ 238.40 billion by 2027...

Will The INTERNET Be The One ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA To Control Them All? Should I Concentrate My Entertainment Business On The Internet?
According to GlobeNewswire (, the global Entertainment Industry was worth US$ 2305860 million in 2021 and is projected to reach US$ 3550210 million in 2028 with a CAGR of 5.9% for 2022 to 2028...

Are There Enough Business Networking Apps/Websites Already? Should You Build One?
According to Business of Apps (, a site dedicated to the financial aspects of the app and website business: LinkedIn revenue increased by 43% to US$ 11.5 billion....

Can Browser Based Games Be Profitable? Can They Make Over Hundred Million Profits?
Are you a videogame app developer who find yourself restricted by either or both of the Google/Android and Apple App Stores? Could the reason be the seemingly endless software upgrades you have to do everytime either or both of these stores make an update?...

Can You Make Your Computer And Smartphone Screen Images A Profitable Digital Product?
According to the website, the top result in the Google search keywords: “revenue of twitch”: Twitch made approximately US$ 2.6 billion in 2021 which is a 41% year-on-year increase...

Should You Target Website Owners For Your Audio Narration Services?
For Spotify the path for audio product dominance has again expanded. Spotify used to only offer music then branched out into podcasts. Their latest foray is into audiobooks. They are a good example of how audio is enveloping mass media...

Could You Sell Online Courses Even If You’re Still In High School Or Elementary?
According to an Industry Reporting Company, Valuates Report, the global online K-12 education market has a market size of US$ 7.984 billion as of 2021 and is projected to reach US$ 12.93 billion by 2028 with a CAGR of 8.3%...

Should You Target The Contact E-Mail Of Websites If You’re A Digital Products And/Or Services Seller?
You should. This is because many digital products and/or services sellers usually wait passively in such freelancing sites such as UpWork and Fiverr for customers to come to them. Your aggressive competitors meanwhile scour the internet for prospective clients...

Is Graham Stephan In Trouble Because Of His Endorsements?
According to a CNBC report on November 21, 2022, the collapse of crypto exchange FTX brought about it total unsecured claims amounting to US$ 3.1 billion. FTX filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection earlier that month...

What Can You Learn From The Videogame Industry Giants Of Today?
“In 2021 alone, the global videogame industry had a whopping US$ 180 billion in revenue. In fact the videogame industry is bigger than Hollywood and the Music industry combined in terms of revenue...”

What Can We Learn From The Success, Failure And Rise Again Of Mashable?
If you produce online content or anything creative and you do it on a prolific basis, you would undoubtedly come across days when you find yourself lacking ideas on what to produce. This especially happens if you are producing online content for a very niche subject...

What Do You Do If You Start Running Out Of Ideas For Your Online Content?
If you produce online content or anything creative and you do it on a prolific basis, you would undoubtedly come across days when you find yourself lacking ideas on what to produce. This especially happens if you are producing online content for a very niche subject...

Can Being A Data Middleman Make You Rich?
Did you know that 300,000 people went to California during the California Gold Rush of 1848 to 1855? This represents approximately 1.29% of all the people in the United States back then. This is how significant the California Gold Rush Is...

Why Do New Online Content Creators Lose All Their Money/ Time And Fail?
According to the US Bureau of Statistics 20% of new businesses fail within the first year, 30% within the second year, and 50% within the third year. At the same time it is reported that it takes up to three years for the average new business to become profitable...

Can Being Luxurious Make You Money?
...This is true. One current example would be Alexandra Mary Hirschi who is also more popularly known as Supercar Blondie. She is currently the highest paid automobile content creator who can charge more than a million dollars for a single endorsement...

Do You Really Need To Collect Emails For Your Online Digital Content Business?
Almost all online digital content creation gurus like to emphasize that all online digital content creators should start collecting the emails of the people who consume their online digital content...

Is Teaching The English Language Online Worth It?
This article is especially helpful to native speakers of the English language because besides teaching the English language formally, they also get to teach the intricacies of the English language as it applies on a per country basis...

How To Make Money Vs. How To Get Promoted Vs. How To Find A Job Vs. Soccer Vs. Basketball Vs. Cars
I researched in Google Trends the above three keywords and realized a lot of facts about entrepreneurs and employees. The most important fact being that most people want to earn money more than they want to be employees...

Finding Profitable Digital Content By Creating Lite Content First
Not many successful businessperson becomes successful on their first try. Many of the successful businessperson we hear about today usually have much humbler beginnings with many having many failed business ventures during the start of their career...

Are There Even Websites That Help People To Read Product Specifications? What If I Create Such A Website?
I have an electronics education background and I build mechanical and electronic machines. But even though I have such educational background, I find it difficult to buy mechanical and electronics parts online because I often cannot interpret their product specifications...

Who is BeardMeatsFood? What’s His Net Worth? How Does He Make His Money?
BeardMeatsFood Is the social media name of Adam Moran whose birth date is July 8, 1985. He is a personal trainer, competitive eater and is more prominently known as a YouTuber. ...

Which Creates The Most Passive Income: Apps, YouTube Videos, Blogs or Websites?
I used to make apps for both the Apple App Store and the Android App Store. I also used to make YouTube Videos, I used to own a website and now I just own a blogging website....

Website Pageviews Or Visitors? Which Is More Important? How Do You Increase Both Of Them?
When I first put up my website and started blogging about small business and entreprenuership, I was ready for the hard slog. I’ve already read and watched so many YouTube videos about starting a blog and what to expect...

Ramon Van Meer: A Millionaire by Flipping Websites And Pet Products
Type the search keywords: ”Ramon Van Meer”in Google and YouTube and you would instantly realize how popular Ramon Van Meer is in the American online world in terms of being a successful online entrepreneur...

Is A Gardening YouTube Channel/Website Profitable?
Gardening is a great hobby and many people claim that gardening calms them down and keeps them active. It also connects people in a way to nature. This is the reason why many people are interested in gardening as a digital content...

Is The Trend Going Towards Data Quantity Over Specialization? How This Affects Your Online Website/YouTube/Blogging Business
I was watching a YouTube video by Adam Enfroy titled: Blogging is dead... here 's what I'm doing now. As the title suggests, it’s about the so-called death of blogging...

Collated Company And Industry Data Tidbits As A Sellable Product
As a blogger who frequently searches online for information regarding a company and an industry’s financial outlook, I can fully attest that even though there is an unimaginable amount of websites and data online, information on them is still very uncommon...

Kid’s Entertainment And Selling Toys
To anyone who’s ever studied the toy and kid’s entertainment industry, one thing that they would notice is the relationship between toy companies and their kid’s entertainment partners. It’s no secret that when one industry thinks about a product, they also think about the other industry...

The Business Of Monetizing Question And Answer Websites
I am creating an electromechanical device and the internet has been an invaluable source of research knowledge for me. I learned primarily thru YouTube and the many websites devoted to electronics, electricity and mechanics...

Using YouTube To Sell Real Estate And Other Products
I must admit that when YouTube’s algorithm decided to show me videos about million dollar homes complete with huge infinity pools, I can’t help but watch a few of these videos although I fully know that I can’t possibly afford one even if I worked for a million years...

Adding Comments To Your Digital Products
There is no doubt that to enable your digital products to have a more “personal appeal,” you need a feature in your digital product which would allow your customers to interact with you. Arguably, the best way that you could do this is to add a comment section...

A Subscription Based Business
It’s no secret that many companies these days are implementing or are trying to implement a subscription strategy for their businesses. This is especially so for the entertainment industry. We only have cable channels at first, now we have a multitude of streaming services...

The Continuing Dominance Of American Media And Entertainment And What It Means To Your Online Career
Since almost all book readers are women, would it follow that they also want strong female protagonists in their books? What about the men in these books? Would they want strong or weaker male characters?...

Do Strong Male Characters In Books And Movies Matter?
Since almost all book readers are women, would it follow that they also want strong female protagonists in their books? What about the men in these books? Would they want strong or weaker male characters?...

Profiting From “Choose Your Own Adventure Games”
In case you follow the game app market, you would notice that there are “choose your own adventure apps” that are successful with millions of players and are generating a lot of revenues for the creators...

Making Comics And Making Comics Software
Being a person who enjoys comics when I was a child, I began to dream of making my own comics. But I immediately learned that creating comics illustrations is not easy so I gave it up. When softwares became advanced, I dreamt of a day when comics can be easily done using softwares...

Online Presence As A Gateway To Other Businesses Or Career
Many people who have established an online presence would soon find out that maintaining an online presence can be rewarding and also irritating. This is because by establishing an online presence you expose yourself to the world which means you can reach and be reached by millions if not billions of people...

The Popularity of Listicles And Similar Content
Listicles are very popular. There is something about a list of information that attracts and satisfies a reader or a viewer. But what is it that makes these seemingly simple writings irresistible to many readers and viewers?...

Could You Sustain Your Digital Content Business, Timewise?
You are excited. You have just started your very own digital content creation business and you are ready to go all out. You start on a furious pace. You want to create as much digital content as possible. After a while, you begin to experience it...

Viva La Dirt League (VLDL) Analysis
VLDL is a comedy channel in YouTube that shows among others, gaming comedy skits. They are well known in the gaming community. How popular are they? There have been video gaming companies that have paid them to promote their games...

Making Money On Digital Content Besides Ads
Traditionally, the usual way people who make YouTube videos and website content is to make money by placing ads on their YouTube video or website. But if you are involved in the digital content creation business, then you already know that ads are a poor way to earn money...

GDC Failure Workshop And Similar Videos
The GDC Failure Workshop is an annual event of GDC or Game Developers Conference. As the title suggests, it talks about failure in game development. But don’t be disheartened by the workshop’s name, there’s more to it...

Vivziepop YouTube Channel
In case you are not a prolific watcher of YouTube, or not a fan of animation, then you might not have any knowledge of Vivienne Medrano or her more popular name: Vivziepop. But she is special in a very good sense...

Comedy On YouTube
It is no big secret that comedy is a popular form of entertainment. Even in YouTube, there are comedy channels and videos with millions of subscribers and views. For example, the comedy duo Key & Peele and CollegeHumor channel each share millions of subscribers and views...

Uploading Video Game Console Content In YouTube
There are many people who play video games, both young and old. Video games are one or are the fastest growing segment of the entertainment industry with mobile gaming taking the lion’s share of the market...

Uploading Music Videos In YouTube
There are many once unknown music artists who became famous by uploading their music videos to YouTube. In fact, even famous music artists have uploaded their music videos to YouTube because they understand how YouTube can be very instrumental in furthering one’s musical career...

Youtube Related Jobs
Next to the search engine Google itself, YouTube is the next most visited site for people to learn and get entertained about anything. There are many people who make a good living producing videos for YouTube...

Making Money With Mythology
American superheroes and their make believe stories are very popular these days. But before them, the gods and heroes of a country’s mythology used to be more famous. In fact, they are taught in schools and children grew up knowing their stories...

Have You Ever Considered Doing A YouTube Web Series?
There are many of us who at one point in our lives have considered what it must be like to be a famous actor. Maybe some of you have considered making their own films. Thanks to video sharing platforms especially YouTube, many get to live this dream. There are even Youtube filmmakers whose web series have been picked up by television and streaming companies...

User-Generated Or Owner-Generated Content Website?
As an aspiring website owner, you who might have thought of setting up a user-generated website like Facebook or Twitter. However, attracting people to contribute to one’s user-generated website or app is an impossibility for many. This is the reason why many settle for their own website where they create the content themselves...

Do You Have What it Takes to be an Audiobook Narrator?
The audiobook industry is a booming market. In many parts of the world it has consistently been growing at double digit rates on a yearly basis. While the best audiobook productions are made in studios there are jobs that can be done at home. The job or business promises independence and good pay. But are you suited for the job? Here are what you should consider:...

Setting Up a Profitable YouTube Horror Channel
Horror entertainment is profitable. This includes YouTube horror channels. There are channels with more than one millions subscribers and making good money from their channel. For example there is a YouTube horror channel that I found that is being put up for sale...

Could You Play the Waiting Game in the Website Business?
For any business including the website business there is a serious game being played by the owners of such businesses. This is the waiting game. This is the game where the owner waits for his business to become profitable. With the many pitfalls in running a business many owners usually quit too early in the game just when they are about to win...

The Online Horror Market
In case you haven’t noticed it yet horror movies are becoming a mainstay in popular culture. Even children are watching horror movies. From lovable monsters like Monsters Inc. from Disney to the It. Horrific creatures are getting more and more popular. If you are a media content creator especially if you love horror then why not produce horror media content yourself?...

Online Job Board Business
I search for online jobs almost daily and one thing I noticed is the large number of job boards online. There are the usual recruitment sites and freelancing sites as well as boutique sites that offer specialised jobs like sites dedicated entirely to writing jobs. You can also offer this service in full or in part in your own website....

Teaching Online Can Make You a Celebrity
If you are a bookish person or a passionate learner chances are you are already spending a lot of time online researching and learning the subject matters you are interested in. You might have noticed it but there is hardly a subject matter these days that you cannot find online. What varies however is the depth of the studies regarding the subject matter you are trying to learn...

Who Benefits Most from Freelancer Job Platforms
The number of freelancers working have been greatly increasing. In the US for example the number of freelancers have increased to 35% of the workforce which is up 7% since 2013. In 2020 this number is expected to increase by 43% and up to 50.9% in 2027 or more than half the US workforce...

Earn Money from Online Work
I am only familiar with Upwork and the Fiverr freelancing platforms but I am sure there are similar freelancing platforms for most countries. Online work as a job is growing and is expected to equal and even surpass real world face to face jobs in such countries as the USA...

Make Money With Your GoPro
GoPro and cameras similar to it revolutionised the way videos are taken. These sort of cameras make your static videos more dynamic with the wide variety of angles you can take your videos. Many people now use these sort of cameras to document many aspects of their everyday lives especially when they are on vacation or traveling...

Can You Make a Living with Online Photography Sites?
People have been making money from taking photographs of people, objects, places and so on. These are usually full-time or freelance photographers who work for companies where photographs are an essential products in their business. These companies can be news, books and magazine publishers down to wedding planning agencies and so on...

When to Start Earning on Youtube
Anyone can make money in Youtube even with limited equipment such as just a mobile phone to example record blogs. Anything can be your video subject matter. You can for example just record a video of your pet going about its normal activity and if enough people like your video then you can earn money...

Affiliate and Referral Marketing
Affiliate Marketing and Referral Marketing are similar in that in both you get paid a commission when you endorse a product of a company and then the person you endorsed to buys the product of the company you are endorsing...

Where to Put Your Affiliate Links
Affiliate networks act as the middleman between the merchant who wants his products to be endorsed by an affiliate marketer and the affiliate marketers themselves. They ensure that you the affiliate marketer is paid by the merchant whenever your client/follower buys their product...

Social Media Income
There is money to be made by being a social media personality. In the business of social media your life and everything about you is the product. Your face, body, the clothes you wear, the cars you drive, the house you live in, what you eat, the places you go to, relationships like family, partner & friends, your ideas, your thoughts and so on are all sellable products...

Earn Money from Making Apps
Almost everyone owns at least 1 mobile phone. Each mobile phone has many software applications both created by the companies who made the mobile phone and those created by 3rd party software developers. They are more commonly known as “Apps” and they now number by the millions...

Making Money with Video Games
Electronic video games are big business especially the mobile gaming industry. The Newzoo website has an interesting article titled The World’s 2.7 Billion Gamers Will Spend $159.3 Billion on Games in 2020; The Market Will Surpass $200 Billion by 2023. As the title suggests electronic gaming is growing exponentially...

Making Money with eCommerce
This is probably the most complex thing to undertake in earning online income. This is because you need to handle physical products. Physical activities such as ordering, receiving, storing, sorting, packing and delivery of your products are all involved. You also need supplies and equipments to handle your physical products as well as space to store and pack your...

Earn from Online Market Research
What is online market research? As the name suggests it is a research conducted online about a specific market. The research may be for example to understand the buying behaviour of a certain market or a group of people for the company to know how to better sell their product to them...

How to Make Money in Industry Analysis Research
What is industry analysis? It is the analysis of the economic, social, political and other factors that affect the people, groups and companies in this industry. It specifies the performance and outlook of the industry and the many companies in it...

Which One Earns More for a Single Developer: Website or App?
Computers have existed way longer that mobile phones. This is the reason why websites have existed way longer than mobile apps. For example Facebook began as a website and then later after a few years passed...

Digital Image Downloads Business
There are many aspiring online writers who want to generate an online presence as early as possible because Google for example takes time to find and index their articles which could take months. Many try to write articles daily because their strategy is to find out which particular subjects will become popular so they can write more of it and get more popular...

Investing in Websites
Websites are just like any software and therefore have value. The 2 main commercially valuable parts of a website are its domain name and the actual website content itself...

How to Prevent Your Website From Being Copied
The short answer is: NO! You cannot prevent your website from being copied. Your website is in its basic form an idea that is publicly displayed online and available to anyone with internet access. Your purpose for creating your website is to spread your idea to a global audience as much as possible and restricting access to it from anyone defeats its purpose...

What Online Business Presence Do You Need?
There are many ways you can promote your business online. Of course everyone wants to maximise their presence online to have maximum reach to potential contacts which could turn into clients. If however you have limited staff and especially if you work on your business alone then you cannot possibly have enough time to take care of your online business presence...

Selling Your Knowledge Online
Knowledge is defined as the information a person acquires from real world experience. This comprises many things like ones education, skills learned, things observed and thought of and so on. Knowledge can broadly be defined as everything a person knows about everything they learned from...

Growing Your Media Content Business
Starting any business can be very daunting especially if you have to put in a lot of capital to get it started. For example starting even a small Hotdog concession stand business can cost you thousands. You have to buy the equipments, pay for the permits to operate and of course you have to buy your hotdogs and all the other necessary ingredients...