Uploading Video Game Console Content In YouTube
There are many people who play video games, both young and old. Video games are one or are the fastest growing segment of the entertainment industry with mobile gaming taking the lion’s share of the market.
However, console gaming is still one of the most profitable part of the gaming industry with gamers spending good sums of money buying game consoles with powerful game processors and graphics intensive software games.
It is no secret that among the gamers on PCs, mobiles and gaming consoles, it is the console gamers who are the most devoted game players. Many have predicted that the gaming console market would be overtaken by the mobile gaming market.
However, the video game console market continuous to grow as more consoles are not only upgraded but new consoles are being introduced all the time. This is because console gaming still provides the best gaming experience by far.
Why Does Video Game Console Gaming Provide The Best User Experience?
The answer is simple. Unlike PCs or mobile phones, the entire resources of a gaming console are solely dedicated to gaming. The microprocessor of PCs and mobile phones may be doing other processing tasks while their user is playing a game.
This affects the performance of the game that the user is playing. The game could run slower or the graphics can become inferior as compared to that of a game console. It is this reason that dedicated gamers choose gaming consoles over PCs and mobile phones when it comes to gaming.
Video Games Have Become Movies Themselves
This is very evident in PCs and gaming consoles. The mobile phone gamers don’t get the movie feel of the games they are playing because usually the graphics processing of mobile phones cannot handle the intensive graphics requirement of many games.
Mobile phones are limited in gameplay as well as in cinematic. This is to enable the mobile phone to handle the processing of mobile games. Anyone who has played a mobile version of a console or PC game would know the difference in gaming between the two.
Now let us leave behind mobile phone gaming and concentrate on PC and console gaming. Even if the two are similar in game processing performance, there is a big difference between the two.
One of the big difference would be in the controller used by the player. There are games made especially for PCs which uses the additional functionalities provided by a PC keyboard. This is one of their main difference with gaming consoles.
But one of the similarities between the two is in the way that both output their graphics content as well as their controller input. Both gaming PCs and gaming consoles have excellent controllers.
With the capability to produce movie like graphics which are almost so realistic and ever improving, it is no wonder that many people have replaced watching movies with playing video games to which they not only see a movie, but interact with it as well.
But Are Video Games Movies Unto Themselves?
Yes, they are. Well, almost. The processing power of PCs and gaming consoles enable them to play not only very long games, but also game cinematic that are movies unto themselves. There is no greater proof of this than in YouTube.
Many YouTube content creators have begun uploading entire video games together with their cinematic to be watched like some sort of one continuous and very long movie which usually takes hours to finish.
Do people watch this sort of YouTube content? I don’t know if many people watch it in its entirety from beginning to end, but I certainly do. I usually watch these kinds of YouTube gaming content while doing something else.
What I usually do is do whatever it is I am doing while the game plays, then I watch it intently once the cinematic is shown. From time to time, I watch the game play. This is how I watch this kind of YouTube content which takes hours to watch.
What Sort of Gaming Content Can You Upload In YouTube?
If you think that only complete game walkthroughs with their cinematic can be uploaded to YouTube, you better have a closer look at the gaming content in YouTube. There are in fact a few more gaming content you can upload in YouTube.
Complete Game Walkthrough and Cinematic
But let us study complete game walkthroughs a bit more. As what have been said, these are YouTube gaming content that takes several hours to finish. If you are the one who made this gaming video, then you would have spent more hours creating this video than just watching it.
This is one of the biggest problems of making this gaming video. You have to spend several hours making this video. Let us try to see how the process of making this video is done by the creator of this video.
He plays a game and records his progress. Playing the game especially if you have not mastered the game could take a lot of time. First, you have to play the game and learn to play it so that it is visually appealing to whoever is watching the video game in YouTube.
Then as the creator of the video progresses in the game or once they finish playing the game and recording it, they now have to edit the video which is several hours long. You could easily see why creating such gaming video could be so time intensive.
Based on what I have seen on the views of these kinds of videos, they are not that very popular. Although there are videos like these who have several millions of views, it also took them several years to gain this much number of views.
So consider the time investment you would have to make in creating these kinds of videos and ask yourself if your effort would be rewarded appropriately. Remember that these videos are very hard to make in the first place.
Game Snippets
An option to creating a video of the entire game from start to finish is to just create videos which shows parts of the game. You can partially upload parts of the game in YouTube which people are especially interested in seeing. These could be partial gameplays or just a couple of the cinematic of the game.
Most of the partial game videos I have seen in YouTube are the videos of the game’s cinematic. There are many people who are not very interested in seeing the entire game but are only interested in seeing the cinematic of each stage of the game.
As I have said, there are many people who treat video games as some sort of movies. They are not interested in playing the game but are interested in the story of the game as if it was some sort of a movie.
Another kind of game snippet I see in YouTube is gameplays of the most difficult part of the game. The people who usually watch this game video content are those who are actually playing the video game and are interested to know how to master that particular stage of a game.
This just might be better than creating a video of the entire game which takes up a very long time to make. There are enough video game players and non-players who are interested only in seeing parts of the game.
Game Commentaries
There are those who besides playing the video games, also comment as they play the game. These commentaries could be anything about the game or anything not related to the game. Anyone who also subscribes or watches Twitch gaming videos would know this.
These kinds of gaming videos attract the more social type gamer. These kinds of gamers don’t only watch gaming videos just to see people playing or the games being played, but they are also interested in what the gamer has to say.
Thus if you are creating these kinds of gaming video content, it is not very important whether or not you are a good with the game you are playing. The important thing is that you need to have an engaging personality.
It is no wonder that there are many people who besides using their gaming skills, also use their charm to attract viewers. There are for example beautiful women who have managed to gain a following by their sheer looks alone.
Game Story Analysis
Another form of gaming video that you can upload in YouTube usually requires some sort of analytical skills. When I say analytical skills, I mean video game story analysis skills.
For example, you may make videos discussing the characters of the video games. It could be a purely from a story perspective. You could discuss the characters as they relate to the story of the video game.
Another analysis which you could do with the characters is with gameplay. You could discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a character on how they should be played in a game. This includes offensive and defensive capabilities and more.
This could be several gaming videos worth as you discuss the main character or the hero of the game up to the main bosses in the game and any characters in between. This could include the NPCs of the game as well.
Besides the characters, you could examine the story of the video game itself. For example, you could examine the timeline of the game, the places and settings of the game as well as anything you could find interesting in the game.
These kinds of content are especially viewed not only by gamers but by anyone who has a special affection for the game and does not treat it as a game only. Visiting forum sites for such games would give you plenty of ideas of what to discuss in your video gaming videos.
Visual Gaming Mods
There are also plenty of gamers and non-gamers who are interested in game mods, especially visual game mods. For example, there are many videos in YouTube of visual gaming mods of predominantly the female lead characters of the video game.
I have seen the mods of the female lead characters of such video games such as Resident Evil, Skyrim, Witcher and others. It is not for me to judge these videos. But based on the commentaries on these videos, I can see that these videos have a fanbase.
Perhaps one of the advantage of these gaming videos with mods is that it highlights the modding skills of the creator of the video. I assume that whoever created the video created the mod themselves.
It takes skill and an artistic flair to create a beautiful visual game mod. Anyone could be discovered by their video game mod work and be commissioned or offered a permanent job by a gaming company or any party who are interested in the mod creator’s skills.
The Investment
Besides the need for a large amount of time to play and create a video for your game, you would also need money to invest in order to produce YouTube gaming content. And this amount could be expensive especially if you are low on funds.
The first thing that you would need of course would be a gaming console or a high powered gaming PC. Both of these items do not come cheap and not everyone could afford them. This is especially true for poor families who barely can afford the necessities of life.
If you have money to buy a gaming console or a high powered gaming PC, then by all means you should buy one. These items are not only business items but items that can offer your family endless hours of entertainment.
Then comes the gaming softwares you have to buy. You could make a lot of gaming videos using only one video game software, but the more video game softwares you own, the more gaming video variety you can produce which caters to a more diverse set of gamers.
Then of course there is the video recording equipment and software as well. There are many options you can have with recording your video game. There are paid and free options. But most assuredly at some point, you would have to spend money for these video recording equipments and software.
To learn how to record a video game, you can simply Google the search keywords “recording video games for youtube” and you would be shown many articles and videos on how to do so.
It is clear that even a simple video recording of a video game could mean serious investment in hardware and software. And we have not even considered video editing and graphics software as well as the computer and laptop you would need to run these softwares.
From this, we can deduce that creating YouTube videos of your console or PC games can become very expensive even at the outset. You should really consider if the money you would earn creating these videos is enough for you to recoup your software and hardware investment.
Creating gaming videos for YouTube can be very intensive both in the time needed to produce one and the steep financial investment you have to make to buy the necessary hardware and softwares needed to play the game and record the game video.
If you are really serious about producing gaming video content for YouTube, there are many gaming video types that you can produce. You can make complete walkthroughs of games which are several hours long to produce and run.
You can also make short videos of video game snippets. You can show small segments of the game, play a short part of the game with commentaries, do an analysis of the games, or show game mods. But again, consider that the monetary returns for these videos can also be dismal.
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