Utilities Income Ideas

The Growing Market For Briquettes Used For Cooking And Heating
I have lived in both a developed country which is Australia and a developing country which is the Philippines. I am fairly familiar with the use of charcoal for cooking in the Philippines. Even in the urbanized parts of the Philippines, there are still people who use charcoal for cooking...

Earning from Plumbing and Heating
It is no secret with water being a great force of nature human plumbing takes quite a beating. Leaky and burst pipes are not too uncommon in many homes and buildings...

Earning from Electricity and Gas
All our electricity was once provided by big electric utilities which required huge capital and resources to run. It is therefore difficult for a solopreneur who is just starting out to duplicate owning such huge electric utilities due to the huge cost, time and resources involved. But with the increasing technology advances in renewable energy generation the investment in...

Making Money from the Internet
The internet is considered a utility because you cannot significantly function in modern society without an internet connection whether it is a home or a mobile internet connection or both. Just like with any utility business the cost of starting one is huge and requires a lot of resources and normal solopreneurs cannot usually do it...