Should You Target The Contact E-Mail Of Websites If You’re A Digital Products And/Or Services Seller?
You should. This is because many digital products and/or services sellers usually wait passively in such freelancing sites such as UpWork and Fiverr for customers to come to them. Your aggressive competitors meanwhile scour the internet for prospective clients.
I experience this firsthand with my own website. I would receive advertising e-mails from digital products and/or services sellers requesting me to buy their digital products/services. The thing is, they are not sending advertising e-mails to my personal e-mail.
This just means that these digital product/services sellers only know my website e-mail address because it is publicly available online just like almost all contact e-mails on all the websites on the internet.
On a side note, I also receive e-mails from online digital criminals who try to extort money from me by telling me that they have hijacked the database of my website when in reality I don’t have a database in my website. Please be very wary of these online digital criminals.
While the vast majority of freelance digital products and/or services sellers online wait passively for customers in such sites as UpWork and Fiverr, there would be competitors of yours who are more aggressive in finding customers.
As was said before, these more aggressive competitors of yours target the e-mail contact forms of the websites in the internet. According to the website siteefy.com there are about 1,295,973,827 websites as of January 2020 of which 189,000,000 are active.
With hundreds of millions of potential customers, it is no wonder that these more aggressive competitors of yours are targeting the contact e-mails of websites online. All they need is to a very, very small fraction of these hundreds of millions of website and they could be set.
This strategy is a very good alternative to creating a profile on such freelancing sites as UpWork, Fiverr, Freelancer and so on and then waiting for some customer to randomly select you from the other thousands/millions of freelancers in these freelancing platforms.
This is also the reason why there are website owners that have contact e-mail forms in their website to weed out e-mail marketers who try this strategy. This just essentially proves that a lot of marketers are already using this selling strategy.
One of the marketing e-mails I receive are for correction services. These sellers offer softwares and services that would supposedly correct my spelling and grammatical errors. I think this is a hard sell considering that MicroSoft Word and similar softwares already have this feature.
There are also various websites already that offer free spelling and grammatical error correction. So these products and services might be a hard sell. However, you might have a better chance at selling fact checking services.
So what are fact checking services? This is essentially a service where you fact check the information written in a website. This is especially important if the website contains such information as financial data, statistics, scientific facts and so on.
Believe it or not, many websites also use other websites as a basis for their data which may or may not be correct. For example, Wikipedia is a widely used information source by millions of people. Wikipedia is viewed approximately 500 million times each day.
This is despite the fact that Wikipedia is edited by “trusted” sources who are not professionally paid to edit and maintain the information on the website. There are people who would pay to get the right and fact-checked information and you could sell this service.
Yes, it is definitely. This is because all website owners want their website to rank fast and consistently. Remember that there are over a billion websites online and this just means that not many websites are visited.
Website owners consistently worry that their website would not reach their intended audience or the articles in their websites might not be the one people are searching for when they go online. This should be the service that you are offering.
The demand for SEO optimization techniques is so great that there are digital product and/or services sellers that have virtually made a career out of it. For example, Neil Patel is a famous name regarding SEO.
He has online tools that assist website owners on picking what articles to write. This is his free service. His paid service is offering to SEO optimize your website on your behalf. Others SEO experts also do this and also offer courses, SEO correction services and so on.
Of course, to do this you need to prove that you’re good with SEO yourself. The best proof that you have is by showing them the proof that your own website is SEO optimized and is ranking well in search engines. You would definitely sell well if you can prove this.
Although there are already many free graphics and video editing softwares freely available online plus the fact that there are already many free to use image libraries, the fact is that website owners still need the services of graphics and video editing professionals.
For example, small factory companies do not usually have in-house graphics and video editing professionals. This is because they do not need such an employee on a full-time basis. Many even contract professional advertising agencies to do this occasional work.
For example, if there’s a company putting up their financial charts and graphs on their website and they don’t have a website graphics expert employee, who do they delegate the task to? To their website developer who only knows how to code?
This is where you come in, what might seem a very hard task for this company because they’re not an expert on it could be a very easy job for you that you could do in a very short time. Let’s face it, graphics and video editing need good skills to be done well and not many could do it.
Besides graphics and video editing, you could also offer audio editing services. This is because if you notice lately, a lot of websites have already added audio services in their website. Instead of people reading the contents of a website, they can just basically listen to it.
Being a blogger in the blogging industry, I can definitely say that most average bloggers can write a 1,500 worded article at least one or twice a day at most. This is because writing takes a mental toll on someone and they cannot do this on a continuous basis all day long.
This is the reason why offering writing services/products is a constant need for many website owners and most especially bloggers. You could also add to the fact that many website owners not only own one website but several to maximize their online earnings.
If you are offering such service/product to website owners, be sure to specialize on certain subjects as becoming an expert on all subjects is virtually impossible unless you are committing plagiarism. If you get caught doing this, you would surely lose your customers.
You can also outsource your writing services to other writers. There are writers from developed countries who outsource their writing jobs to writers from developing countries because the exchange rate between countries favor them.
It is also advisable to get website owners who pay by the article instead of by the word like many website owners do nowadays. This not only improves the quality of your work but is also more profitable.
It is advisable that you get skilled in all of these products/services so that you have a better chance of earning from one website owner. Admittedly, it is very hard to land a website owner as a client even if you get their website’s contact e-mail so don’t waste the opportunity.
I would also advise you that you don’t use a website’s contact e-mail to spend spam. There is a thin line between sending a legitimate sales e-mail and spam. For example, you don’t have to send the same e-mail to a prospective website owner customer several times a month.
A prospective website owner customer could slowly warm to you if you send them a personal e-mail occasionally. This is especially true if you have demonstrably shown them that they need your digital product/service.
You can also repurpose the products/services you made from your website owner customers towards your own website. This is the reason why you should also have your own website. Your own website is like your showroom to your digital products/services.
Lastly, don’t forget to always ask for possible customer recommendation from your present and prospective website owner customers. Do not underestimate the power of human kindness.
While you passively wait for customers for your digital products/services from freelancing sites such as UpWork and Fiverr, chances are that your more aggressive competitors are already targeting the contact e-mails of the more than a billion websites online.
This is because this website e-mail contact information is freely available online. Even getting a very, very small fraction of this over a billion website owners as customers could be very profitable especially if you sell a package service.