Time Is Money

10 Tips to Better Combine Working and Studying
No matter how you look at it, an educated person is more likely to be employed rather than a person with little to no education. That’s why studying for an education is important.
Also, a more educated person is more likely to be promoted than a rival for the same position with lesser education.
But to be educated these days, you mostly need money. From paying tuition, buying books, traveling, and other costs, you need money to study.
This is the reason why more and more people today are working while studying, even those barely out of their teenage years.
But working while studying is very hard. That’s why many either stop studying altogether in order to work, or stop working altogether in order to study.
Here are a few tips to help you cope with working and studying at the same time:

Faster Shopping: 11 Tips To Grocery Shop In Less Time
For most of us, grocery shopping is a chore and not a fun activity that we look forward to. Imagine spending a lot of time pushing a heavy grocery shopping cart and scanning isle after isle of grocery items which are not really fun and beautiful to look at.
We also have to consider that grocery stores are usually packed full of people and parking can be terrible. It’s no wonder that there are now people who grocery shop online rather than physically going to a grocery store.
This especially becomes important if you have a big family or resell grocery items. You would likely have to grocery shop more than once a week. Surely, cutting down on your grocery shopping time would be an improvement in your life.
Here are some tips on how to cut down on your grocery shopping time:...

11 Sure Steps to Working Faster
Although almost everyone is mandated by their company to work a minimum of eight hours a day, it is still important to work as fast as you can, so you can have more time for yourself even if you’re in your company.
But besides having more time for yourself while in your company, you can also benefit from working faster.
For example, your company might take notice that you are able to finish your tasks fast, making your company consider you for promotions or further responsibilities.
But for those who are not restricted by a mandatory eight hour work schedule by their company, being able to work faster means that you can go home much sooner to spend more time with your family and loved ones.
Here are a few sure steps to help you work faster:...

Make Money While You Sleep: 12 Good Ways To Choose From
According to Warren Buffet, one of the world’s richest billionaire and one of the most respected finance guru: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
This is a piece of financial advice worth taking to heart as practicing it can impact you and your family’s entire life.
Although you can literally make money while you sleep, you still need to do some preliminary steps in order to do so, like putting your money in the bank before you sleep so you would earn interest while you sleep.
Here is a list of other things you can do to earn money while you are sleeping:...

Time Wasters: 18 Reasons Why You Spend More Time at Work
For the vast majority of people, doing company tasks/work is a necessity in order to earn money that allows them to provide for themselves and their loved ones.
However, there are actions that unnecessarily lengthens the work done by an employee or their time spent in the company.
The unnecessary actions might be done by the employees themselves or done by the company to their employees.
Whatever the reason or whomever might be doing these unnecessary actions, it is important that they be identified and if possible eliminated. Identifying them enables the employee to lessen the time they spent on their job or their working day in the company.
Here are a few time wasters an employee should know about:...

Trading Time for Money: 7 Steps to Stop Doing It
Many people in the olden days were led to believe that to have a financially secure future, you needed to work for a reliable company for a minimum of 40 hours per week, climb through it ranks, so you can retire with enough money for a comfortable retirement.
While this might seem true in the olden days, so many things in the world of business has changed that this concept has been challenged by many.
For one, even the most stable companies have closed down, unpaid overtimes are becoming a norm, and many employees find themselves in the same position for decades and even unto retirement with very minimal salary increases.
This is the reason why there are many former employees now doing freelancing jobs and joining the gig economy which promises them a more flexible work life while also providing better income...

How to Read Faster: 5 Facts and 10 Tips You Should Know
The volume of available information especially in this age of computers is growing on a daily basis. To be competitive and stay updated, you need to absorb as much information as you can.
This is the reason why you need to learn how to read faster. Here are facts and tips you should know about learning to read faster

Working Night Shifts: 9 Health Facts Seen From Real Nighttime Workers
I currently live in the Philippines which is called as the ”Call Center Capital of the World”. My niece actually works as a night shift call center employee.
Contrary to what I read online regarding the severe health effects of working night shifts, I see many night shift workers living happy healthy normal lives.
The night shift workers I have known have been working night shifts for years now and even have active normal day lives.
Could the online reports about the supposed severe effects of working night shifts be exaggerated?

How to Clean House Faster: 11 Steps From A Pro Hotel Housekeeper
Cleaning hotel guest rooms and the rest of a hotel’s property is much harder than cleaning a home. For one, the cleanliness and health standards of a hotel must be high to enable them to continue their industry standard hotel rating.
Also, unlike cleaning a home, hotel housekeeping staff have time limits. A hotel room attendant for example is given only 20 to 30 minutes to spotlessly clean a guest room no matter how dirty it is.
I’ve worked as a hotel housekeeper during my student days and have learned fast and efficient cleaning techniques from the more senior housekeepers. Just like any activity, cleaning can be optimized such that you spend only a little time doing it without loss in quality

Road Trip Planning To Maximize Your Trip Enjoyment: 17 Things To Prepare
A road trip can be a very enjoyable and even life altering event. Many people want to go on road trips but don’t have the time and resources. But even if they do, they sometimes ruin or don’t fully enjoy their road trip because of inadequate planning and preparation.
Here is a comprehensive list of what you should plan or prepare to do before you embark on your road trip in order to enjoy the most of it. Remember, you’re usually exposing yourself to unfamiliar environments when you go on a road trip which can be uncomfortable

Are You Taking Videogames Very Seriously? Are You Spending Too Much Time And Money On Them?
According to a 2019 study by Statista, a prominent statistics website, the average American spends between 1.51 to 2.88 hours each day on a regular weekday playing videogames. This is understandable considering that traveling by public transport takes about 2.5 hours both ways...

Have You Ever Considered Doing Night Shifts?
When I first tried to start a business during my younger days straight out of college, I was very naive and soon realized that mere determination alone was not enough for me to succeed in becoming a business owner. Having a night job was the last thing in my mind at this time...

Earn Money While Commuting
Many people commute to work everyday usually taking more than an hour to arrive to the office and then taking more than an hour again to arrive home. Many people usually while away the time while they commute usually playing mobile games or relax by reading a book. Still others just blankly stare outside the vehicle they are in and repeatedly watch the same places over and over...

How to Write an Article Faster Everyday
I now write 2 articles a day consisting of about 1000 words each. At first it took me almost an entire day to write a single 500 word article. If I add the research I do to be able to write the article then to write a single article would take me more than 1 day. I knew then that if I do not become faster in writing articles I would not have time to do anything else...