Social Media Income
There is money to be made by being a social media personality. In the business of social media your life and everything about you is the product. Your face, body, the clothes you wear, the cars you drive, the house you live in, what you eat, the places you go to, relationships like family, partner & friends, your ideas, your thoughts and so on are all sellable products.
Could be a Good Source of Income But You Need Thick Skin
Everyone who wants a career in the social media industry wants to be popular and to become ultimately an Influencer. An influencer as the name suggests is a person who can “Influence” the decisions of a large number of people commonly known as their Followers. This power over their followers usually gives the influencer rewards in social, political, and especially financial areas.
Kim Kardashian for example is paid $10,000 to Tweet about the services or products of her clients. She is by no means the highest. Her sister Khloe gets paid $13,000 to do the same thing. Kylie their other sister is paid $1.2 million for a single post in Instagram. These are examples of the creme of the crop but there are much lesser known individuals making good money doing the same.
This is not the sort of career for the thin skinned and the introverted as your private life and even your whole past life can be scrutinised by the general public and even be illegally disturbed and/or invaded. If however you do become one, get famous and ultimately become an influencer the rewards can be worth all your efforts.
How to be a an Influencer
So how does one become a social media personality. Anyone can be a social media personality. Just post the pictures and texts you want to be associated for in any and preferably all social media platforms and you are already a social media personality. The real question is: How does one become a Famous social media personality?
One method as previously mentioned is to post as much social media content as much as possible on all social media platforms and hope that one or more of your posts become Viral. This is a time consuming strategy especially if you do not have the resources to outsource your social media campaigns.
Many influencers and would be influencers also associate themselves to a cause, movement, or campaign that has social traction. For example when the “Black Lives Matter” campaign became famous many celebrities and even companies associated themselves with the motto in the hope of gaining a good image among the populace.
There are influencers that post controversial social media content in the hope that people would have divided opinion about the them and cause people to talk about the them. For example there are influencers that would have clothes with signs that vilify one group of people attracting both condemnation from the group but attracting followers who are against the group.
Many influencers also try to symbolise the dreams and aspirations of the crowd. Many influencers for example display extravagant lifestyles on their social media contents which attracts followers who desire the same extravagant lifestyle. Many people aspire to be this influencer because this is one of the most profitable niche in social media income.
There are influencers both female and male but predominantly female who use their physical looks to attract people to be their followers. This is most helpful to those who are physically attractive as they have to display a lot of visual content about their physical looks that can even border on the provocative and erotic.
There could be other ways influencers and would be influencers do to make them popular but the most basic thing to do is to just keep posting social media content otherwise you will become or stay invisible to the public.
Be Honest
Try to keep it real too. There is this story of this woman who tried to become popular by trying to create an image that she lives an extravagant lifestyle when she cannot afford it. She got into a lot of debt and did not even become famous. Take note that your social media content is public and people will judge you and eventually know your true persona if they dig hard enough.
Social media income can be very profitable and many are attracted to it because of the ease of entry into the business. The difficult thing about it is becoming famous, maintaining your public persona, as well as your close relation to the public who may treat your life as public property for everyone to consume.