Consumer Items Income Ideas

Soda Bottles Into Plastic Strings and Ribbons? Is It Worth It?
In the United States alone, 50 million plastic bottles are thrown away each day. This is according to the website Budget Dumpster (, a company involved in the garbage business...

Image: Courtesy of MorphCooker
To Whom Do I Sell Battery Powered Stoves With Lighting And Heating?
According to the Business Research Company, an industry reports company, the global electric stoves market grew from US$ 20.4 billion from 2021 to US$ 20.91 billion in 2022 with a dismal CAGR of only 2.5%. A discouraging news right?...

Selling Disposed Empty Packaging Boxes For Profit
If you are involved in some way to the buying and selling of collectible items such as toys, fashion items and related items, you would know that the packaging of the collectible item adds a lot to the resale value of that collectible item...

A Business Out Of Big And Small Inflatables
I’m not an American, but I do know of America’s Macys Thanksgiving Parade of which I believe the most noticeable draw or attraction are the giant inflatables which look like the most popular entertainment culture attractions in America...

Weights Bags Vs. Steel Weight Plates
I used to work for the logistics industry. I worked in the container shipping and container forwarding industry and have experience as well dealing with courier companies. By working in these sectors of the logistics industry, I gained knowledge of the intricacies of moving goods...

Canopy Covered Commercial Streets Of Japan And Its Opportunities
I have been watching YouTube videos which shows what Japanese life and culture is like. One of my favorite group of videos are the ones which show YouTubers videotape the different streets and places in Japan that they go to...

Make Money from Old Clothes
It is already hard to dispose of old clothes once you get tired of them, once they become unfashionable or get damaged. We usually resell, donate or make them into rags. With the advent of Fast Fashion the problem of disposing used clothes even get harder...

Making Money from Gift Ideas
Gift giving continuous to play a part in many occasions. We give gifts to the people we love and like and we even give gifts to ourselves. This is especially characterised in the celebration of Singles’ Day in China. As the name suggests single people buy presents for themselves and not for their partners. It is now the largest online shopping day in the world. A proof that people...
Making Money from Appliances
The most obvious thing to do is to rent out your new or old appliances especially if you are a landlord. Depreciation vs interest. Your appliance depreciates in value and even worse if you do not use them or just use them from time to time. If you rent out your appliances and put your earnings in the bank it would earn you interest income instead of them just sitting in...

Earn from Power Tools
Firstly unless you use your power tools full-time you should consider renting them out. During the weekdays we do our work and mostly rest in the evenings. Power tool projects are mostly done during the weekends when we have all day to work on our power tool projects...

Managing a Garage Sale
There will be a point in time when most people will outgrow many of the items they own. Clothes will become too small or too big to fit or are out of fashion. Children grow up and abandon their old toys for the currently trendy ones. Kitchen appliances become worn out and new ones are brought. These are just a few reasons why the things we own accumulate in due time...

Increasing Garage Sale Earnings
While garage sales will not make you rich they are a good source of extra income and helps you get rid of possessions you no longer need that are just taking up space in your place of residence. Maybe if you just put in a little more effort to your garage sale it would bring you more than you expect...

Be an Estate Sales Professional
An estate sale or estate liquidation is a sales process to dispose a large portion of an estate’s property. This is usually done when a person dies. The surviving family usually no longer needs the items owned by the deceased person and wants to dispose them. There are financial reasons too like when the owners of the items need a relatively large sum of money for a short...

How to Make Money as a Flea Market Vendor
Though I have never heard of any person becoming a millionaire by becoming a flea market vendor I have definitely read about people making full-time income from it. I read for example from a Quora subject titled How do people make a living from selling in flea markets? where people explained the hard work of flea market sales.