Business Income Ideas

Greeting Card Business: The Joker Greeting Cards Way
If you want explosive growth in profits for a business you’re planning to start, then the greeting cards business might not appeal to you.
Make no mistake, there is money in the greeting cards business: According to Business Wire, the industry has an estimated worth of USD 19.25 billion in 2022 and is expected to be worth USD 20.66 billion by 2030.
These numbers might seem big, but the CAGR is just 0.9%, which is way, way below most industry standards.
However, despite this, there are still entrepreneurs who’ve managed to not only thrive but become very profitable in the greeting cards business.
One of this is the Joker Greeting Cards company which sells prank greeting cards. Just to give an idea of how profitable the company has been, it is primarily staffed by one person only but still manages to earn USD 100,000 a month in gross sales.
However, this is not the important figure. I’m sure that you’re interested in this one-person company’s net sales. Well, as of 2019, its’s USD 30,000 a month or USD 360,000 a year which is an impressive amount considering that the average salary in the U.S. is USD 60,000 per year.
Here’s a few information about Joker Greeting Cards, maybe we would all learn a thing or two about its business model and how it managed to crack the greeting card business successfully.

Why a “SariSari” Store Could be a Good Business
In America and many other industrialized countries, big supermarkets have taken over from small general stores.
But if you think that supermarkets have spelled the end of general stores on a global basis, there are actually many countries around the world where small general stores are not only surviving, but are growing.
In the Philippines for example, there are sundry or general stores called “sarisari” stores that serve their immediate neighborhood. In fact, sarisari stores are right in the middle of supermarkets and their customers.
Usually, sarisari store owners buy their products from supermarkets and then resell them to the people in their immediate neighborhood.
If you’re planning to start a small business, perhaps you might need to consider a sarisari store business:

Starting a Successful Photocopy Business or Xerox Business
If you’re ever in the vicinity of a school or a government services institution, there is a high likelihood that you’ll see businesses offering photocopy or xerox services. This is because people who go to these institutions are likely to need photocopy or xerox services.
For example, government services institution always demand photocopied or xeroxed versions of your original personal documents. Schools too always demand their students to photocopy or xerox learning materials.
For example, our shop is near a school and students come to us to have their school records photocopied and xeroxed. There isn’t a day when someone avails of our photocopy or xerox services.
But for the most part, you need to complement your photocopy or xerox business with other business offerings in order to earn a full-time income.
Here’s a guide to successfully starting a photocopy or xerox business:

Selling at Flea Markets: 7 Steps to Achieve Success
Selling at flea markets is a good way to earn part or full-time income because you don’t need a lot of money to start one. Also, flea markets are mostly held only on weekends.
This allows you, the aspiring entrepreneur to still have regular jobs on weekdays and sell at flea markets on weekends or whenever you have free days.
Selling at flea markets might not need a lot of money to start and have a low barrier to entry, but don’t underestimate the knowledge, planning and effort needed to make it a successful business.
Here are a few steps to achieve success in selling at flea markets:

Gift Basket Business: 11 Steps to Start and Thrive
At a glance, a gift basket business might seem like a simple one. After all, it just requires repacking similar and even dissimilar products in a beautifully packaged container.
However, don’t let the simplicity of the gift basket business fool you, it already has a market size of USD 26.3 billion as of 2019, beating out much more capital intensive and complex industries.
Also, it has been predicted that the gift basket industry would grow to 60% of its current 2019 market size by 2026. The industry has a really bright outlook.
Maybe you’re interested now to start one, so here are a few steps to starting and thriving in the industry.

How to Become a Motivational Speaker: 11 Steps to Help You Succeed
According to PR Newswire, the global motivational speaking industry is forecasted to grow to 28.37 billion by 2025. It has a projected annual average growth of 14%. Any industry that has 10% or more growth is considered a very promising industry.
As of 2020, 33% of life coaches, which is another term for motivational speakers are in the US. There are 17,500 motivational speakers in the US.
From this figure, we have a rough estimate that by 2025: an average American motivational speaker would be earning about USD 500,000 per year.
Motivational speaking could be a good career for you especially if you are concerned with the earning potential of your career...

Do You Know How Important Is Your Customer Or Even What They Want?
There are so-called business coaches who foolishly teach that if you are interested in a particular idea/product, it proves that there is a demand for it and that you can make a business out of it. This is a very foolish way of thinking...

Tony Robbins: A man who can make “words” into million dollar products. What’s his secret?
In case you don’t know who is Tony Robbins, he is considered as one the most successful “Life Coach”. In case you’re not aware of what a life coach is, it is a person who counsels and encourages their clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges...

Can You Sell Scents On A Wholesale Basis To Companies?-Scent Marketing
Usually, when people hear about the “scent industry” what comes to mind for them are the small but expensive perfume bottles being sold individually in high end department stores and other luxury stores. But do you know that you can make good profit selling scents in bulk?... ...

Memberships Cards Have Been Very Profitable To Stores Like Costco And Starbucks. Should You Also Offer Membership Cards?
There are now plenty of articles and videos online stating that stores such as Costco, Walmart and especially Starbucks are not stores anymore that sell you physical products but have actually turned into profitable banks because of their membership card business ...

Do You Need To Introduce Private Label Products In Your Store?
Amazon, the monolithic e-commerce store which has virtually dominated the USA and is also threatening to dominate the global e-commerce industry has for some time already, profitably introduced its own private label products ...

Selling Your Company’s Second Hand Products
IMARC Group, an industry reporting website, reports that global secondhand luxury goods market size is US$ 28.3 billion in 2021. They expect the market to reach US$ 47.1 Billion by 2027...

Money From Selling Expiring And Expired Foods
Can money be made from selling expiring and expired food? The answer is a resounding “Yes but…” The reason there is the annoying word “but” after the “yes” answer is because expiring and expired food is not taken in a good light by many people...

Counterfeit Hunter Or Informer?
I already know that a lot of fashion goods like clothes, shoes, caps, perfume and similar products are being counterfeited and sold in many e-commerce websites. But being a non-buyer of fashion items, I was hardly concerned...

Decade Themed Vintage Shop Cum Coffee Shop And Book Reading Venue
When I was still living in Sydney, I used to sometimes go out at night to enjoy the city’s nightlife. And if you are ever in the business of providing nighttime entertainment, you would easily find out that there’s a lot of competition between the businesses offering nighttime entertainment...

What If McDonalds And Even You Follow The 7-Eleven Business Model?
McDonalds is the number one fast food franchise in the world. 7-Eleven is arguably the number one convenience store franchise in the world, if not, the most popular. There’s no denying that these two franchise companies are very profitable and popular...

Worldwide Online Souvenir Businesses
One of the things that tourists like to do when they travel either domestically or internationally is to buy souvenirs. They buy the souvenirs for themselves to remind them of their trip. Souvenirs are also used as giveaways by the tourist to their loved ones and acquaintances...

Food Vehicle Business
Along my journeys in life I have met many food vendors who do not have a physical restaurant yet manage to earn their livelihood from selling food. They peddle their food products on the streets and even directly go to the houses and offices of their long time customers. Each one uses a type of vehicle to assist them in selling their products on the road...

Dedicated Second Hand Store for Children
I have met many first time parents who are relatively young and not yet financially secure. Having a baby is a big task especially financially. As a new parent you firstly have to save up for hospitalisation fees when the baby first comes out and then spend a lot more for hospitalisation fees when the baby gets sick. ...

Acrylic Sheet Services Business
Acrylic (plastic) sheets as protection for humans and objects have long been a business. However the pandemic has shown to light their importance. Everyone is protecting themselves from each other. No wonder that the acrylic sheet industry is experiencing a boom. This trend is likely to continue as these preventive devices become permanent and become part of many security protocols...

Mobile Grocery Store Business
Mobile Grocery Store Businesses continue to exist and even thrive in the age of e-commerce and online grocery delivery services. They primarily cater to areas that are not served by brick and mortar grocery stores, e-commerce retailers and online delivery services. They primarily serve areas where the grocery suppliers cannot justify operating costs...

What Are The Things To Consider When Investing In A Software Company?
According to the Corporate Finance Institute, the combined value of FAANG stocks as of October 18, 2022 is US$ 3 trillion. FAANG stocks are Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google...

Developing A Software Vs. A Physical Product?
The decade of the 80’s saw the rise of computer program industry or more prominently known as “software” industry. Within a short span of time, many of the world’s top billionaires came from the ranks of the software industry...

Custom Built Software
I worked for 2 companies in the Philippines selling off-the-shelf accounting softwares which markets them to both small and big companies. We had difficulty selling them. The usual complaints from the companies we were selling them is that the off-the-shelf softwares we were selling does not conform to their company accounting processes and were also expensive...

Programming as a Career
I studied Electronics Engineering originally but I was captivated more by computers but most specifically programming. I was fascinated by the idea of creating softwares that would be used by many people bringing me a sense of accomplishment and maybe also the thought of a good financial reward...

Contract Services in Hotel Housekeeping
I would impart my experiences and knowledge of being an On Call Hotel Housekeeper in Australia which might prove to be helpful to someone who wants to earn money by being a full-time hotel employee or an on call one who might later open up his own business of providing housekeeping staff to hotels and other lodging places...

Office Pantry Cleaning Services
All the companies I worked for in Australia do not have a dedicated person doing cleaning for the office pantry. Most times it is assigned to employees who do not like doing the job. There are others that voluntarily cleanup the pantry after a meal but they are the minority. This is not good for company morale. No one likes being forced to do something they do not want to do...

Office Pantry Supplies
Paperwork related items like bond paper, ball pens, pencils, erasers, folder, staples and so on are getting less and less bought by companies as computers take over in the office. Food pantry supplies like water, coffee, tea, milk, sugar and if supplied cookies and crackers are always a constant. They boost company morale and productivity...

Sell Art to Companies
When I worked for a big finance company I noticed that the walls were decorated with paintings who I later discovered were the works of artists known in the art industry. Expensive art pieces such as figurines and statues also decorate our company’s boardrooms, showroom and other major rooms in our building...

Sell Scale Models to Companies
When I worked for a container shipping company they had a scale model of one of their ships near the entrance to the office. Many people who visited the office were impressed by it. They even asked questions such as: “Is the scale model a faithful replica of the actual ship?” and “Who made the scale model and how much is it worth?” ...

Catering Planner
I remember during every Melbourne Cup in Australia which is held every first Tuesday of November most companies would pause work to watch on television or hear on radio this nationally observed horse racing event...

Miniature Vending Machines
We have a refrigerator sized soda vending machine in our small office with about 23 employees including management. It is hardly used with approximately less than 10 sodas bought in a month. A soda vending machine costs between $3,000 refurbished to $5,000 brand new. This is already a steep investment in capital...

How Can You Profit From An In-Person Networking/Meetup Business?
Do you know that according to the job site Zippia: You’re 24% more likely to gain new customers through in-person networking as opposed to online networking? That’s right, even in the age of online networking it’s still in-person networking that gains more customers...

Should You Allocate More Time To Your Question And Answer Portion When You Make A Presentation?
Usually, when people make their presentations, they usually concentrate on maximizing their time delivering their speech, sales pitch and so on. Usually, they spend only a few minutes for the question and answer portion of their presentation which leads to their failure...

Being Comfortable During Events
Events can take a long time from start to finish. There are events where you have to listen to speakers for hours even the whole day or even for a span of several days. The longer the event is the more you get stressed out even if you listen to the speakers while sitting in the chair. Sitting in a chair can get very uncomfortable after a while...

Where to Get Ideas for Motivational Speaking
There are plenty of reasons why people turn to motivational speakers. Life as we know it is full of obstacles. Many obstacles are so easy to solve that we hardly take notice of them but some are so big that they paralyse people’s life. Sometimes many small obstacles combine together to form a big obstacle which also has the same paralysing effect...

Online Job Board Business
I search for online jobs almost daily and one thing I noticed is the large number of job boards online. There are the usual recruitment sites and freelancing sites as well as boutique sites that offer specialised jobs like sites dedicated entirely to writing jobs. You can also offer this service in full or in part in your own website....

Job Search Assistance
There was a time in your life or several times in your life when you have to look for a job. Unless you own a business outright when you started earning in life or someone hired you outright without you having to express your desire to find a job then you have experienced looking fo a job...

Recruiting Doctors and Patients
Being a doctor could be one of the best careers one can get. Doctor jobs not only get paid on average higher than most other workers but they also get the chance to possibly save people’s lives which is very fulfilling. Patients or those people suffering from lifelong medical conditions on the other hand have the disadvantage of not only living a life of pain but also probably of financial...

Snap On Steel Toe Safety Caps
When I was young, I used to do very physically demanding jobs. These jobs often necessitate that I do some heavy lifting. I used to do these jobs in Australia where there are strict work safety regulations...

A Stay In Workforce?
In many parts of the world, especially in developing countries where the employment rules are not so stringent, there are still jobs where workers stayed in the companies that they are working for...

One Man is Automating the Packaging Process in His Factory
Used to work in a factory making personal care products. I created hair gels, shampoos, conditioners, moisturisers, cologne, perfumes and so on. I created them all by myself from the gathering of the ingredients from the warehouse, mixing of the ingredients using industrial mixers and scales, and cooking the products into large industrial sized vats...

Millionaire Insurance Agent
When I working at a financial institution in my 20s a lady insurance agent tried to sell me insurance. She was in her early 40s. She said she quit her job as an employee of a bank to become a freelance insurance agent. She said she earns more and is free to do with her time as she pleased. She was nice and courageous. She knew our company also sells insurance but she still...

Some Costs You Need To Consider When You Price Your Products
We used to have a small store which my parents and I operate. My mother was in charge and she was the one who decided on how much the products we sold should be priced. Being mainly a small retail business, the costing was quite simple...

Tax Deductibles for Online Content Creators
Online Content Creation is a business and if things go in your favour then you will earn income. If you instead lose money you might get assistance and tax breaks from the government. However if your business does make money you have to pay taxes. With taxes come tax deductibles that could lessen the money you owe to the government. Here are some of them:...

Suppliers as Your Friend
As you start and continue to run your business you develop acquaintances along the way. No one creates a successful business alone. You will need help in order for your business to succeed or even just to survive. One of the acquaintances you really need to develop a close relation with is your supplier. For one without the products they supply to your business your business...

"Colonel" Sanders-KFC
One of the most recognisable man in the world. His face adorns the delicious KFC chicken meals we all like. This old man with his trademark spectacles, white moustache & goatee, his black western bow tie and neatly pressed white suit is a symbol of the never give up against all odds attitude...

Ray Kroc- McDonalds
Although Raymond Albert Kroc or Ray Kroc (born October 5, 1902 and died January 14, 1984) did not start the fast food chain McDonalds he nevertheless was responsible for making it what it is today. The founders of McDonalds namely Richard and Maurice McDonald were not so keen in making McDonalds a fast food giant and satisfied with what they have accomplished...