
How to Watch Out For Job Scams
Scammers these days are very sophisticated and convincing. If you think all scammers are headquartered in dingy places and are composed mainly by poor and uneducated people, think again!
Many scams these days are operated like sophisticated legal businesses with plenty of capital and are staffed by educated and even rich people. One of the targets of scammers are job hunters, knowing that they are likely desperate to find jobs, making them vulnerable to scams.
Scammers can advertise jobs in the same way honest employers do: online thru ads, job sites, and social media, or in newspapers, and sometimes even on TV and radio. They offer you a fake job, in the hopes of stealing your money and personal information.
Here are some examples of jobs scams and how to avoid them...

Fake It Till You Make It: Is It Really Alright to Do So?
There are people who fake it till they make it. We can use card players as an example. Let’s say a group of people are playing poker, would a person holding a bad deck of cards show in their face that they have a bad deck of cards?
Let’s also take the competitive world of boxing or mixed martial arts. Would a boxer or mixed martial artist signal to their opponent that they are hurting and is just about ready to be knocked out?
But these are good example of fake it till you make it. There are also bad examples like when you hide to your investors that your business which they invested in is losing money and you instead deceive them by telling them that your business is running well.
Even governments engage in fake it till you make it strategy. For example, many governments would tell their citizens that they are winning a war when it truth they are losing. This might be a gray area when it comes to ethics as government don’t want their citizens to lose faith in them.
Simply put, there are instances in life when it is permissible to fake it till you make it. The idea being that you are not causing harm to the people you are trying to convince:

Changing Careers in 12 Proven Steps
There are many reasons why you may want to change careers. Usually, its all about money and dissatisfaction with one’s present career.
Your career change might be as serious as switching industries, like from being an entertainer to a doctor.
It might also mean switching jobs within the same industry, like from being an insurance sales agent in the finance industry to being an investments sales agent in the finance industry.
But whatever the reasons and kind of career change you want to implement for yourself, you should first think it over and plan your career change move.
This might mean still doing for a little more time the career you are no longer interested in or even hate.
Here are proven steps in changing careers:

Working 2 Jobs: 6 Steps to Success
Just like having two or more college degrees, having two jobs is fast becoming the norm for many. Usually, it’s the money that motivates people to have two jobs at once.
This is understandable considering that for many, salaries have barely increased for years while the cost of goods have risen dramatically.
But there are other benefits to having two or more jobs at the same time: it looks better in your resume and makes you less dependent on any of your employers. Also, it allows you to meet more people which further establishes your business and social network.
However, if you’re not careful, you’ll end up stressing yourself and straining your relationships with family and friends. More importantly, you might even end up jeopardizing your employment status with your main employer.
Here is a list of steps to successfully manage two or more jobs:

Coding as a Career: 7 Important Information You Need to Know
Coding as a career still remains as one of the fastest and highest paying jobs, at least as far as the United States (US) is concerned.
While most jobs in the US are projected to grow by about 5% from 2021 to 2031, computer and information technology jobs are projected to grow by as much as 15%, this is according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS).
While it is hard to get hard data from the rest of the world, it can easily be predicted that computer and information technology jobs in other countries are also growing by a fast rate as well, given the rapid digitization of the world.

How to Find the Job You Love: 15 Questions to Ask Yourself
Your job makes up a great deal of your life. You spend on average between 40 to 48 hours a week on your job, or a minimum of 36% of your waking hours each week. You also spend more than 4 decades of your lifetime in a job.
If you hated your jobs, it would be a very miserable life for you. There are employees who are so miserable in their jobs that they have resorted to alcoholism, drug addiction and other vices to make their jobs temporarily bearable.
This is why if you are just starting out on your career, or are already in a career, it might be time to find a job you love, for your health and sanity’s sake...

Sales as a Career: 17 Important Facts You Should Consider
Many people stay away from salespersons. They don’t even have plans of becoming one. But sales as a career is a very profitable and rewarding career if you are the right person for the job.
Many people have become heads of companies and even became extremely rich because of their career in sales.
If you think about it, everyone is involved in sales. From employees who sell their skill to their employers to heads of companies selling the products and/or services of their companies

Retirement Is Boring: 11 Things To Do To Have a Happy Retirement
Being retired at 46 almost a decade ago, I am now living the life and in the company of people who are in their 60s and even older who are just living the life of a retired person.
I observed that many retired people don’t know what to do with their excess free time and are bored at times.
I experienced this too but found ways of relieving my boredom by being productive and finding a purpose beyond the work that I used to do before retiring

How to Network: 13 Easy Actions You Should do First
Networking is very difficult especially if you are shy. It’s not easy developing connections with people especially if you are thinking of doing business with them.
But there are a few easy actions that you could do to attract people instead of them being attracted to you.
In some of these actions, you might do a little bit of approaching people, but you won’t necessarily force contact with them...

How To Choose A Degree
One of the most important decision a person would make in their life is choosing their college degree. A normal college degree course takes between four to five years and costs a lot of money depending on which country you happen to live in...

How To Find A Job
An overwhelming majority of people need money, and in this society, one usually needs a job in order to have money. In fact, this is the main reason why children go to school: to learn a particular skill that would enable them to get a job that would in turn earn them money...

Why Do People Dislike You Almost Instantly?
Most people don’t dislike other people instantly. Usually, people reserve their judgement upon meeting a person for the first time and then wait to know a person a little more before deciding to consciously or unconsciously like or dislike them...

Anything Wrong With American And British Kids Wanting To Be YouTubers Rather Than Astronauts?
During 2019, a survey conducted on 3,000 children from the US, UK and China by Ars Technica which was sponsored by the LEGO company revealed that US and UK children would rather be YouTubers than astronauts when they grow up...

Can Hope Be A Profitable Product?
Let’s face it, for the vast majority of people living on earth, life can be very hard and dangerous. For example, according to Statistics Time, nearly 2 people die every second. That’s right, during your 15 minute coffee break, about 1,800 people would have died...

What Can You Do To A Jealous Person?
Jealous people can be very dangerous. There are people who have actually harmed and even murdered people they’re jealous with. The issue of jealousy is especially relevant today where indulging in social media is a very popular activity...

Do You Have Real Friends?
What is the lowest kind of friendship if you can even call it friendship? You may think that just because you share the same hobby or likes with someone, or just because you spend a lot of time with them like being your co-workers or team mates, they’re your friends...

What Are Some Stupid Reasons You Can Get Fired?
According to Zippia, a career website: 40% of Americans have been fired from their job in their lifetime. Also, in 2020 alone in Asia: 81,000,000 jobs were lost during the pandemic according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). ...

Could You Turn To Begging As A Last Resort? Could You Get Rich Off Begging?
According to invisible People a nonprofit organization assisting the homeless: beggars or panhandlers generally on average make US$ 8.00 to US$ 15.00 an hour. This statistic is for the US market. Others bring in significantly more than this, but in other days it could be nothing. ...

Is A College Degree Right For You?
According to an October 13, 2021 report by CNBC titled: More education doesn’t always get you more money, report finds: “Roughly 16% of high school grads earn more than many workers with a college degree. ...

What Is The Mindset Of An Employee With A Side Hustle Turned Business Owner? Are You Really Better Of As A Business Owner?
According to a June 7, 2022 article by Zapier, an automation software company: one in three Americans have a side hustle. According to them also, 24% of all Americans plan to have a side hustle ...

Why Do Many Companies Want To Replace You With Machines/ Robots/ Automation? What Can You Do About It?
According to Allied Market Research, an Industry Reports website that regularly ranks at the top of the article list in the Google Search Engine: “The global industrial robotics market size was $37,876.0 million in 2020. It is expected to reach $116,848.7 million by 2030, with a CAGR of 11.7% from 2021 to 2030.” ...

Do You Need To Know Your Hobbies And Monetize Them?
According to popular industry reporting website Statista: On a global basis, the Toys, Hobby & DIY segment is projected to grow by 10.52% between 2022 to 2027 resulting in a market volume of US$ 994.80 billion by 2027 ...

Does Gender Pay Inequality Exist In The Modeling And Sports Industry?
There are many advocates for equal pay for the female gender. But how do they explain that female models still vastly outearn male models? According to Fortune the average salary of a female model is US$ 41,300 annually which is 148% more than male models. ...

Is Your Child A Born Entrepreneur?
Behavioral Science, Psychology, and Statistical Analysis are just some of the science disciplines/tools being used today to predict a person’s probable future. There are even scientific studies that monitor a person’s progress from childhood to adulthood ...

Can Recessions Be Good For Your Business?
It’s no big secret that during recessions or just plain bad economic times many people become price conscious beyond anything else. For example, during America’s recession of 2008, McDonalds actually opened an additional 600 stores while other companies scaled back ...

Success in Finding A Job, Increasing Sales, and Growing a Business by Just Doing a Little Bit More
Business Owners usually begin as employees of some other business owner. Along the way, they improve their sales skills in selling themselves or a product until they eventually become a successful business owner themselves...

Do You Have To Be Selective With Whom You Associate With In Order To Succeed?
Everyone knows that business success depends a great deal on your business connections as well as social connections. But don’t get the idea that I’m trying to persuade you to abandon your friends in exchange for your well connected business friends ...

Am I Materialistic? How Does It Affect My Life?
Being materialistic affects many facets of your life. This includes your career and financial situation. Most importantly, it affects how you interact with people in society and how they interact with you ...

Competitive Analysis Should Be All Inclusive
Analyzing your business competitors is very important in every stage of your business. When you are still planning to start your business, you need to know first if you have a chance of beating your already established or not so established business competitors ...

6 Businesses That Never Fail According To Codie Sanchez
Before anything else, this is the link to Codie Sanchez’s YouTube Video titled: “Businesses that Never Fail? 6 Businesses with Amazingly Low Failure Rates [Backed by Data]”. ...

How You Became Expendable As A Worker
Before becoming a self-employed person, I was a long-time employee of several companies in two countries. I was lucky enough not to be terminated from any of the companies I worked for...

Are You At Your Earning Peak Already?
For many employed people, annual salary increases are their perceived increase in earning power. Many companies have been using annual salary increases to entice their employees to stay on with them...

Morning, Midday Or Evening Person?
Each person has their own preferences when it comes to a working schedule. Most work experts like to categorize a person as either a morning or an evening person. But I like to add a third, which is the midday person...

Should You Trust Online Experts? Should You Be One?
In the age of the internet, everybody can become a teacher. This is because everyone knows something that is unique to their education and experience which they can share to anyone. And the internet makes this sharing of knowledge possible...

Easy And Inexpensive Ways To Avoid Being Bored With Work
Many people are bored with their work. This is a genuine fact and is a problem for both employees and employers. Considering that work is a major part of one’s life, it is important that boredom be at least alleviated if not eliminated as it can have negative long term impact to both employees and employers...

‘Starting A Business’ Advice I Would Have Told My Younger Self
I am just starting out my own business so pretty much like you, I am also feeling my way towards one. However, I have personally seen many people succeed in starting a profitable business. This includes my mother. I would try to tell you the things I learned from them. Maybe, you could get some pointers from them...

Career Advise I Would Have Told My Younger Self
When I got sick and had to stay at home, this gave me the time to think about income sources that can be done from home. What I found out is that it is hard to start a home based business and make it profitable. My advice to my younger self: ”Start thinking about a home based job or income while you are still working for a company”...

Forced to Retire Because of Your Age
There is a terrifying age in every unemployed worker’s life where companies find them too old to be given a job and where they are also too young to receive a pension. This is a bleak situation for many older workers and this is getting more and more common. You should consider this possibility happening to you and prepare for such a terrible event...

What are the Life Stages of Entrepreneurship?
The short answer is “At Every Point in Life”. Many people want to own their own profitable business dreaming of fame and fortune that usually comes with owning one. However life presents many obstacles and distractions that people delay being one until the thought totally disappears in one’s mind. Let us study the varying periods of entrepreneurship...

Lack of Direction is the Problem Not Lack of Time or Funds
“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days”. Quote from Zig Ziglar. Hilary Hinton "Zig" Ziglar (November 6, 1926 – November 28, 2012) was an American author, motivational speaker and salesperson. He popularised the beforementioned quote. However I would also add not lack of Funds to the quote...

Luck in Life
There are many so called self help gurus and experts who claim that everything is achievable in life as long as you do not give up and follow a certain method which is preferably the methods that they teach. Many of them especially teach that financial and societal success can be had no matter what your status is in life. But how reliable are these people who promise that nothing is impossible in life?...

Retirement is Boring and You Need to be Online
Having to be forced to stop working in my late 40s by failing health I am now living the life comparable to a retired person. Technically a retired person is a person who has reached the age of retirement. This age varies from 60 to 70 in many countries. You can also retire even if you have not reached the specified age but is financially stable enough to take care of yourself...

When It Is Time To Leave Your Job?
There are many reasons why you should leave your job even if you have been working for the company for several years already. Many say that you should leave your job when you are unhappy with your job or company. However there would be instances also where even though you enjoy your job or company you should need to leave. Here are a few main reasons:...