Earning Money Playing Video Games
Many people play video games for fun and is a very popular entertainment for many especially the young. But if one is serious enough they can also earn money from it with a little more effort than just playing the video games. Many people for example are entertained by watching other people play video games and entertainment is a marketable product.
Be a Professional E-Sports Player
Straight up the best answer is to be a professional esports player and win lots of money and get famous. Korea and China for example are good places for these esports players where they are treated as celebrities but it has become such a global thing that there are many players around the world as well.
Of course not anyone can be an esports players as you have to enter qualifying competitions first and win against other aspiring esports players. This means that you not only play video games for long hours at a time and win at it but it also means you have to study the video game as well which could mean looking online for example for tips on how to win faster but earn more points.
Esports have made a few people famous and richer and that is why many people are getting serious about it. There are even esports training schools which trains people to become professional esports players. This proves that there is a demand for such services. Even if you are not on the same level as a professional esports player however in gaming skills you can still offer this service.
If you want to make money earning video games you should also develop a business mindset while enjoying video games. A champion Fortnite player for example who has won a lot of money playing the game remarked in an interview that he was more interested in winning the prize money than enjoying the game itself. As you can see he has a business mindset.
The first thing you have to do is to concentrate on a video game that offers prize money. There are a lot of choices nowadays. Simply search for the Google keyword “list of esports games” and you will find many articles detailing the top esports games. Select the game that preferably you are very good at and gives you the highest chances of becoming an esports player.
This is the best move to make if your primary interest is to earn money playing video games. If however you have no interest at all in the game you choose then your motivation could suffer. But with the many e-sports games available this is not likely a problem if you are a real gamer. Take note that you also need to study the best players in the game even the amateur ones.
The reason for this is to gauge your chances of winning in head to head competition in esports. You also have to play a video game for hours on end and not just play it whenever you like it. For professional gamers playing games is work and they have regular schedules and set hours for playing and studying games. The hours spent per day could be a minimum of 8 hours to an entire day.
Sell Game Accounts and/or In-Game Items
You can sell your video game account once you have achieved a certain level where other gamers would be attracted to buy your video game account probably because they do not have the skill or the desire to play long hours to achieve the video game level you have achieved.
Searching the Google keyword “how to sell game accounts online” and also looking at YouTube videos would give you a lot of information on how to do it. You can also sell in-game items you have collected while playing video games. You should take note of which video games allow this as there are video game companies that do not allow such transactions.
Be a Video Game Streamer
Even if you are not a very good video game player you can still make money while still playing video games. Of course almost every gamer knows Twitch the video game streaming platform. This platform allows you to earn money by letting you broadcast online your video game playing activities.
If you could entertain your online audience so much that they are willing to give you money through Twitch, Patreon, donations, buying your merchandise and so on then you could earn money depending on the generosity of your online audiences. This is not an easy path though. Many video game streamers might broadcast online for sometimes years and still not get enough earnings worth their effort. This is a natural fact in the online content business.
Video Game Tester
This is a job where you literally get paid to play games. However this is not some cushy job where you play video games for hours on end and just report if you like or not like the whole video game or its contents. Since most of these games are in the prototype stages you will be playing video games with many bugs which may not be enjoyable.
This job is very specific and is available for a few people only as well and you might face tough competition from other applicants who want to do the job. Many online articles state that it is not really a regular job with high pay. You might also not enjoy the video game you are assigned to test. Also having to report your findings about the video game could seem like a chore or a school assignment rather than a fun activity.
Be a Video Game Teacher
The third way to earn money while still playing video games is to teach people how to play the video game and win at it. You might still be playing the video game to demonstrate your knowledge but more often than not you will be in the backseat coaching your clients as they play the video game.
This is a knowledge transfer so you should bear in mind the possibility that your clients will become teachers themselves once they obtained your video game knowledge. Thus you should study your pricing carefully and gauge how much your knowledge is worth. Once your knowledge is transferred to another person it can literally becomes a free product.
The trick is to keep learning yourself. Continue to train and master the video games you are teaching as well as new ones. For example the most popular hand to hand combat games like Mortal Kombat continue to introduce new characters per release. You should update to these new characters as well and market your mastery of these new characters.
None Playing Earning Opportunities
You can also earn from video games by programming the video games but this is more development than play. You could be a graphics artist and test how the characters in the video games look while moving but this is again more work than play. There are still other ways to earn money by being a cosplayer for example but this is not playing anymore but work.
There are just a few ways to make money while still playing video games. You either have to be a professional esports player, a streamer, or a teacher. You can be all of them however and maximise your earning potential. If you cannot be at least one of these you can get jobs and activities related to gaming and with the money you earn play video games your way.