Plants Income Ideas

How Can You Profit From Vegetable, Herb and Fruit Scraps?
According to the food experts at, a culinary website: 50% of fruit and vegetables are wasted every year, and up to one-third of vegetables could be wasted in the preparation process alone ...

Is Growing Duckweed or Water Lentils Profitable?
A lot of people have been benefiting from duckweed. Many even create businesses based entirely on duckweed. Even the show ”The Doctors” featured duckweed powder in their show. Here is a link to the YouTube video: What’s the Real Deal: Duckweed?. ...

Water Hyacinth As Food, Fuel And Livelihood
Depending on which part of the world you live, you may or may not have already seen a Water Hyacinth. In other parts of the world, they are also known as Water Lilies, but the correct term should be water hyacinth ...

Selling Dried Leaves And Other Dried Plant Parts
If you have ever grown any plants or even trees, you would know that the leaves of your plants and trees dry up and fall off on a regular basis. In fact, there are trees that shed all their leaves during some seasons ...

Aloe Vera And The Many Forms It Is Being Sold
About a couple of months ago, I got into an accident. Boiling water spilled to many parts of my body. I got severe skin burns. I was lucky that my mother grew a lot of Aloe Vera plants. She put the gels of these plants in my skin burns as first aid ...

The Economics Of Recycling Cooking Oil
There is no doubt that cooking oil is a normal item in one’s grocery list. Fried food is one of the regular dishes served in many households and especially in many restaurants. Simply put, it is hard for you to get away from not using cooking oil...

Profiting By Peeling And Slicing Fruits And Vegetables
I first noticed this kind of product when my niece brought home a plastic bag full of sliced vegetables. There were sliced string beans, eggplants, pumpkins and other vegetables which made up a certain vegetable dish our household regularly cooks...

Profiting From Banana Peels
I watched a YouTube video a long time ago on how to extract potassium from Bananas. It’s from the YouTube Channel named Cody’s Lab. To make a long story short, I got a little bit disappointed with all the burning process needed just to extract the potassium in the banana...

Money from Coffee Husk
This is primarily helpful for you if you have access to the actual coffee plant itself. This is because you can market not only the coffee beans but the coffee skins or the husks as well. With the price of coffee beans going down, selling coffee husks might just be what you need...

How to Earn Money from Rice Husks
After harvesting rice, many farmers just let their rice husks rot or burn them. This is very unfortunate as rice husks have many uses. They can be used to make paper packaging, fertilizer, charcoal, animal feed and so on. A rice farmer or someone who have access to rice husks stand to make money if they can properly sell them to the right customers...

Serpentina for Profiting and Saving
In our house we have a plant called serpentina. Some people from our neighborhood would from time to time seek our permission to pick up leaves from the plant. It was a useful herbal plant. It healed my persistent cough problem and recently I learned that it is good for the proper functioning of your brain...

A Business from Gumweed
I recently came across The Gumweed plant as I was researching how to produce fuel from plants. The US government actually seriously researched the possibility of using gumweed as jet fuel because of its properties. Besides this information there are also people who make money selling gumweed and its byproducts...