What Your Body Produces Income Ideas

Make Money Selling Hair
The obvious way one can make money selling their hair is by selling it to hair buyers who then sell it to wig making companies who turn them into wigs and hair extensions. There is still no cure for baldness and hair loss is a major problem for many people. One American woman successfully sold her hair for $1000 proving how valuable one’s hair can be to others...

Earning Money from Your Skin
Our skin covers our entire body and comprises a large surface area and we can potentially make a lot of money by displaying it to other people especially if we have smooth and near perfect skin complexion. It also helps if you are some sort of a celebrity as your persona can add greatly to your earnings...

Money from Toenail
Unfortunately there is not much demand for toenails as they are more of a nuisance rather than a commercially valuable product. Those who buy toenails are usually toenail fetishists...

Make Money from Breast Milk
Selling human female breast milk has been going on for quite a while now on a global basis. I have seen internet articles some dating as way back as 2011 discussing the donation or commercial sale of breast milk...

How to Make Money from Sperm Donation
This is not easy to do as movies would have you believe. The movie scenes where a female medical employee simply hands you a small plastic container for you to put your sperm on together with some pornographic magazines and then guides you to a room where you ejaculate sperm and hand it over to the counter then collect your cash is all fantasy...

How to Make Money from Blood Donation
Making money from donating your blood can be very difficult as there is generally a glut in the market. Many blood donation organisations do not pay donors but might give them gift giveaways like cheap t-shirts...

Make Money from Woman Eggs
The purpose of this article is not to convince women that they could make a lot of money from selling their eggs but to explain the egg donation business and its effects to women donors. I hope this article will help women decide if they want to be an egg donor especially that donating eggs for money is getting popular online and being advertised in social media...

Making Money from Fecal Transplant
A fecal transplant is a procedure where gut bacteria is extracted from the feces of a healthy person and is given to a sick person to cure their illness. The gut bacteria is usually delivered to the sick person either as an enema, in nasal tubes or in capsule form...

Selling Bone Marrow
Medical donation is a controversial issue in the US and implementation of the law boils down to the individual states. Bone marrow donation is included in this category. The bone marrow is a renewal part of humans just like blood which differentiates it from other organs like the heart or the kidneys. Both of which cannot be renewed again by the human body when lost...

Make Money as a Test Subject
Product developers initially use human substitutes like lab rats to research and develop their products. At some point however products meant for humans will be tested on actual humans to determine their real world effectivity and safety. This is especially true for personal care and medical products...

How to Make Money Being a Surrogate Mother
Surrogacy is a controversial issue and countries differ in how they implement surrogacy laws. For example For-Profit Surrogacy is banned in such countries like Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, UK. In Australia it is banned in all states except in the Northern Territory but they all allow some form of Altruistic Surrogacy....

Making Money with Urine
If you are a male the chances of you making money from your urine is dismal. Think about it. Every human produces urine and urinate several times a day. There is a glut of it and even if urine becomes valuable there will be stiff competition that this would drive the price down for you...

Make Money from Human Excreta or Human Waste
Biogas can be extracted from human and animal waste as well as from many decomposing materials. There are many communities for example in Africa where the villagers build together with experts in biogas construction centralised septic tanks with biogas extraction capabilities...