Advertising Income Ideas

Ads And Media Content On Stairs And Escalators
Let’s cut to the chase. If you do an image search for example using the keywords: ”ads on stairs” you would be shown plenty of images about stairs and escalators with advertisements in them...

Selling Advertisements On Trains, Buses And Tunnels Infrastructure
Advertising revenues are astounding. Google and Facebook for example have become the most richest tech companies and for that matter in terms of global companies in the world. This is largely because they derive their billions in ad earnings...

Roving Advertising And The Taxi Business
I was doing my usual surfing online when I came upon this article from the Financial Review. It was titled: “P2P Transport to spend $17m with Telstra to make taxis roving digital billboards.”...

Advertisements On Disposable Coffee Cups
I was watching videos on YouTube about young entrepreneurs pitching to venture capitalists when one pitch intrigued me. Normally, the venture capitalist pitching videos I see on YouTube are about pitches for software businesses or request for scientific research funding...

Capitalizing On Patriotism
For good or bad, patriotism is a force to be reckoned with. It has propelled once failed nations such as Japan and China to worldwide prominence. Businesspeople frequently use patriotism to sell their products. You can also use patriotism to your advantage...

Physical Advertising Business
Philanthropists fund the expansion of hospitals and university building wings and even entire buildings. What do they get in return for their expensive contributions to hospitals, universities and other organisations? It is usually a plaque or a statue in the building that was constructed to commemorate their contribution. This is advertising...

Ad Space on Your House
I just remembered a former co-employee of mine in the Philippines who is nearly financially independent. He works a normal office job but his house is a mere 5 minute walking distance from the company we work for which enables him to save on transportation and meal costs plus this enables him to have plenty of time to rest and get more time for his family...

Earning Money from Your Skin
Our skin covers our entire body and comprises a large surface area and we can potentially make a lot of money by displaying it to other people especially if we have smooth and near perfect skin complexion. It also helps if you are some sort of a celebrity as your persona can add greatly to your earnings...