Anne Moss: Make Millions Online By Scaling Up Your Blog
Meet Anne Moss a millionaire blogger. In case you’re wondering how much she earns per year, she earns close to US$ 2,400,000 per year on her portfolio of 25 websites. This figure is from an interview made on her by the YouTube Channel Niche Pursuits.
In case you’re interested in watching this YouTube interview of her, it’s one hour and eight minutes long but is worth the time. The title of the YouTube video is: How Anne Moss Earns $200K Per Month From A Portfolio of 25 Sites & 5 Million Monthly Pageviews.
As you can see based from the title alone that she’s indeed a millionaire. US$ 200,000 multiplied by 12 months does equate to US$ 2,400,000 per year. But according to her, there’s no magic formula to why they’re so financially successful.
According to her, their successful blogging business is the result of meticulous business planning and execution. If you actually watched her YouTube interview, you would actually know that they made the bulk of their income during the pandemic.
Usually, a blogging business starts out as more of a hobby or an experiment. Many people actually start blogging just to see if their blogging efforts would produce some positive results. Some of these so-called positive results could be: becoming famous or earning money.
Of course this two go hand-in-hand, the more your blog gets known the more you become famous and become more financially rewarded. In the case of Anne Moss, she’s more financially rewarded than famous.
So, you usually begin a blog by yourself and start blogging. After your one man blogging business becomes profitable, then you start scaling up and hire other writers to write your blogs for you.
At this stage, you’re just doing quality control by evaluating what the writers you hired wrote. This could be as little as checking for grammatical errors to outright changing what the writers you hired wrote.
At this stage also, you usually give the writers you hired a writing format as well as what to write. This could mean as little as giving them the subject matter to write including the title up to giving them instructions on what to write for each segment of the blog post they’re writing.
In the case of Anne Moss’ million dollar blogging business, she not only employs writers but also hires editors, a financial analyst/accountant as well as a legal expert. According to Anne Moss, the people in her payroll is composed of 50 people.
That’s right, her million dollar blogging business is not your average mom and pop blogging business but a professionally set up business staffed with more people that can be found in an average small office or factory.
The job of her editors is to manage the writers. This means that her editors check the writing quality of the writers. They also check if the writers are following the writing format set about by Anne Moss.
The financial analyst/accountant of course takes up the financial aspect of the business including the monitoring of the profit each of Anne Moss’ websites make per month. The legal expert in turn ensures that the business is always compliant with the law.
Anne Moss and her husband meanwhile still approves the final draft of the blog posts written each day and every end of the month evaluate the financial performance of each of their blogs and make adjustments to the failing blogs if necessary.
All in all, her blogging business churns out 1000 blog posts a month. This means her writers churn out almost 33 blog posts a day for her 25 blog sites. This means each of her blog sites is updated daily with one or two blog posts.
According to her, all of her websites average approximately 5,000,000 pageviews per month. This means that each of her website averages approximately 200,000 pageviews on a monthly basis.
This means that each of her website has a daily pageview number of about 6,667 views. This numbers just mean that her blog sites are popular to get more than 6667 views per day. This must be due to quality of the SEO strategy as well as blog quality of these blogs.
Anne Moss didn’t start out to be a blogger. Yes, she did set up a website but it was not a blog website. She actually started out a forum website. She had the idea to set up a forum website after noticing that there was a niche unfilled by forum websites.
Her forum website was eventually bought from her by a company that professionally run online sites. The company paid Anne Moss a percentage of the profits as per their agreement. After a few years, the same company resold the company to her.
Having tasted success in the online business market, she decided to setup blog sites which coincidentally timed with the pandemic. Because her husband was housebound, the husband and wife team had more chance to plan their blogging business.
According to Anne Moss, her husband was the analytical part of the team being an engineer by training. They first decided on an income amount which they think would be profitable enough for them to go full-time with a blogging business.
Then her husband calculated the number of blogs they have to setup as well as the predicted income each blog website would provide them. From these figures, they calculated how many staff they would need as well as how many blog posts they need to write each month.
Their blogging business churns out 1,000 blog posts per month. Assuming that they pay 2 to 4 cents a word and each blog post is about 1,500 words, this would equate to US$ 60 per blog post if we were to assume that they paid the high rate of 4 cents per word.
Since they churn out 1,000 blog posts per month. At the maximum, they spend about US$ 60,000 on writers alone. According to the US recruitment site ZipRecruiter, the average monthly salary for an online blog editor is about US$ 5,000 per month.
Assuming they have three editors who have 30 minutes each day to evaluate a blog post written by one of their writers. This three editors would equate to a cost of US$ 15,000 per month. Mind you, I think 30 minutes is too much time already to evaluate a 1,500 word article.
So, their cost up to this point is US$ 60,000 plus US$ 15,000 which totals US$ 75,000. The monthly retainer fee for a US accountant ranges from US$ 1,000 to US$ 5,000 while the monthly retainer fee for a US lawyer usually approximates US$ 1,000 to US$ 1,500.
Adding up these figures, Anne Moss’ blogging business has a monthly cost of around US$ 86,500. This means that Anne Moss and her husband make a net profit of about US$ 113,500 per month. Even with all the costs, she and her husband still end up as millionaires.
Like the typical successful businessperson, Anne Moss and her husband are not resting on their laurels. I already see her expanding her income by offering more products and services than just blog posts.
There are other ways a blogger can earn more money and one of the ways bloggers naturally expand their business is to teach how they become successful bloggers. These successful bloggers first give out to the public their credentials via elaborating how successful they are.
They usually give out their impressive financial figures especially their annual income and the short time it actually took them to achieve these impressive financial results. But being involved in the blogging business myself, I would like you to be wary of some of them.
Some of them give out their gross income and not net income. This just means that for example a blogger might be bragging that they earn US$ 5,000 a month when in truth of that US$ 5,000, they spend about $US 4,000 on writers alone.
This means that there are so-called successful bloggers who are still not profitable even though they are already earning a lot from their blogging business. Why do they do this? To sell their blogging courses, seminars… etc., which to them are more profitable than actual blog posts.
Anne gave out a lot of interesting thoughts why her blogging business is a success. One of them is her sheer concentration on producing a lot of blogging post volume. According to her, you could spend your time tinkering and studying which particular blogging techniques work.
However, at the end of the day, it’s still the volume of your blog posts that matter. She reasoned that there are many high quality blog post that remain unread because readers simply don’t have interest in them. There are also hastily written blog posts which many people read.
According to her, your only chance of getting your blog posts read is to write a lot of them in the hope that a few of them would be read by a lot of people. According to her, this is just one reality of the blogging business: not all your blog posts would be read.
Another thing she concentrated on was not overly complicating her monetization strategy. Almost 90% of her income is from online banner ads which just goes to show that what many so-called online business experts say is not always true: that banner ads are not profitable.
There are many people who became millionaires by blogging. Of course, many of these bloggers have to considerably scale up their blogging businesses to earn millions per year. This happens to some bloggers even today and the next one could be you.
Anne Moss became a millionaire blogger by meticulous planning and execution. She also concentrated on producing large volumes of blog posts per month and concentrated on banner ad monetization, proving that simple strategies do work in earning good money.