Collectibles Income Ideas

Selling Coins on eBay: Things to Consider as a New Lister
I have been collecting coins since my childhood days and I have finally decided to sell some of them. My coins collection consists of coins from various countries. I didn’t buy any of them. They’re just coins I happened to collect when I traveled to different countries.
I was also able to collect a lot of coins because we had a retail shop and most of our transactions involve coins. If you own a retail shop, no matter the size, it’s a good idea to also be involved in the coin collecting and selling business, as coins are your byproducts.
There are currently many online e-commerce sites where you can sell coins, but I chose eBay because it doesn’t charge upfront fees for listing your coins and other products. As we’ll see later, this would be very important.
Also, far from the rosy depictions of some eBay seller cum influencers online regarding how easy it is to make money on eBay selling coins, I found that the reality was different.
Here are some of the things you need to consider when selling coins on eBay:

Collecting Coins Profitably in 11 Steps
Collecting coins can turn out to be a very profitable hobby, investment and/or business. For example, there are old US pennies that have sold for half a million dollars and more.
So, take a good look at the coins in your pocket or purse, their value might be way much more than their face value.
Here are a few steps to help you have a good start in your profitable coin collecting journey:...

Should I Keep My Old APPLE Computers, Gadgets And Accessories? Are They Even Collectible?
Apple products are not known for being cheap. In fact, they’re so expensive as compared to the products of their competitors that they’ve been dubbed as the “Rolls Royces” of computers and other electronic gadgets, but it’s also true that Rolls Royces are much sought after and collected cars...

Could My Old Videogame Consoles And Cartridges Make Me Millions?
A Legend of Zelda videogame cartridge which plays on an old Nintendo console fetched US$ 870,000. A Super Mario videogame cartridge sold for US$ 1.56 million. These are just some high ticket items sold in the Heritage Auctions held in Europe...

Wine And Alcohol Investing
Anyone who is in the investment business surely knows that there are wines and alcohols that have become investment grade material. And just like anything that promises to bring people money, people flock to have it...

Making Money Coin Collecting
Coin collecting is the collecting of coins or other forms of minted legal tender. These include paper money, certificates of stock and bond ownership, debt contracts and so on. Minted legal tender just like most things gets worn out and are taken out of circulation and then get replaced. After a certain time has passed a few of them achieve rarity status and appreciate in value...

Making Money from Toys
Toys are a part of everyones childhood. Any object can become a toy if a person especially a child combines imagination while playing with it. A child can imagine a small box as a car and glide the box along a surface imagining it as a car rolling along the road. Another example would be a child imagining a piece of stick as a sword and poking it in the air against imagined enemies...

How to Make Money Collecting Comics
Comics were once treated as low brow or low quality literature suited mainly for children. Despite this they became popular with children who eventually grew up and have the characters and stories ingrained in their minds. These same children who have become adults passed their comics knowledge to new children and other adults until the comics literature grew and grew...

Collecting McDonalds Happy Meal Toys
By offering toys with their Happy Meals product line the McDonald’s Restaurant Company has become indirectly the top toy distributor in the world. As of 2018 McDonald restaurants can be found in 120 countries and territories around the world and serve 68 million customers daily. They have 37,855 restaurants worldwide. This is according to their Wikipedia page...