Are There Even Websites That Help People To Read Product Specifications? What If I Create Such A Website?
I have an electronics education background and I build mechanical and electronic machines. But even though I have such educational background, I find it difficult to buy mechanical and electronics parts online because I often cannot interpret their product specifications.
I’m sure many other people have experienced the same thing for such mundane things as buying an electronic appliance. I mean, how many people here know how to read a television’s product specifications? Do people even know what their television can do?
How about food and medicines? Assuming that the food product you are buying have an ingredients label or a nutrition label, do you even know how to interpret what is written in these labels?
And even if you tried, finding information on how to read product specifications online can be difficult and tedious. I tried but failed to find any websites that currently provide such information in a centralized manner.
But suppose there is a product specifications website that does exist for let’s say electronics components and devices. This would be much sought after by many people who are planning to buy such products but are deterred by their lack of buying knowledge.
For example, I’m currently building a device that needs an electric motor. You would think that with my electronics background this would be easy for me, but I tell you now that there are so many kinds of electric motors that I’m virtually confused on which one to buy.
It took me ages to search online the different kinds of electric motors and even when I have already done this, I’m still not sure which one I should select. There may be schools that teach such information, but I guarantee that none can teach the entire product range.
How about the ingredients label in the food or products we use in our bodies? Is interpreting these ingredient labels even important? It is for many people like those who have allergies. In fact, in America as of 2022, there are 50 million people with some sort of allergies.
These are 50 million potential customers in America for you alone if you happen to have such a website. But also think that besides them, each of these 50 million people with allergies would also have family members or friends interested in knowing about their allergies.
Let’s use electric motors as an example again. As I have said, there are many types of motors and each type of motor that is being sold online have varying specifications which are confusing to even an electronics educated person like me.
“What’s the meaning of this and what’s the meaning of that?” This is the usual question I would ask myself whenever I try to read the product specifications of many electronics and mechanical components online.
What I usually do is research the answer and from my experience, there are sparse information online. Even if I occasionally get lucky and find an explanation online, it’s technically written and very underwhelming for common people.
Let’s say I’m trying to find a product specification example for a mechanical product of which I have no formal educational training. Even though I find an explanation online, I wouldn’t be able to interpret it.
The Maker Community is fast growing. These are people who create science things on an amateur basis as a hobby. In America alone, there are 135 million of them. This just shows you a small example of the potential market of your website.
This is because your website will be heavily linked with e-commerce which more and more people are doing more and more frequently. Imagine a person buying fast food or restaurant food online.
If they know your website and if they are health conscious, before they buy for example a hamburger from a particular fast food chain or restaurant, they would search your website if you have information regarding the ingredients of the hamburger and its nutrition content.
Imagine people doing this on a regular basis everytime they are about to purchase something online. According to the industry statistics website Statista, there is US$ 8.1 trillion e-commerce transactions alone in 2022.
Imagine if just a small portion of the people who buy online first consult your website for buying advise. Another thing you could consider is that your website is perfect for ad and affiliate marketing monetization.
Since what you feature are basically products, there would be a lot of advertisers and companies who would want the kind of online traffic you generate: potential online buyers of a certain product.
But you don’t have to be passive when it comes to marketing products. You can actually earn more by directly recommending products. Of course you have to tread on this monetization strategy carefully.
People visiting your website might think that you’re just another online content creator whose out to make a buck by recommending a certain or group of products. They may think that you’re just another profit oriented marketer.
So be very careful to make sure that your reputation and credibility stays intact. What I could suggest is that you let your website visitors make up their mind in purchasing products from your website.
For example, if they were buying vehicles, you can for example recommend various vehicles based on their speed ratings and let your website visitors decide on which ones they’re interested in. This would make sure that in your site visitor’s eyes you’re not playing favorites.
This is especially helpful for old products that need repairing such as old vehicles and old appliances and I think you know what I mean. In many poor and developing countries and sometimes even in developed countries, a lot of people still own old appliances and vehicles.
And since as time goes by, the product lifecycles of many products are getting shorter and shorter, an original part of a certain product might no longer exist because it is not being manufactured by the manufacturer anymore.
How many people have experienced this? For example, your old and reliable refrigerator suddenly starts malfunctioning and the manufacturer’s technician tell you that they no longer service the particular refrigerator you own because they have no more parts for them.
But this is the reason why there are many Chinese companies who are not only thriving but are making millions because they supply these kinds of people who number in the billions from both poor and developing countries.
They just continue manufacturing old components for popular but obsolete vehicles and appliances. Your website could be a reference website for the several millions of technicians and owners still serving these people from poor and developing countries.
This monetization strategy is especially very popular with automobile products. Having experienced owning both old and new cars, I can definitely say that a lot of people do get attached to their cars.
The aftermarket products for cars is huge. It’s worth US$ 406.32 billion alone in 2021 according to Global News Wire. This figure covers both old and new cars. You could already see that there is big potential in monetizing digital content devoted to such products.
Many potential buyers of certain products are often hesitant in buying add-ons because maybe in the past they bought an add-on product for their car for example and found that it is incompatible with their car.
For example, racing car seats can be installed in a lot of cars but they are not universal. There are cars which are simply incompatible with certain brand and make of car seats. The global car seat is valued at around $US 80 billion in 2021 alone.
This represents a lot of potential visitors to your website for both car seat buyers and sellers. If your website can clearly specify for example which car seats are compatible with certain cars, then your website would often be visited by a lot of people.
I find question and answer forum sites like Quora to be very helpful. There are many people on these websites that are very helpful in assisting anyone regarding answering the questions they post.
Of course, there’s no substitute to good old fashioned online researching to find your answers to any product specifications you might have. I must warn you though, that in my experience the information is often sparse and not written for the average individual.
You could also try by asking the manufacturers directly. Just emphasize that you would be featuring their product on your website and that it would be advantageous for them if they assisted you with your query regarding their product.
This is no easy work but has the potential of making your website an authority on the product or group of products which will make Google possibly rank your website high on the search results regarding such products.
Start with the products that have given you problems in the past. In my case, there is sparse product specification information online for the many types, brands, and models of electric motors being sold online.
More and more people are shopping online. There are hundreds of billions worth of e-commerce transactions online in 2021 alone. A lot of these people want to know the product specifications of the product they buy but are getting little information online.
You could set up a website for these people to assist them in interpreting product specification information as well as assist them in actually picking which product to buy from the multitude of types and brands out there online. Your website grows the bigger e-commerce grows.