How to Write an Article Faster Everyday
I now write 2 articles a day consisting of about 1000 words each. At first it took me almost an entire day to write a single 500 word article. If I add the research I do to be able to write the article then to write a single article would take me more than 1 day. I knew then that if I do not become faster in writing articles I would not have time to do anything else.
I however learned to more than quadruple my productivity by practice and experience. This is my first advise to you. Just practise writing daily. In due time you would develop your own style that is unique to everyone else but is more convenient for you. A lot of people force themselves to copy the style of successful writers in the hope of duplicating them but they ultimately fail.
For example there are successful writers who only write at certain times in the day. There are writers who are very productive at night and work almost all night. They sleep late and wake up much later in the morning. If an aspiring writer who has a day job tries to copy this then they could fail due to lack sleep by writing very late at night and waking up very early to work.
The first thing I would advise is to just find a regular free time and just write no matter the conditions are. If for example you are working in a company and commuting to work you can write while sitting in a bus or train or even while standing. If you are relaxing at home after dinner and watching television then write everytime the commercials are on.
Never fail to bring your pen or paper (or your mobile, tablet, laptop) so you will be able to write when opportunity presents itself. Maybe you are shopping with your partner and they are checking the contents of a shop of which you have no interest in. You can spend this idle time to write your article or to just to write down new ideas you do not want to forget.
Many writers especially those who have their own blogs for example usually run into the problem where they run out of writing ideas. This is why when a new writing idea suddenly hits you out of nowhere it is important to record it so you do not forget it. Thinking about a subject matter to write can easily eat up a lot of a writer’s time.
Once you have an idea in mind start developing the article in your mind. You may be at work and having your coffee break or just idling by in your office for a few minutes to rest from work. You can practice yourself to concentrate for 5 minutes for example to think about the major points of your article and write it down if you can.
You can practice this 5 minute stops to write the major points of your article mentally and before the end of the day or even just after a few hours you would have written the complete article in your mind which just needs to be physically written when you finally have the time to do it. Trying to write an article in one sitting is often difficult to do unless you are a professional.
After you have done this and is now ready to write your article physically write all the thoughts you have in mind as fast as you can. The style you choose does not matter because you already mentally finished your article in your mind and it just needs to be physically written fast so you do not forget your writing ideas.
You need not worry about spelling or grammatical correctness as you write fast. They will be sorted in time. It is important that you do not interrupt the physical flow in your writing. Stopping to write to correct your writing can actually cause you to waste more time than necessary. Word processing softwares can do the corrections for you in no time at all.
What you have to consider though is the length of your article. You should have a target in mind like 1000 words or let us say 1 and half pages of words visually. If you do not consider this then your tendency is just to pad your article with what is called Writing Fluff. This is just putting unnecessary wordings to make an article look longer. Readers do not like this.
If the reverse happens and you find that your article is getting longer than your intended length then consider shortening your article and even cutting entire paragraphs altogether. You might ask why. The simple answer is this: Sometimes there is such a thing as too much unnecessary information.
Evaluate your article and check if you are already writing about information that can be condensed in a shorter form because people can already understand your message without the need for a longer explanation. Writing about unnecessary information such as descriptions or secondary details already widely known may actually backfire against you.
Train yourself to finish a tight deadline even if you are writing for yourself. This will enable you to have a sense of urgency and not dabble on useless thinking while you write. This will also prevent you from becoming a perfectionist which would prevent you from finishing anything because you have an urgency to add more and more information than you first intended.
The most important part of writing is the starting and preparation process. There is a popular writing ailment called Writer’s Block. It is a condition where a writer is unable to write anything because no writing idea that comes in their mind. This condition can be prevented by already saving a reservoir of ideas in one’s mind even before they start writing anything.