Saving Money Ideas

What You Should Know Before Investing in Copper
The demand for copper has surged, especially in the industrial sector, rising roughly five times in value from 2001 to 2022.
S&P Global, one of the top leading investment firm has predicted that the demand for copper would double by 2035, from 25 million metric tons to 50 million metric tons.
CNBC reported last February 6, 2023 that the world is currently facing a global shortage of copper. This is fueled by the supply problems in South America and the higher demand for copper.
The report also stated that copper is a leading pulse check of economic health due to its uses in electrical equipment and industrial machinery. It is heavily used in home building, electronics, electrical conductivity, automobiles and infection control, especially after the pandemic.
As society increasingly depends on electrical and electronics devices as well as equipment, more and more companies would depend on copper, causing its price to continually have an upward trajectory.
Here are a few things you should know before investing in copper:

Checklist To Buying A Used Car Wisely
Many people can’t afford to buy a brand new car. Besides this, a lot of people don’t even have enough money to buy a used car. This is especially true for people in poor and even developing countries.
But we all know that when it comes to quality and reliability, nothing beats a brand new car. A used car, especially one that is very old, is just not reliable as compared to a brand new car. But despite this, there is a huge demand for used cars.
And we all know that a lot of used car salespersons and dealerships are taking advantage of this. In fact, used car salespersons are generally not perceived by the public as being trustworthy. This is the reason why you need to be careful and wise when buying a used car.
Here is a checklist on how to buy a used car wisely:

Buying Art Wisely that Still Makes You Happy
Although most people become more practical as they grow old, especially when their finances are tight, entertainment, fashion, art and other non-essentials still play a large part in many people’s lives.
This is because these non-essentials delight people and gives them temporary reprieve from the daily pressures and hardships of life.
There are even non-essentials like art that appreciate in value. For example, paintings by renowned artists like Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello (pardon the TMNT pun) and so on, have been valued in the millions of dollars.
But for the most part, people just buy art to decorate their homes and maybe to try to impress other people. Whatever your purpose in buying an art is, here are a few pointers to buying art wisely while still making you happy

Investing in Gold for the Long Run
Almost all people in the world know that gold is precious. In fact, even children at an early age are taught that gold is precious. One only needs to revisit their history lessons to remember that man has sought gold for ages.
Even with the proliferation of much more newer investment instruments like stocks, bonds, commodities, and even cryptocurrency & NFTs, many people still invest in gold.
But is investing in gold truly worth it? After all, none other than investment guru and the “Oracle of Omaha”, Warren Buffet, has publicly stated numerous times that he doesn’t think it’s worth investing in gold.
Can he be right? Is gold not worthy as an investment instrument? But apparently, gold as an investment instrument is more popular than ever. For example, in 2023, the number of Americans who think it’s worth investing in gold has doubled to 26%.
But who can fault them? Gold prices as of 2023 are near a 30 year high, especially as more and more people are convinced that gold is a hedge again inflation

Tips on Saving Money by Sharing an Apartment with Others
Renting an apartment all on your own can be very expensive. Not only do you pay all the rent costs, but you also have to pay all the bills by yourself. It’s no wonder that many apartment renters share their apartment with other people.
While sharing your apartment with other people can save you money on rent costs and utility bills, there are also disadvantages with sharing an apartment with other people, for one, you could lose your privacy.
But despite the obvious disadvantages of having to share your apartment with other people, you really can’t afford to lose a good flatmate, especially one that respects your privacy and pays their fair share of the expenses on time.
Here are a few tips on how to save money by sharing your apartment with other people while not also driving them away:

Saving a Dollar a Day and Intelligent Investing
What does one dollar buy these days? Not much really, a dollar won’t even buy you the cheapest hamburger at McDonalds.
But this shouldn’t fool you into thinking that a dollar is worthless. In fact, if you saved one dollar a day, it would accumulate to a much bigger amount later.
But just how much money do you stand to save if you did start saving a dollar a day? Would it be able to fund your retirement? Let’s find out:

Cardboard Recycling for Cash: Money from Used Cardboards
Cardboard boxes are everywhere: shops, factories and even homes have at least one cardboard box lying somewhere. This is the reason why many people don’t pay much attention to them.
Afterall, they’re just paper based packaging that’s meant to be disposed after their contents have been taken out.
But there’s money in cardboard boxes. In fact, they’re recycled for cash by many enterprising people.
Here are a few information regarding cardboard recycling for cash:

10 Natural, Easy to Make and Find, Homemade Fertilizers
Whether you use fertilizers in your plant pots, garden and/or farm, it could become a big expense once you use it a lot.
But there are natural, easy to make and find, home based items that you could use as fertilizers. Also, you usually have a lot of these items at home. Since these items are natural, they are also organic, which is good for your soil.
By using organic fertilizers, you lessen your use of inorganic fertilizers of which some contain harmful substances for both humans and the environment.

Fire Movement: How To Retire Before Retirement Age
In a nutshell, F.I.R.E or Financial Independence, Retire Early is a movement or lifestyle adopted by people where they adopt extreme savings and investment aims so that they can retire early.
The methods of FIRE are far more extreme than traditional methods of budgeting and retirement plans.
The 1992 best-selling book: ”Your Money or Your Life” by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez greatly helped in the popularity of the FIRE movement.
It comes with the notion that you don’t have to wait until retirement age in order to retire. FIRE proponents believe that they can achieve early retirement through very aggressive savings and investing. Many of them believe that it is really possible to retire in your 40s and even 30s.
But is FIRE suited to you? Or are you even financially qualified to join the FIRE movement? Find out in this article.

Saving for the Future: 7 Easy Steps You can do Right Now
Your future including your financial future is unpredictable. You might have a lot of money today, but a single health problem, accident, legal problem, economic downturn, and so on can immediately land you in poverty anytime.
Also, do you know that in America for example, 4 in 10 adults do not have money to cover USD 400 of unexpected expenses? These people would likely have to resort to bad measures like borrowing money from loan sharks or selling their prized possessions at meager prices.
This is how important saving for the future is. Besides unexpected emergency expenses, you need to save for the future for:

Grocery Shopping on a Budget: 17 Sure Tips to Help You Save
With or without a recession, grocery costs have been rising continuously year after year. This is not good considering we spend a good deal of our money buying groceries. We cannot function in our daily lives and even live if we do not buy groceries.
Although you cannot avoid buying groceries, there are a few tips you can follow to save on your grocery costs:

How to Stop Spending Money: 19 Things You Should Do Right Now
If you asked a lot of people today, many of them cannot account for the things they spent their money on.
Think about it: ”Do you have an exact breakdown of the things you spent your money on yesterday or even today?”
A lot of people have this problem. Usually, the way people approach spending is to spend when they have money and to starve when they don’t. This approach mostly make people go broke

Apartment Vegetable Garden: 7 Information Before Setting Up One
With the high price of homes, more and more people are living in apartments, foregoing their dream of owning a spacious backyard and a large garden.
However, it is still possible for apartment owners to have a good sized garden right in their very own apartments, lack of space is no hindrance for having a garden.
Growing your own fruits and vegetables saves you money and it also assures that the fruits and vegetables you eat are healthy

Health Is Wealth: 11 Reasons Why Health Earns And Saves You Money
You might take your health for granted not knowing that being healthy literally earns and saves you money. This is especially true if you are a young person who is in the prime of your health.
These are 11 reasons why being healthy earns and saves you money without you even knowing most of them.

How To Save Money
Don’t you know that the average savings of an American under 35 is just under USD 3,500? This is worrying considering that major hospitalizations in America can cost more than a few hundred thousand dollars and even up to millions...

Is “Stealth Wealth” The Best Way To Enjoy Your Life And Wealth?
All people want to have a lot of money and not necessarily to be rich. The degree of how much money one desires varies, that is why there is no one definition of what being rich is to all people...

What Advertising Strategies Are You Falling For? Is It Costing You Money?
In a 2021 report by Yahoo!Sports on the Sports Apparel Company Nike, the company is said to have made US$ 42.3 billion from Its Jordan brand. This is a 17% increase from the previous year...

Is Lifestyle Creep Or Inflation Keeping You Poor?
Are you feeling that you’re getting deeper and deeper in debt although you’ve been earning more and more money? Do you feel trapped in a lifestyle that seemingly forces you to work more and more just to get by? ...

A Van As A Home
While I was still living in Australia, one of my biggest problem was paying the rent. Frankly, my rent expense ate up a disproportionate amount of my income. And it so happens that I’ve read about homeless people who are able to live on their cars for years at a time...

Carpets, Mats and Other Objects Made Out Of Sewn Or Crocheted Materials
When I moved by myself before in a small but an all carpeted apartment, one of the first things that I noticed was that the small apartment I was renting has no space for a dining area. Essentially, the living room and the dining area were merged into a tiny carpeted room...

Everyday Prepping, The Filipino Way
encountered the terms Prepping and Prepper a long time ago. Whenever I see articles about prepping and prepper people, I always see articles made up for people living in western countries...

Concentrated Solar Cooking/Heating On A Small Scale
Solar heating is nothing new. Many people have known about it. You could see many videos in YouTube for example of people cooking eggs under the sun using nothing more than a skillet to put their eggs in...

Cuban Ingenuity
There is no contest that the most popular country in the world is America for both good and bad reasons. But just south east of America lies the country of Cuba which is very popular too for both its good and bad reasons...

Still Staying With Your Parents Even Though You Can Afford Your Own Place?
For most young person, being independent means not being dependent on your parents anymore for anything. If you don’t live with your parents anymore, you are heralded by your peers as being fully independent. But is not staying with your parents really all that good?...

You Cannot Save Money Until You Earn More
Many finance guru advocate that people save as much as they can in order to retire comfortably. This may be true in some cases but we live in the real world where there are real world limits. Simply put you cannot save money if the amount you earn is less than the amount you need to survive on a Basic Level...

The Three (3) Golden Rules of Old Money
The three (3) golden rules of old money according to Mike Lapham:
1. Don’t tell anyone, because they’ll treat you differently.
2. Don’t show that you have wealth.
3. Certainly don’t spend it....

Skipping Meals to Save Money
When I was young child I used to be a bit fat. As I grew up I started eating less and doing very physical activities such as working out. I did not skimp on my meals which were mainly composed of rice, meat, fish and vegetables. I never stayed away from what people consider junk food and they were also a regular part of my diet...

Things That Make You Go Broke
People these days are too busy or just too distracted with unnecessary things in life that they forget that everything they have could be gone in an instant without prior warnings at all. Many people also experience losing it all and because of this prepare as much as they can. Life however is so unpredictable that no one can be truly prepared to lose it all...

Why the Rich Look Poor
When I was still young and working in an office job I know of a businesswoman who was a millionaire but you would not guess that she was. I am not exaggerating but she always dresses in well worn short sleeved shirts and jeans. She owns several successful businesses but never drives a car. She also does not ride taxis but take ordinary transport...