Sales and Marketing Ideas

Marketing Diamonds: One of the Best Marketing Success Story
The De Beers Company’s success in selling diamonds has long been one of the legends in the business industry.
They have actually convinced many couples that a diamond ring is a requirement to be engaged. Many Fiancés have been convinced by De Beers that they should spend at least “two-months salary” for a diamond ring in order to show their love to their fiancée.
De Beers have convinced many in the public that diamonds are “rare, precious and a status symbol. In fact, the average diamond engagement ring today is sold at around USD 3,000 (in the US) just based from this public perception.
However the reality is very different from the public perception: Diamonds are not rare and are also not in short supply: In fact, during 1999, Nicky Oppenheimer, the chairman of De Beers, even stated that:
”Diamonds are intrinsically worthless, except for the deep psychological need they fill.”
But why in spite of this fact, are diamonds still highly valued? Is the advertising of diamonds so successful that generations of people still believe that they are very valuable? Find out in this article....

Should You Monetize Your Successful Products As Much As You Can? Should You Feel Embarrassed For Doing This?
According to Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen, there are over 30,000 products introduced each year and 95% of them fail to sell. This means that only one out of twenty new products survive...

Are Companies Like The “Dollar Shave Club” The Future Of Commodity Products Selling?
The personal care giant, Unilever, bought the Dollar Shave Club company for US$ one billion. Now, there is nothing new about big companies buying much smaller companies, but it must be emphasized that Dollar Shave Club was in existence for barely five years then...

What Can You Sell To Online Content Creators?
According to the article of titled: 30+ Incredible Creator Economy Statistics (2022) there are about 207 million content creators in the world with almost half of them or about 46.7% full-time content creators...

Success in Finding A Job, Increasing Sales, and Growing a Business by Just Doing a Little Bit More
Business Owners usually begin as employees of some other business owner. Along the way, they improve their sales skills in selling themselves or a product until they eventually become a successful business owner themselves...

Pricing The Same Product Differently For More Profits
Most business coaches teach business owners who are just starting out to study who their target market is. This study would especially include the price at which they would sell to their target market. However, this strategy is not always set in stone...

Hundreds of Millions Of Street Poles And Advertising
What do dog owners do when their dog goes missing? Usually, they would print multiple leaflets of the picture of their dog together with their plea for any information regarding their lost dog as well as their contact details...

Products And Services For The Homeless And Nomadic Customers Like Those In Japan
I must admit that I have an interest in a lot of things about Japan and the Japanese. And I think I’m not alone. It may be the past the twentieth century now, but samurais and ninjas are still very much popular cultural icons all over the world...

Products For Short People
Being usually one of the shortest person in a group of people, I’m continuously reminded by myself of just how short I am and how it affects my daily activities in life. Like it or not, there are disadvantages to being a short person...

The Preorder/Presell Strategy
It is undeniable. Whatever product you have, the most important question that you should be able to answer is this: “Is there a demand for my product?” You might have the best and cheapest product out there, but if no one buys it, then your business would fail...

Marketing To A Saver Type Personality
Selling is a very essential skill that every person needs. You might not be selling a product but you still need to sell yourself. I have met a few saver type personalities before and selling anything to them always requires you to highlight the economic side of things...

Be a Manufacturer or Distributor?
Many people want to manufacture their own products because of the perceived control it gives them. People also have an inherent want to create something. Being a distributor is also sometimes looked upon as you mostly have to deal with customers which could be at times taxing and irritating if you are not a people person. So who would you be?...

Is Sales Hard?
Make no mistake sales is a hard job to do. People do not like parting with their money. Customers want the best quality products for as little cost as possible even for free. Sales people especially those with sales quotas will usually go the extra mile to please a client just to have a sale especially if it is a high ticket item...

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Business Model
What is Multilevel Marketing or MLM? It is a strategy employed by some direct sales companies where they reward existing distributors to recruit new distributors. This recruitment process repeats itself over and over again...

How Your Looks Affect Your Sales
People are very visual beings. There is a saying that Looks Do Not Matter but this is simply not true. People to a certain degree will judge you by the way you look. My experience in sales and based on the online articles I read online point to the fact that this is true. You may not be able to change the way you look but there are certainly a few things you can do to reverse this...

Animatronics Increase Sales
There is an article I read quite some time ago where a failing restaurant owner from Texas decided to put a statue of a sexy cowgirl in front of his restaurant in the hopes of drawing the attention of truckers who pass by his restaurant. The cowgirl was dressed in working gear complete with a cowboy hat, boots and short jeans...

Sign Holding and Spinning Business
A good way for a store or business to attract attention from passersby is by using sign holders and spinners who would direct potential customers into their store or business. Not many businesses employ these kinds of marketers and these is the reason why many people take notice. They just stand out from the normal surroundings people are used to seeing...