Invention Income Ideas

Patent Litigation Insurance: Do You Need It?
I recently came across the concept of Patent Litigation Insurance or Intellectual Property Liability Insurance while doing my research online about patents. I must confess that I am attracted to the idea of getting one.
You may or may not know it, but chasing someone in court for infringing on your patent is a very expensive and exhaustive process. Patent litigation cases drag on for years and costs up to millions in dollars in legal costs.
I must admit that the sheer cost of patent litigation is what first drove me to reconsider starting a business which involves products that require a patent. Being a small business owner, I don’t have the financial capability to go after counterfeiters who would wantonly counterfeit my products...

Do You Really Need To Be The First One With A New Product Or You Just Need To Have A Better One?
The Google Search Engine which is more plainly known as Google Search is now today almost considered a monopoly because it controls over 93% of all online search traffic...

Could Inventors Be Lucrative Clients? If So, What Services Or Products Can You Offer Them?
According to the United States Patent And Trademark Office (USPTO): over 600,000 patent applications have been filed for the years leading up to 2019. This figure does not even take into account the substantially higher number of patent applications filed on a global basis...

So You Have A Product Idea, So What? Can You Even License It?
According to Licensing International (, an organization that serves license holders: “Global sales revenue generated by licensed merchandise and services grew to us$ 315.5 billion in 2021, a 7.75% increase over the US$ 292.8 billion generated in 2019, Industry royalty revenues increased 10.6% to US$ 17.4 billion...”

Image: Courtesy of MorphCooker
To Whom Do I Sell Battery Powered Stoves With Lighting And Heating?
According to the Business Research Company, an industry reports company, the global electric stoves market grew from US$ 20.4 billion from 2021 to US$ 20.91 billion in 2022 with a dismal CAGR of only 2.5%. A discouraging news right?...

The Most Critical Issues And Year Of Patenting
I’m in the final stages of developing and researching my product which I want to have a global market. It has taken me years from experimentation, prototyping and market research before I decided that I was finally making a business out of my invention/product...

Losing Patentability Of Your Invention Idea
There is a saying among professional inventors that ideas are useless and have no value unless they are acted upon and made into real world products. Just take a look around you, how many new products do you see each day?...

Perhaps You Need To Retrain Yourself And Retail Rather Than Invent
I have a lot of invention ideas in my head and have even studied about the patenting process and have even created a few crude prototypes of some of my invention ideas. Looking back now, I wish I had studied the invention process before proceeding to act on my invention ideas...

The Business Model Of ResearchGate
If you are a scientist, researcher or just someone interested in scientific knowledge, chances are, you have visited this scientific website. If you are aware of this website, maybe you are wondering if maybe you could set up your own similar website. You may be also wondering: “Is it profitable?”...

From Idea to Prototype
I have tried inventing almost full-time an idea of mine about a mechanical machine that when attached to other machines doubles the force they can apply. I searched online if similar ideas/inventions already exists especially the database of patented inventions to know if my idea is unique and who are my potential competitors. I also researched to know if my idea is worth...

Are Patents Worth It?
Many inventors spend a long time developing their inventions. They think about it for a very long time and when they decide to create it to see if their idea is feasible they usually spend a lot more time and money in creating a working prototype. Naturally inventors would want to recoup their investment in time and money and make profits probably a big one. They naturally...