Is Blogging Dead Or Does It Have A Life Of Its Own?
If you’re a regular viewer of my website blog, you might have noticed that after posting for almost a year I suddenly stopped blogging. The reason I stopped blogging was because I had to dedicate myself into creating an invention. Did I make the wrong move?
Now that my invention is finished, I have time again for blogging. To be honest, another reason why I stopped blogging full time was because I was seeing little traction with my blogging while other facets of my entrepreneurial activities were showing more promise.
I guess anyone who has blogged have a similar experience. Blogging is not a walk in the park. You are expected to put in a lot of work for minuscule results during your initial attempts at blogging.
Of course, there are outliers. We watch or read about bloggers who virtually became millionaires after just a couple months of blogging. If you compare yourself to these success stories you would surely become disappointed.
I was so disappointed with my blog that I literally didn’t even check its Google Analytics status during the months I was not blogging. In my mind, I had the idea that my blog would die a natural death.
Natural death being that my blog would slowly or fast stop having viewers. But to my surprise, my blog’s viewership didn’t dwindle to zero. In fact, it retained its usual number of daily viewers and at some point even shot up in viewership.
Did got me thinking. Does my blog now have a life of its own? Would my blog continue to have regular viewers even if I stopped blogging? I can only assume that my blog has a life of its own now.
Slowly but surely my viewership numbers are increasing. The increase might not be a lot but it is nevertheless increasing. So, to anyone whose also struggling to stay motivated despite lackluster results from their blog, this is what I have to say:
Test your blog. See if it stands the test of time. If you must, stop blogging for a while. For months even. This would enable you to assess if your blog is starting to have a life of its own or would wither or die the minute you stop blogging. This means your blog topic is not popular.
I’m not the one saying this but the famous bloggers at the “Create and Go” and “Avocadu” website and YouTube channel speaking. The husband and wife team behind these blogs and website make a lot of money blogging and vlogging.
And I can understand them. You need to create traction with your blog in order for it to start ranking. Another thing to consider is that most of your blog articles won’t have significant viewership.
The more you blog, the more you would know which blog subject matters are popular and are being read. Its really a hit and miss thing with much more plenty of misses than hits. I learned this when I checked my Google analytics after I stopped for a few months.
A few of my blog posts have very high readership while most of the others hardly had any viewership. To be honest, I can state that less than a tenth of my blog posts were the ones consistently giving me high rankings.
My top blog post was actually a surprise to me because I didn’t think that it would rank. This was my blog post about a successful but relatively unknown novel author. This blog post was viewed much higher compared to my others blogs of famous novel authors. What a surprise!
When I was just considering blogging as both a hobby and an entrepreneurial activity I already came across this question in several of the YouTube videos and blogs I read online from famous bloggers.
It’s as if the script hadn’t changed at all after all these years. All these bloggers who make a living out of being a blogger and selling courses and masterclasses about blogging are unanimous in saying that blogging isn’t dead but is evolving.
Now I won’t go over the details on how the blogging business is evolving and changing what is not working anymore. Other online blog articles and videos by professional bloggers would be more best suited for this purpose.
All you need to do to gain a good insight as to why blogging is not dead and is in fact growing can be explained by many professional bloggers who have years of professional blogging business experience.
What I can say is: Blogging is not dead but is evolving. Bloggers must compete with videos and podcasts now who are fast gaining ground among digital content consumers. All you need to do is type in YouTube or Google the search keywords: “Is blogging dead” for more answers.
This is the reason why you should have a strategy even before you start blogging. Choose a very narrow blog subject and you risk running out of blog posts to write. Choose a very wide blog subject and you risk alienating your viewers.
Of course this does not matter if you are blogging about a news type blog. For example, you might have a blog subject which is about the top tech technologies in Silicon Valley. This is a very wide blog subject but is narrow at the same time.
There are never ending topics regarding the top tech technologies in Silicon Valley but yet it is narrow enough as a blog subject to appeal to tech heads, geeks, tech investors and so on who are all involved with Silicon Valley technology for varying reasons.
Come to think of this, this could be another blog subject for me since I’m also interested in technology and investing. I would never get bored writing blogs about this blog subject matter. This might be a blog subject you can consider especially since it suits affiliate marketing well.
But whatever blog subject you choose, have a plan from the very beginning of how you would grow it. In my case, my blog is not actually about earning a home income alone but rather a blog about the small time entrepreneur.
If you ever follow the YouTube Channel of “OverPass Apps” you would feel that you have found a buddy or a mentor. This is because Eric Wroolie dishes out life lessons in the world of app development.
Now why would I be suggesting an App developer and the App development business when I’m into the blogging business? Simple: because Eric Wroolie and his App development company is not really a big business yet (at least this is my analysis from his videos).
But he gives out a lot of life lessons of becoming a small to mid-level entrepreneur. And one of the lessons he said struck deep and hard in my head. He said that you cannot control the success of your App or any product you create.
Your real job is to just do it and keep doing it. This aspect of the business you can control at least. He states that you must stop thinking that you have to make a million dollar selling product. You just create the product and hope for the best. This is how to start a business.
In essence, he was right. I was getting disappointed when my blog post were getting almost no viewers that when my blog posts were shooting up I had already stopped blogging. If I had continued blogging then I would have much more viewerships now. So blog regularly.
It can’t be helped. You would at some point wonder if it’s time to monetize your blog. Of course the decision rests entirely with you especially if you have a high volume of daily blog viewers. Just how many exactly?
According to some professional bloggers like the owners of the YouTube channel Income School who also teach courses and mentor on blogging, you should monetize your blog when it reaches a daily viewership of 30,000 views.
Of course not many bloggers would be this lucky. Many bloggers would exhaust themselves blogging for years and never reach this figure. This just means to say that maybe your overall blogging strategy is not working for you.
But truth be told, since I’m currently living in a developing country with a much, much lower standard of living, I can make do with just a couple of hundred views on a daily basis. So, what works for some might not work for others.
But the important thing is to build your blog post volume first and refine your strategy to only blog about subject matters that are working for you. Using myself as an example, I can pretty much stop blogging and still get consistent viewership. This is just my facts.
At this stage of my blogging journey, I would definitely say that you should at least try blogging. Blogging is alive and well and many people are still making money off it. Some make millions like the “Create and Go” and “Avocadu” blogs.
Others in the meantime make less and even considerably less. But one thing is for sure, you can monetize words. Your blogs can be turned to videos and podcasts and even books, courses and presentations.
In a way, blogging is your gateway to other forms of digital business like what ”ProBlogger” had done. He turned his blogging passion into a franchise that now includes courses, mentoring and even a job board.
He’s now a millionaire who have even started business outside of blogging. But he’s an inspiration to many aspiring and even professional bloggers because he slogged for years in obscurity and relative poverty but still continued to blog until he became rich and popular.
Is blogging dead? Not by a long shot. Many popular bloggers can attest to this. Even I, an amateur blogger is seeing traction in my blogging activities. If you’re not getting the results you want, you might need to revise your blogging strategy.
Does your blog have a life of its own? In my case, I can certainly attest that my blog have attained a life of its own. My viewership numbers even shot up considerably even though I stopped blogging for months. So don’t give up on blogging just yet!