Make Money With Your GoPro
GoPro and cameras similar to it revolutionised the way videos are taken. These sort of cameras make your static videos more dynamic with the wide variety of angles you can take your videos. Many people now use these sort of cameras to document many aspects of their everyday lives especially when they are on vacation or traveling.
Make Street View Media Content
All you have to do is strap one of these cameras in yourself or in your vehicle and record the events around you. You could just be having your regular walk and commute from work and this would be enough for a digital video content. You could upload it straight without editing or you could edit it to be more informative.
You could for example narrate the streets you pass along and if there is something significant about the street you can inform the viewers of your video to make it more interesting. For example if a certain important person or event like a parade passes through the streets from time to time you can point it out to give significance to the street.
So the next time the parade is about to happen you can advise them of good spots along the street for them to stand and view the parade better. With this simple information for example you have made not only your video more interesting but the street as well. As you study the street you will eventually find things that are marketable about it.
For example there could be plants or trees that are common only to the area which when viewed at an angle could provide fantastic videos or photos that can be sold. You might even try selling your street video to media companies who might become interested in it for example for documentary or tourism purposes. Especially if the street you took a video of is located in a remote and desolate area that is hard to reach.
You could in short specialise in street views. You could document streets that are best suited for jogging or biking if you happen to specialise in sports or health media content. You could shop at a shopping district and take videos of the streets as well as the shops if you specialise in shopping media content.
Of course you can try to sell your content to health, sports, shopping or tourism media companies and even if you fail to sell it you can at least upload it in YouTube and possibly get ad revenues. The good thing about this is when you have a lot of collected street view content you could combine them together to create an altogether different content that you can still market.
The same is true for content that features not only beautiful street views but of ugly places like unkept towns, desolate towns or abandoned towns. You could if you have the time visit places that have been ravaged by natural calamities like typhoons, fires and so on. All you have to do is walk, bike or drive around these places just make sure that you are safe.
The point in all of this is that all you need to do is to record the events in the streets you pass and that is it. You do not need scripts, props, guests or even a studio to create your videos or other media content. I watch these kinds of YouTube videos and judging by the number of views I count there is an audience for it.
This is especially true for street views of road accidents and videos of sports cars in the streets. These kinds of videos are most often short in time duration but definitely get many views. You are even luckier if you chance upon a celebrity on the street especially if they are very famous. Just make sure to get their permission before taking a picture or video of them.
Make Event View Media Content
When you go to events make sure to take videos as well. There are many people who watch these sort of videos as well. Again you do not have to do much but make sure you are recording as you enjoy yourself participating in the event. Make sure however that the people being recorded gave you their permission to be included in your videos or pictures.
For example there are events that people want to go to but cannot and would satisfy themselves with watching videos of people who have been there. I for example find a lot of American events interesting but cannot go to because I am outside of the country. I satisfy my curiosity of these events by watching videos of these events instead.
I have even seen videos of events being sold containing video footages that are exclusive and only available to the paying public. You could sell similar products as well. It does not have to be a special event. Even a day at the beach or at the local park for example is enough footage for your media content.
Create a Database
Make sure you have an organised database of your media content. For example you can catalog your media content based on date & time, subject, camera angle and so on. Make sure that your catalog is easily searchable by prospective buyers. This ensures that the more your buyers look at your catalog the more they will become familiar with your products in the future.
Who are these Prospective Buyers?
You will not know who are for what kind of purposes your buyers will use your media content. One thing for sure is that you have something they do not have. For example if you happen to document an accident in a highway interested buyers might want to buy it because they would use it for legal purposes pertaining to the accident.
There could be buyers who are interested in the before and after pictures and videos of your media content. For example insurance companies and the affected parties might be interested in the before and after conditions of a certain property like a house or a car. A construction company might be interested in the before and after pictures of a damaged landmark.
A marketing company might be interested in a compilation video and pictures of your events media content to research why they have falling attendance in their current event and then try to replicate what they did in the past that was successful. The important thing when you take these videos and pictures is to try to know what kind of media content your buyers want.
Even the most mundane subject such as empty streets can be made into marketable media content if you find the right buyers for it. The important thing is to just start recording and compile your content such that should someone need it in the future they would know where to find it which is from you. For them to know that you can supply what they want you must advertise your products to them.