Is A Gardening YouTube Channel/Website Profitable?
Gardening is a great hobby and many people claim that gardening calms them down and keeps them active. It also connects people in a way to nature. This is the reason why many people are interested in gardening as a digital content.
Usually, when one is trying to start a business, the first thing they would want to know is how much income they would derive off it. This is understandable as nobody wants to work for free or for little money.
Gardening websites and YouTube Channels aren’t exactly new. There are actually a lot of them. You can prove this by simply Googling: “gardening websites” and presto, you would find entire listings of gardening websites.
The same is true with YouTube Channels, simply typing “gardening” on YouTube would yield a lot of gardening videos. This is proof that gardening as a website and YouTube channel is extremely competitive. Following is 2 gardening content producers who are profitable.
Let me tell you first: finding earnings data can be very hard. This is because digital content managers usually don’t want to speak about it for varying reasons. Maybe they do not want to attract attention from people who may want their money.
Maybe they’re also on the look out for wannabes who want to follow their footsteps and earn good money producing digital content right from the comfort of their homes. I mean, a lot of people hate their day jobs that is why many are dreaming of becoming digital content creators.
Another reason could be the taxman. People hate paying taxes and would do almost anything to pay no business tax. Maybe they’re embarrassed about their earnings and do not want to make public how little they are earning.
This is the reason why digital content creators who broadcast their so-called earnings statistics generally get a lot of readership or views. This is especially true if they happen to be earning a lot of money producing digital content. The more money they earn, the more are their views.
There are also websites that give calculations of how many popular digital content producers earn. However, these are just estimates and these competing websites generally give conflicting earning results that it is hard to believe which one is reliable.
If you Googled: “Is a gardening channel profitable” or did the same search in YouTube, chances are that this video would be recommended viewing: “How Much Our GARDENING CHANNEL Made on YouTube in 2021!”.
This is one of the very few digital content I found online which provided actual data regarding digital income from gardening content. One thing you would notice is that it is not really a breakaway YouTube channel.
The name of the YouTube Channel is Expedition Homestead. The channel was founded on November 1, 2016 and as of October 1, 2022 their channel have total views of 8,991,353.
Analyzing the data means that their channel have already existed for 2,145 days and averages 4,192 views on a daily basis. Not exactly spectacular but not exactly lame as well. Considering that they have 61,000 subscribers, this means they average more than 147 views/subscriber.
This is a good data. Usually not many YouTube subscribers follow their channel regularly but in this channel’s case, it seems they have devoted followers who are actually following their content on a regular basis.
The content creator of this channel was very honest when he said at the onset that their channel has a long way to go. Their start was not easy as well. He stated that for a few years when they first started, they were making just a couple of bucks a day.
His initial daily earnings could be so low because he didn’t even bother to give the financial figures for them. He stated that the only reason why he didn’t give up in the beginning was that he really loved doing videos about gardening.
This highlights the importance of finding your passion because it would keep you going during the disappointing times of your digital content creation career. People who don’t really like what they’re doing would more likely give up at any onset of any problems/disappointments.
But what also kept him going was that he noticed that his viewership numbers were doubling ever year. Doing simple analysis on his channel’s figures, we could conclude that their channel was only getting 192 views per day on their first year, but as he said, he didn’t give up.
And for anyone whose contemplating on starting any business including content creation, starting one is really, really very hard. As many successful digital content creators would advise, it takes time to succeed in this business.
And now for the juicy part: His income from his YouTube Channel. According to him, during the periods of 2020 to 2021 they were already earning $16,000/year which he stated computes to $1,300/month.
He states that he usually sees big viewership peaks during the spring and summer and views generally go down during the winter. He states that this viewership figures could be the same with other gardening digital content creators.
Looking at the channel data and his own words we can conclude that he has only made 430 videos for approximately 6 years which is not a lot considering how prolific other YouTube video content creators are.
According to him, he only makes 1 video a week which takes him 2 to 4 hours to complete. Simple calculations would indicate that he makes $325 for less than half a days worth of work. This is actually a good side hustle considering he’s not devoted to his channel full time.
To be honest, if a YouTuber from a developing country earned this same amount, they would be considered rich and even a millionaire. This must be the reason why there are digital content creators from developed countries who are now residing in developing countries.
I watch YouTube videos of the channel Income School. This YouTube Channel actually specializes in the website business. They have courses on how to create profitable websites and they do operate their own websites as well. I highly recommend that you check them out.
Now, first off this is the title of the video I’ve found: Her Website had HUGE Success in a TINY Niche and this is the link to her website: Succulents and Sunshine..
As the website name states, it specializes on succulent plants (think aloe vera). The site teaches how to grow succulents in any environment. At least this is what the digital content creator claims.
According to her, on a slow month she averages 350,000 to 500,000 pageviews per month. She earns about $200,000 on an annual basis. As you can see, she is very successful financially as a digital content creator.
Her sources of income breaks down into three namely: Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing and by selling her own products. As you can see, her income sources are very much diversified.
According to her, the income she derives from each of her income source is about evenly divided into three. This just means that she get about 33% income from each of her income sources. This equates to about $67,000 income per income source.
If she was to take it easy and just rely on ad income, she would earn a comfortable $67,000 on an annual basis. This equates to about $185.00 per day by just sitting on a computer and maintaining her website.
This also highlights the growing importance of affiliate marketing in website monetization. As her website exemplifies, her affiliate marketing income doubled her ad income. This amounts to $134,000. Most Americans never earn this amount of income.
But she also sells her own product which triples her income. This just highlights that there are many avenues to making an income from your website. Do not be contented with just an ad income no matter how big it may become.
Honestly, this figure blew my mind. She makes $200,000 a year with only 200 articles. This is not a big number by normal blogging standards. This means that on average, each of her article earns her $1,000 per year. Amazing!
I studied a few of her website articles and realized they were not out of the ordinary. Her website articles are definitely well made. Her font sizes are extra big for easier reading and she has big glossy images of her succulents.
I also noticed that she, like the others have well placed ads on each of her website articles or pages. Just like many popular websites online, she serves not only one but several ads on each of her articles.
She also specializes in a niche subject: succulents which I think is not yet a well used subject for digital content creators. She is an example of how to succeed with even just a few blogs or articles.
According to her, her articles are composed of the following: 50% blogs, 25% faqs, and 25% succulent types. As you can see, 50% of her digital content is not exactly original and can be found somewhere else online. But this hasn’t stopped her from being successful.
Another figure which blew my mind: Her website articles or blog posts are on average 1,000 words only. This is in direct disconnect with what many bloggers tell us. There is a lot of online information out there which states that your blogs/articles should be about 2,000 words.
Of course, there are bloggers who also state that your article/blog would also rank in search engines even though it contains only on average 500 words. But of course the thinking that: “the more words there are the better” way of thinking still persists.
But I think this way of thinking is changing especially in other forms of digital content like videos and podcasts. TikTok have stolen the limelight from YouTube in terms of short form video content.
There are also podcasts that are only a few minutes in length. Even the mighty YouTube has acknowledged that short length digital content is getting popular. There are now short YouTube videos better known as YouTube shorts.
She also states that she adds the comments she gets from her social media to her articles to make them longer. According to well known SEO expert Neil Patel this actually works in increasing your site rankings.
Though according to her, 70% of her traffic comes from Google and other search engines, but a significant amount of her traffic also comes from social media which is about 30%. According to her, it is important to build a community to get feedback from your followers.
According to her, she sources comments from her followers to get ideas of what blogs and articles to write. At least she knows that there would be at least a few people who would read her blog or article.
If you were to go to her website you would notice that at the bottom of her articles she talks about interacting with her followers and even teaches her followers or readers on how to interact and be featured in her website. She also has a YouTube channel which gets about 1,793 views on a daily basis.
The owners of the EXPEDITION HOMESTEAD YouTube Channel could have made more money if they had made more videos. It just shows that there is a good demand for gardening digital content. At present, this is a good side hustle for the content creator.
The SUCCULENTS AND SUNSHINE website is a great example of a gardening digital content creator whose on the top of their game, earning $200,000 annually on just 200 blogs/articles is proof that a digital content creation business can be a good way to make a lot of money.
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