Selling Your Knowledge Online
Knowledge is defined as the information a person acquires from real world experience. This comprises many things like ones education, skills learned, things observed and thought of and so on. Knowledge can broadly be defined as everything a person knows about everything they learned from.
As can be seen online there are many people offering their knowledge from such diverse topics as rocket science to the latest Hollywood gossip. So it is safe to say that anyone has a knowledge that is of use to society no matter how important or insignificant it may be. Going back to our example rocket science may be critical to the future of humanity but much many more people are interested in the latest Hollywood gossip that it is regular news daily.
So do not despair if you think that what you know is not important and you would not make money off it but rather concentrate on knowledge that you do not mind spending a long time to master and is of great interest to you. Selling your knowledge online is just like any business and you need to have a lot of commitment even though you are unsure of the outlook.
There are many bloggers for example who spent years in obscurity before finally making decent income with it. However there are others who in spite of trying to have a blog that they can do full-time by earning money from it just enough to survive continue to fail. Rather than be disheartened by these kind of sad stories take consolation that you just failed and not lost.
What do I mean? There are people who decide not to be bloggers but for example become merchants selling physical goods that requires a lot of capital to start and continue running. For every business that succeeds approximately 99 other fail and lose their capital and even their homes in the process. So you could say that selling knowledge in digital media form is a less riskier path to take. It is a business you can do anytime anywhere as long as you have internet connection.
Even though selling your knowledge is a cheap business to start many have become rich off it sometimes beating other people with real brick and mortar businesses selling physical goods. If you Google the keyword “top blogger earnings” for example you would immediately see various articles of many people and companies making millions of dollars in revenue from it.
How to Start
The best advise is to start as early as you can. Do not wait till you graduate from school or face the need for additional income before you try selling your knowledge online. As previously mentioned knowledge can be anything and the younger you start the more knowledge you compile and preferably give digital form.
This compilation of whatever knowledge of yours in digital form once given regular attention would almost have a validity of its own. If you are persistent and lucky enough you would find an audience that appreciates your knowledge enough for you to derive an income from it. The beauty of it is you just trade available time to do it and you do not need significant capital to start and maintain it.
Imagine if you started blogging or created an informational website detailing the successful and failed national and local government policies in your area or region and its effects on the populace at an early age of let us say 12 years old. By the time you turn 18 you would have amassed a vast information regarding politics in your area which could be used by businessmen and policymakers as well.
You could further increase your product by offering e-book compilations of the information you gathered. You could also offer courses on policymaking. You may not be an expert in policymaking but you can give question and answer courses where your clients guess the effect of the policy on the populace based on real world results.
Another information you can market online given enough time even at a very young age are statistical information. For example many online financial sites give the historical prices of important financial statistics such as stocks, forex, commodities and so on. But knowledge as defined is everything that is knowable and even insignificant product’s prices may impact people.
For example there would be people who would like to know the price of certain unpopular products not usually covered by mainstream media. In the field of toys alone many people have forgotten the original price of the toy they bought and would not know if it has appreciated in value. Never underestimate the reluctance or laziness of people to record information which can be important to them one day.
The need to document simple information such as prices for even mundane items is a marketable service. The proof are the many antique dealers who have made a living remembering such mundane details of ordinary products such as their original prices, who owned the product previously and so on.
With the price of digital storage products getting cheaper by the day and the ever changing content of online resources there is a chance for you to create a marketable knowledge niche entirely your own. Chances are that one year from now or even lesser the online articles which previously displayed on your Google search would have changed and would be very hard to find again unless you have bookmarked them in your browser.
Improving Information
You might find that selecting a certain knowledge to market online can be difficult as you need mastery of it. But you can just improve on the information or comment about it and it would be added to the global online knowledge records. For example there is a YouTuber by the name of Lew Later who has several YouTube channels but there is one channel of his which might particularly interest you.
His channel is named LaterClips and it does not concentrate on a very narrow range of knowledge. His format is to present a knowledge that is already previously available online and he just presents his idea about it. This way he would never have a problem of running out of information to present online.
Compare this to me for example who concentrates on posting knowledge online about making an income as a simple one man business. This knowledge is not inexhaustible and at times I suffer from lacking information to write about. The way some other website content creators handle this is to create more websites with an altogether different subject knowledge.
The Only Way Forward Is To Keep Improving
As can be seen the only way for you to proceed really is to just keep posting new knowledge online and improve the one you already posted. You can follow the example of Lew Later or just introduce new subject knowledge. There are however people who started out posting online knowledge and then stopped altogether.
Some have been lucky enough that even when they stopped posting online content they still earned revenue from their existing ones. However many keep improving by checking which of their online knowledge such as online articles are popular and continue churning out similar but improved content. This is a tried and true strategy for any business.
As can be seen anyone has knowledge on many things even insignificant ones which could be marketable products. It is important that even at an early age you start recording and posting online your knowledge until it accumulates and becomes significant enough to become important and worth some kind of value.