When to Start Earning on YouTube
Anyone can make money in YouTube even with limited equipment such as just a mobile phone to example record blogs. Anything can be your video subject matter. You can for example just record a video of your pet going about its normal activity and if enough people like your video then you can earn money.
YouTube has requirements before you can earn money from your videos. People must have watched your videos on your channel for more than 4,000 hours. You must also have a minimum of 1,000 subscribers. This is the reason why so many YouTube content creators keep emphasising that you subscribe to their channel.
You can also not make money from your videos if they are Demonetised by YouTube. Before making videos be sure to read the YouTube guidelines of why they demonetise videos. One for example should try to avoid making Risqué content such as negatively criticising certain subjects or groups of people.
Even if you just intend to make your points or messages across thru your videos to be seen by people and do not worry about monetising it YouTube can still stop you. They can ban your videos and even your channel. Be very careful to consider the guidelines of YouTube so that you do not potentially spend a lot of time and resources on videos that may end up getting banned.
There are many whose videos and channel like many other kinds of businesses took a long time before becoming profitable even taking years. Some content creators like the creators of Income School already made money even though they are barely starting. Watch their video titled How Much do Small YouTube Channels Make? to get further insight.
But the question is with their time and money spent creating these videos did they really make money? Take for example SEO expert Neil Patel who explained that he actually lost money making YouTube videos. His article is titled Is YouTube Worth It? 7.6 Million Views Later, Here’s What I Learned. Aspiring YouTube content creators should read this.
I myself have tried making YouTube videos a couple of years ago just to see if they would earn me money eventually. A couple of years have passed and my videos have hardly reached 10 viewers nor have I have more than 10 subscribers.
Though you can make money in a short time take the view that the YouTube content creation business is a long game.
Making videos can be short especially if your videos primarily sees you talking to the camera without much visual aids to assist you. But editing videos is the real time killer. A few minutes of video content can take you several hours even a whole day to prepare. Days may even pass if you create videos that have a lot of visual aids.
However one good advantage of videos is that it is a good way to promote yourself, your products or your business. A person with a bit of popularity already with a physical or other digital business can be made more popular with their exposure to YouTube even though they make not much money creating the videos or may even lose money creating the videos.
The important thing is that you treat it as business. Making YouTube videos is so easy to get into that just about everyone can do it. There are hundreds even thousands of videos all featuring the same subject and many fail to get views. Many business are also started everyday and almost 9 in 10 fail so your situation is not uncommon.
So when to start making money on YouTube? This happens when you reach the money making threshold of YouTube based on their guidelines. This is also once when you deducted your cost both in time and financial expenses you still make a profit. This also means the profit must be equal to or more profitable if you have invested your resources in other money making activities such as a minimum wage job. This the long answer.
But another answer is if your Exposure in YouTube either as yourself, your product, or business have given sufficient popularity that you now make more money than usual including the time and cost to make your videos.
YouTube in short can both be your business and advertising and is therefore worthwhile going into.