Where to Get Ideas for Motivational Speaking
There are plenty of reasons why people turn to motivational speakers. Life as we know it is full of obstacles. Many obstacles are so easy to solve that we hardly take notice of them but some are so big that they paralyse people’s life. Sometimes many small obstacles combine together to form a big obstacle which also has the same paralysing effect.
For example you work as in sales whose routine is to meet clients on their residences. It is raining hard and your car would not work. You commuted in drenching rain to your difficult clients. This pileup of obstacles can cause you to lose motivation to sell and just stay home. A motivated person will know that there will be fewer sales competition and will continue selling.
Financial Obstacles
This is probably the number one obstacle. No matter what stage of financial abundance people have most will still need more money. Companies employ motivational speakers to inspire their employees to work harder for the financial success of the company. Employees need to be convinced that by doing so they enrich their lives.
You can highlight stories of employees in all facets of the organisation from sales, operations to administration who have done so and enriched their lives mostly financially. Online business reporting sites are full of these stories which many people are unaware of. There are so many examples that no one knows them all. There will always be fresh audiences to your story.
If it is for Personal Finance then you can offer money saving and earning ideas on a personal or a family scale. You can offer articles, videos, courses, e-books related to this. Do not forget the Before and After Stories of how people succeeded by implementing these ideas. You can even endorse products, companies and individuals which may be able to help them.
Physical, Health and Medical Obstacles
Many people face daily real life obstacles because of this. For example there are many people of short physical stature who daily are demeaned and inconvenienced from doing normal things. Short people have a disadvantage too in competing with people who are of taller stature who are favoured better by society.
This is just one example. There are people with actual medical disabilities like a person who cannot walk or a person who have such poor health that they cannot do even regular physical work. Again the best way to motivate these people is to find other people with similar conditions who are able to do superior achievements despite these handicaps.
For example you can highlight that there are many successful actors and actresses in Hollywood who are relatively of short height. Perhaps one of the best example is to highlight the achievement of people like Stephen Hawking who despite being mostly unable to move and talk achieved a distinguished career in the field of science and is world famous.
Overcoming a Bad Job Situation
Many people feel trapped and unfulfilled in their current jobs whether financially, socially or personally. You can motivate people to find ways of bettering their job either through improving their career prospects and by improving their office and social life. You can lastly motivate them to explore other options besides their current job company or even the industry they work for.
People are Generally Unhappy with Their Life
The litany of obstacles that people face are varied yet have similar. You would for example hear people complain about being unable to cope with the stress of raising a family or are unhappy with their families. The obstacle of having to continue working even though one is tired of doing embarrassing, monotonous and dead end jobs. The list of obstacles in life is long.
Then there are the existential problems people face like not being able to find any meaning in their life. They as a result do not give effort in the many aspects of their life like family, career, and so on. The flipside to this is knowing what you want out of life but are unable to live the life you wanted so one becomes unmotivated and angry at their miserable fate.
Overall people are unmotivated when things in life are not going their way and they cannot find a solution to this. They feel stuck in a situation or stage in life where they feel they are going nowhere and there is no end in sight. There are endless obstacles with matching solutions that a motivator can talk about.
Provide Answers and a Plan
This is where the motivational person steps in and does their job. Their role is not only to motivate but also to provide answers as well as proof to the audience that their obstacles can be overcome. This can be most effectively done by providing examples of people who are in worse off situation than most of the audience but still managed to overcome their obstacles.
Having proved that anyone can eliminate obstacles in life motivational speakers then must be able to present a clear cut plan of how the audience will eliminate their obstacles in life. A motivational speaker can present all the motivational examples but unless they know how to adapt these winning examples to their audience then they will be All Talk and No Substance and the audience will know in time.
In summary people want to be motivated to be able to take control of their life and remove all obstacles which prevents them from doing so. This presents an almost endless number of motivational ideas. You as the motivational speaker must convince them that this problem of theirs have a solution. You must also then be able to teach them how to implement this solution no matter how difficult it is to do.