Job Search Assistance
There was a time in your life or several times in your life when you have to look for a job. Unless you own a business outright when you started earning in life or someone hired you outright without you having to express your desire to find a job then you have experienced looking fo a job.
There is an Unmet Need from Job Seekers
Looking for a job can be difficult and painful. Some people face so many job application rejections that they get discouraged entirely and become jobless for life. They depend on welfare or on the generosity of others to support themselves financially and even socially.
There are others who drift from job to job because they are unable to get permanent placements in the companies they work for resulting in them having unstable financial standing.
Others get employed in a job and then get trapped by it. They get locked into jobs without advancement opportunities or work in toxic environments like unsafe work areas, bad coworkers, abusive bosses and so on. They are unable to leave and look for another job because their salary and hence financial resources would stop.
They also fear that should their employers know that they are planning or are actually looking for a job they will be treated ill by their employers and worse be fired. This one of the greatest fear of employees that they almost do not initiate contact with potential new employers or recruitment agents.
I and many others have experienced all these fears and like me most are put on the edge between staying on the job I like or not like but unable to because my employers know that I have contacted potential new employers and/or recruitment agents. Most of the time the employees are forced to resign as the only option putting their financial situation in danger.
A recruitment agent has a company looking for employees as a client. They are usually concerned with getting paid by providing a recruit for the company. I have experienced a situation where the recruiters were calling me non-stop even though they know that I am most likely in the office were my employers can be aware of our conversation. This is how tricky some recruitment agents can get.
The One Job Seekers Need
There should be a counterpart to the recruitment agent. There should be a person that would assist the person looking for a job and not the company looking for an employee. Many people especially junior level people do not even know how to make a proper resume or make the resume fit the position they are applying for. This person should be able to provide this service.
They should be able to search for jobs that fit their clients even those not advertised. This means knowing if the job applicant which is their client and the company are a match for each other. They should be able to inform their clients if they need to update their knowledge and skills to get the job they want and even teach them if they can.
They must be able to assist during the interview process as well. They must be able to provide information on how to get to the interview not only on time but on what route to take. There are job applicants without access to commuter transport or their own vehicles. This person should be able to drive them to the place of the interview if need be.
The most important task of this person would be to divert the call of potential employers and recruitment agents from the job applicant to them. This would ensure that the current employers of the job applicant would not know that they are looking for a job. This would also enable the issues between the potential employer and the job applicant to be threshed out even before they formally meet.

With so many people unemployed, fearing unemployment, or trapped in their jobs there is an opportunity for enterprising and caring people to provide this service and possibly make good money especially if they are able to find high paying jobs and good jobs to their clients.