How to Become a Motivational Speaker: 11 Steps to Help You Succeed
According to PR Newswire, the global motivational speaking industry is forecasted to grow to 28.37 billion by 2025. It has a projected annual average growth of 14%. Any industry that has 10% or more growth is considered a very promising industry.As of 2020, 33% of life coaches, which is another term for motivational speakers are in the US. There are 17,500 motivational speakers in the US.
From this figure, we have a rough estimate that by 2025: an average American motivational speaker would be earning about USD 500,000 per year.
Motivational speaking could be a good career for you especially if you are concerned with the earning potential of your career.
But how does one become a motivational speaker and what helps them succeed? The following are steps and actions that would help you if you want to have a chance at a motivational speaking career.
Note: These information are derived from the various online information provided by those involved or who have knowledge of the motivational speaking industry.
11 Steps to Help You Succeed as a Motivational Speaker
1. You must be motivated enough2. Identify your audience
3. Develop your messages
4. Do not only motivate but also offer solutions
5. Offer a share of your knowledge online
6. Invest in yourself and your business
7. Start your speaking business wisely
8. Have a good speaking strategy and routine
9. Feed on feedback
10. Treat your clients well
11. Always Network
Final Words
The Details:
1. You must be motivated enough

Have you ever motivated someone in your daily life to excel at something and to get out of their rut? If you do, there is a good chance you have the makings of a good motivational speaker.
However, it takes a certain positive personality to be a motivational speaker. You must first be a highly motivated person yourself.
Whatever is your primary personal motivation for becoming a motivational speaker whether it be for money or to help motivate others, you must first be motivated enough to pursue it because your lack of interest or confidence will be glaringly known to your audience.
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2. Identify your audience

There is nothing so depressing as to put all your effort and heart out into doing something, but in the end you have nothing to show for all your efforts.
That is why you need to approach motivational speaking like a real business and find a profitable target market. You can be either of the following or all:
1. Professional speaker:
You speak in front of an audience.
2. Industry speaker:
You speak in front of an audience of your peers who are people in your same industry.
3. Subject matter expert:
You speak regarding information you know. You are liable to be an expert in your fields of knowledge.
4. Inspirational speaker:
You speak to inspire your audience to improve their situation.
5. Motivational speaker:
You speak about all of the previously mentioned above.
As you can see, by deciding which target market you want to concentrate on, you can more easily develop a plan on how to approach your speaking career.
Also, you don’t have to motivate or inspire people all the time, your job might just involve speaking to an audience.
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3. Develop your messages

3.1 Differentiating factor:
Is what separates your motivational words (your product) from your competitor’s motivational words.
For example you can motivate all people to work hard, but you have to differentiate between groups of people. For example, there are different motivational words used for athletes as against sales personnel.
There are also different motivational words used for someone who have just lost everything financially and those suffering from a serious health condition.
Assess yourself first and define your area of expertise. Don’t target to speak about everything. It is usually the specialist speakers who are more highly paid than generalists.
3.2 Use everyday events:
You don’t have to speak about fantastical things to motivate your audience when everyday events could be effective already.
For example, you can motivate your audience to save to buy a car because you have seen rain drenched families walking in the rain because they have no car.
3.3 The best example is you:
Everyone has had difficulties in their lives even if they are rich or poor. Money is not the answer for all obstacles in life. Everyone has a motivating story to tell. You may be rich but you can still motivate your audience to endure their health problems which money alone can’t solve.
Dig deep into your past, current condition and maybe into your future to see what motivating personal stories you can tell your audience.
The good thing about this is that they have an actual sample of a motivated life which is you. Personally opening some details of your life to your audience makes them more intimate with you.
3.4 Humor your audience:
A lot of people want humor in their lives. This is the reason why comedians are paid big money: because they can make people happy.
You might not be a natural comedian, but everyone knows of at least one funny story or joke. You can even use the funny story or joke of a real comedian to liven up your audience.
3.5 You do not have to be a super success at anything to be an inspiration for other people:
Don’t worry if you’re not yet a success in motivational speaking or in any of your life’s endeavour. Many motivational speakers didn’t start with a successful life. But won’t my audience think I’m a fraud or even a failure because I’m not successful? Remember, you are a motivational speaker and not a “success speaker”. Your job is to motivate your audience to make them successful in their endeavors.
For example, your motivational business is a motivation subject in itself. You can motivate your audience to persevere just as you are persevering in your motivational speaking business.
You can tell them about other motivational speakers who are in the same situation as you when you first started, but are not rich and successful.
But there are other motivational stories besides your story and the story of other motivational speakers. You also can tell motivation stories based on other people who conquered poverty, sickness, heartbreak, oppression and so on.
3.6 Find your “Hook”:
Just like the famous shoe company, Nike, with their catchy motivational hook: ”Just Do It, you must also find or develop a hook for your audience. It must be something that easily identifies you to your audience.
For example, you can say: “Who dares wins” at every ending of your talk. Slowly, but surely your audience would remember you for it, and they’ll associate the words to you.
They might forget your name, but there is a high chance that they will remember your motivational hook at least.
3.7 Begin with the end in mind:
Before you compose your messages and talks, analyze what your audience will get out of it. This would enable you to realize if your messages and talks have real benefits that your audience would gladly pay for.
You can use the following questions as a guide in knowing if your messages and talks are useful to your audience:
- What will your audience do after they’ve heard your words? - What will your audience change after hearing your words? - What will your audience stop doing after hearing your words? - What will your audience share with their team after hearing your words?
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4. Do not only motivate but also offer solutions

If people can see that you are tackling their obstacles first hand they will know that you yourself know how to fight these obstacles.
For example, if your audience is suffering from shyness, you could tell them of the steps to overcome shyness, the books of how to get rid of shyness, experts in shyness and so on.
Be knowledgeable in your field and also offer genuine hope and not empty hope. For example if people are struggling with medical disabilities performing their jobs, do not only offer hope that maybe someday a new product will help.
Tell them of actual research being done to create products that would soon help or relieve them with their medical condition.
Be a master of not only motivation but business and life in general. For example you can be an expert in a business that you can tell those in your audience that their current low sales are temporary only because of current market conditions such as an unforeseen bad weather.
Your audience would soon regard you as not only a man who preaches, but a man who actually knows the answers.
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5. Offer a share of your knowledge online

In fact, many “influencer” motivational speakers today primarily transmit their “words” this way. They only conduct actual speaking seminars when they have grown their online audience.
Even a lot of established old time motivational speakers advise that you should develop many revenue sources that would not require you to leave home.
This could be by making videos, podcasts, books, online sponsorships and so on. Also, being online keeps you easily reachable and relevant to your audience.
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6. Invest in yourself and your business

This means that you have to dress and look appropriately for the occasion. You must for example wear a business attire to project a formal and commanding business image.
You must invest in studying continuously. This is because your motivational words need to be update continuously to reflect your changing audience and the situations of life. If your words became stale, your audience will abandon you surely.
Enroll in speaking classes to improve your communication skills. Hire an image consultant to advise you on how you should physically display yourself to your audience.
If you can afford assistants who would do the grunt work of your business, so much the better. This would allow you to not become lost in the daily tasks of running your business which allows you to concentrate on planning.
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7. Start your speaking business wisely

Finding a mentor or someone to look up to not only applies in the business of motivational speaking, but applies to all fields of businesses.
When you are just starting out, envision a person you want to be someday and follow what they have done to get at what they are.
But don’t mimic everything that they have done, develop your own style that suits you. Everyone is unique and what works for one might not work for another.
7.2 Avoid cold calling:
You shouldn’t do this when you are still starting. This is because you are still inexperienced and have not developed a reputation. No one is likely to trust you yet.
What you should do instead is to develop your online motivation business. Start making videos, podcasts, blogs, websites and so on. Create a visible online portfolio that potential clients can use as a reference to hire you.
7.3 Start with local events:
By concentrating on developing a local client base, you not only establish a territory, but also save on traveling costs.
Your first business connections would probably be composed of the local people around you: your family, friends, neighbors and so on.
7.4 Have a high quality website:
Even if you only do videos and audio podcasts, you still need your own website. This is because people would consider you more seriously if you have your own website.
Your website is also your calling card, portfolio and information repository which is advertised 24/7 to the billions of people who have access to the internet. It is a major marketing tool for you.
7.5 Create high quality seminar demo videos:
A few of the videos you make should be specifically targeted for your clients. Who are your clients? They are the people who hire you to speak at seminars and other speaking engagements.
They are different from the people who watch your videos or listen to your audios. Your clients need to know how you would proceed and conduct yourself while speaking to their audience.
For example, you might look good speaking to people thru your YouTube videos, but completely bad when speaking in front of a live audience. Your client needs to know this.
7.6 Stop concentrating on finding an agent:
Agents for the most only partner with established and famous motivational speakers. This is because they are easier to sell to clients and produce higher commission profits. Being just a new motivational speaker, these two reason works against you.
In the beginning, find your clients yourself so that you don’t have to share your small earnings. Also, no one would work harder at finding a client for you than you yourself.
7.7 Don’t stop practicing:
It takes time to perfect your craft. Many motivational speakers spend years perfecting their craft. Don’t worry much if you mess up in the beginning, it’s all part of your learning process.
But you must continually practice and never stop doing so. You must be able to look at the mirror and like what you see and speak of.
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8. Have a good speaking strategy and routine

Get layouts, pictures and other information about the venue and the audience that you are speaking to. Even one missed thing like poor audio equipments in the venue can ruin your otherwise excellent performance.
: Knowing your audience also allows you to know beforehand what they would likely demand from you. You can then make adjustments to your talk based off this information.
8.2 Never miss an event:
Nothing destroys your credibility than a no-show in your own event:
Always have a backup in case your main mode of transportation stops. Always plan to arrive early for your event. This way, if interruptions happen, you can still make up for lost time.
8.3 Bring a mirror and/or check how you look like in a mirror:
You cannot underestimate your appearance on stage. Your open fly or shambled hair can distract the attention of your audience from your message.
They would more than likely even second guess your organizational skills which might cause you to lose points with them.
8.4 Have a pre-game ritual to ease yourself before you speak on stage:
It’s like warm ups before an exercise. Your pre-game ritual prepares your mind from the pressures of speaking on stage which is about to happen.
You could prepare by having small talk with your audience before you speak. You could even drink a little to calm your nerves.
8.5 Pace yourself but stick to the allotted time:
You should be relaxed and not nervous while you are talking. You should learn to slow down and even pause if you are speaking too fast. But don’t speak too slow either, stick to your allotted time.
8.6 Don’t panic when things go wrong:
Speaking engagements are usually between one half to one hour’s time. A lot of wrong things might happen during this period.
Don’t panic. Show your audience that you still have control of the situation. This enhances your image as a person who knows what to do when problems appear and know how to solve them.
8.7 Sell while speaking on stage:
Remember that for a short period of time, you likely have your audience in your grasp based off the things you are saying.
This would be a good time to sell your products like other speaking engagements, books, online content and so on.
But don’t overdo it. Your audience would likely be turned off by your otherwise excellent speech if you keep pitching to them such that you lose them as a customer instead of getting more sales.
8.8 Utilize graphics aids:
If you are talking about statistics and other information that requires the aid of graphics aids, then have them.
Humans are very visual people, especially men. You might lose your message to your audience if you don’t accompany them with graphics aids.
8.9 Involve the audience:
Make your audience more intimate with you by involving them in your speech. Ask them questions, let them talk, get them on the stage if you have to.
8.10 Have fun:
Your audience takes their cues from you, if you’re having fun onstage, they’ll likely to have fun listening to you as well. Allow the audience to laugh and don’t be intimidated by their silence. This might be a sign that your audience is seriously studying your words.
8.11 Take care of your health:
When you’re sick, you’re likely to perform poorly on stage, so be health conscious. Stay hydrated while onstage to not only keep your voice, but also to maintain your energy.
8.12 Don’t neglect your loved ones:
Call your loved ones before a performance to improve your morale and also to avoid worrying yourself about their condition while you are away. If you have a bad family life, your audience would tend to look at it in a negative way.
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9. Feed on feedback

With your worksheet you should be able to know what your audience like and does not like about your talk, together with their recommendations.
Your worksheet should also keep your audience more engaged by giving them the important highlights of your talk and letting them jot down their own personal notes. In the end, your worksheet is a proof that your audience learned something from your talk.
You should also stick around for as long as you can to meet audience members in person. This does not only make you intimate with some of your audience, but you’ll also get real verbal feedback and suggestions regarding your talk.
Most importantly, read your worksheets, feedback and comments column to collect testimonials. Nothing builds your credibility than actual positive and provable testimonials from your audience.
Positive feedbacks and testimonials are so important to businesses that some are even known to pay a good price for them even illegally.
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10. Treat your clients well

Find the decision makers and find a way to talk to them. This shows to your client that you respect their authority the most.
10.2 Negotiate based on value and have a fee structure:
Having a flat fee would not only lost you otherwise very profitable clients, but it would show that you are an inflexible person who is hard to negotiate with.
Having a fee structure makes your client’s work easier in determining if they can afford your services. Like it or not, a product or a service’s cost is the main concern of most buyers/clients. Make their job easier and they’ll likely thank you for it.
10.3 Have a long term perspective:
Your main objective must be to gain repeat business from your clients. Your clients might offer you a slightly lower pay, but they might make it more than up to you with repeat business. A loyal client might be just the ally you need during the low points of your business.
10.4 Always have a written agreement:
Though deals are sealed with a handshake, you should follow it up with a strong written agreement. Remember that during negotiations, the seller (which is you) is usually at a disadvantage to the buyer.
10.5 Ask for referrals from clients:
You should not only do this to your clients, but from all of your contacts. One of your low-level contacts might actually be connected to a high-level contact which would bring you a very good deal.
10.6 Treat everyone well:
Build relationships with your clients and take their business seriously. Thank their support staff, tech crew and so on. They might not seem important, but you surely need their cooperation.
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11. Always Network

As previously said, even a seemingly insignificant contact might lead you to a very important contact which would land you a great deal.
Prepare you calling cards. They might seem dated, but they are still much used in establishing business connections.
Always end your talks, books, digital content and all your products and services with a way of contacting you.
Your products and services then serve another purpose for you besides delivering your message to your clients and customers. They now serve as your marketing aids delivering a passive “contact me” message to your clients and customers.
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Final Words

You might be an excellent communicator, but without business skills, you would surely not make money off your business. The same is true with being an excellent businessperson, but having no communication skills.
Your products and services might only be “words”, but you still need to make your words stand out from the rest of the other aspiring and established motivational speakers.
You need to take care of your appearance, finances, health and most importantly, keep improving yourself by studying and continually practicing.
But most importantly, take care of your clients and always network. Clients are hard to find, but are easy to retain if you take care of them properly.
Network with as many people as you can. One of your contacts might lead you to more promising contacts than you ever could, so don’t underestimate the networking power of someone.
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