How to Become a Motivational Speaker
Anyone can be a motivational speaker. Everyone from rich to poor has experienced being motivated to accomplish something no matter how small it is. For example the simple concept of being able to afford a car could motivate you to work harder because you see families walking on the road without cars being drenched by rain.
As can be seen even normal everyday events which seem insignificant can become a motivational speaking subject. Sometimes you just need to open people’s eyes on what is going on around them to be motivated. Sometimes people are so used to their current situation that they see no other improvement no matter what stage of life they are in.
So how does one become a motivational speaker especially a highly paid professional motivational speaker? You need to assess first yourself and see if you have the skill for motivational speaking. Have you ever motivated someone in your daily life to excel at something and to get out of their rut?
It takes a certain positive personality to be a motivational speaker. You must first be a highly motivated person. Whatever your primary personal motivation for becoming a motivational speaker whether it be for money or to help motivate others you must first be motivated enough to pursue it because your lack of interest or confidence will be known by your audience.
After developing your personality to become a highly positive and motivated person the next step is to assess what you have to offer to people who want to be motivated. The best example is you. Have your life experiences been about motivation despite all forms of obstacles?
If you are financially well off since the beginning of your life and have never faced much financial obstacles you can highlight that money is not the answer to all obstacles in life. You can highlight other obstacles that are not related to financial obstacles such as medical conditions which makes your life difficult or the difficulties of maintaining a financially well off lifestyle and how you deal with it.
Collect all your life experiences and weave them into a story that show that you are just one of the people in the world who have to contend with obstacles all your life. You can highlight whatever your progress in life now as your current accomplishment. You do not have to be a super success at anything to be an aspiration for other people.
The difficulty of an obstacle to be overcome is usually more important than the level of success one has achieved. For example a business college graduate motivational speaker who founded a multimillion dollar business empire is no match for a motivational speaker who is self educated but still managed to found a moderately successful business.
Your motivational business is a motivation subject itself. You can record the beginning and current state of your motivation business. You do not have to wait until you become a success. Many people are motivated by people who are simply doing what they want to do themselves and are trying despite the odds against them.
The beauty of using your motivation business as an example is that it is a never ending story. You get to tell almost daily your daily life which if you are building a following is a source of endless motivation content for you. They also get to know your authenticity first hand. You will build authentic content almost organically.
You also can tell motivation stories based on other people. There are an endless content material on motivational stories online. You can specialise if you have a target market. You can for example specialise in stories about insurance sales people who became financially and socially well off despite early obstacles if your target clients are insurance companies.
Do not only motivate but also offer solutions to the obstacles people are facing. Many audiences are so used to being bombarded by motivation content that they conclude that it is all talk and no substance. If people can see that you are tackling their obstacles first hand they will know that you yourself is fighting these obstacles.
Be knowledgeable in your field and also offer genuine hope and not empty hope. For example if people are struggling with medical disabilities performing their jobs do not only offer hope that maybe someday a new product will help but tell them of actual research being done to create products that would soon help or relieve them with their medical condition.
Be a master of not only motivation but business and life in general. For example you can be an expert in a business that you can tell those in the business that their current low sales are temporary because of current market conditions such as an unforeseen bad weather which caused financial instability to many people and resulted in poor purchasing confidence.
Offer a share of your knowledge socially especially in social media. The more people get to know you the better they can assess your motivation content and determine its value. The more online content you share the more chances of you earning online income. If you are invited to publicly motivate people determine if commercially the benefits of speaking for free or paid is good for your business.

As can be seen being a motivational speaker does not require a formal education but you need to educate yourself on how to be not just a motivational speaker but also a Motivational Person. You are not only selling motivational products such as seminars, books and video about motivation but you more importantly are selling your life as an example for others to follow.