What Can You Do To A Jealous Person?
Jealous people can be very dangerous. There are people who have actually harmed and even murdered people they’re jealous with. The issue of jealousy is especially relevant today where indulging in social media is a very popular activity.
Wannabe social media superstars may be sowing the seeds of jealousy whenever they brag to their social media connections and followers their lavish lifestyle like vacations on the Bahamas, a new mansion or sports car.
There is an interesting list in the Ranker website titled: People Who Killed Out Of Jealousy. The list includes a woman named Melanie Smith who accidentally killed a family just because the family was living a happy life.
So, you better watch out. Jealous people exists both in your social and work life. Jealous persons can be anyone. They can be complete strangers whom you met only once to long term loved ones.
The sad thing about all of this is that these jealous people hate you and even want to harm you even though you haven’t even done anything to them. This is especially very apparent in the issues of wealth and beauty.
There are for example, poor people who like to do harm to wealthy people just because the wealthy people are wealthy. There are also old people who like to berate young people just because young people still have the beauty of youth in them.
1. They minimize or downplay your achievements and/or goals: When people are jealous of you, they would talk as if your achievements are without worth. They can even rain down on your goals claiming that you cannot possibly achieve them.
2. They talk bad about you to other people and embarrass or shame you every chance they get: Deep down, jealous people have considered you their enemy and they want to destroy your reputation with other people as much as possible.
3. They’re extremely competitive with you. They as much as possible try to make you feel inferior or look inferior to others: Ever had a so-called friend buy a similar dress like yours just because you bought a new dress? This is just one example.
4. They keep criticizing or tearing you down. They say that you just got lucky: Social media is ripe with people criticizing and tearing down successful people while they themselves can’t even hope to accomplish what these successful people have done on their own.
1. They steal your spotlight: Jealous people don’t want you to have the spotlight. They want the spotlight pointed at them. This especially applies to famous people. Many famous people are trolled today by trolls and their rivals just so they can steal the spotlight.
2. They are nosy: Ever had a so-called friend who always like to inquire how much you make at your job? They can even go as far as ask how much money you have at the bank or how much your home and car is worth.
These questions and similar ones could be coming from the mouth of a jealous person. They might seem like innocent questions, but deep down these jealous persons feel that your financially ahead of them and want to find it out.
3. They start petty arguments with you: Most of the time, jealous persons cannot control their jealous emotion and start petty arguments with you for the slightest of reasons. They for example, would accuse you of being a snob if you don’t give them immediate notice.
4. They gloat about your mistakes: Jealous people can’t wait till you make a mistake. These people are so jealous of you that they would exaggerate your slightest mistake and talk about it loudly to others.
5. They give you bad advice on purpose: Lastly, jealous people can be very conniving and insidious. They might not show their hatred of you but rather, outwardly show you that they are your best friend.
Be very careful of these people. They can be giving you bad advice on purpose disguised as a well meaning advice. From financial to relationship advice, these jealous people may be plotting your ruin by giving you bad advice.
1. Ignoring them sometimes helps: If for example, you are dealing with a jealous co-worker, and you can’t distance yourself from them readily, it would probably be best if you try to ignore their jealous attacks on you as much as possible.
People who are jealous with you are more than likely, leading unhappy lives and want to spread their misery on to you. Block their attempts to do. Sometimes, ignoring their jealous attacks on you would diffuse the jealousy situation especially if you can’t avoid them.
From complete strangers: For example, an attractive woman just passing by would be the subject of verbal abuse by an ugly woman who could label her as a tramp. Confronting the ugly woman might seem the fair thing to do but sometimes just ignoring these jealous persons would solve the situation.
It is no secret that many famous people especially celebrities are constantly harassed by malicious people who are either jealous of their looks or of their fame and fortune. This is a sad reality that many wannabe famous people should learn to handle.
2. Keep your distance from them: It doesn’t take much common sense to know if people would be dangerously jealous of you. For example, a person who wants to dress well shouldn’t go to places where people dress down.
You might say that how a person dresses is not the business of others. But jealousy is very unreasonable at times. What you think is normal might be extravagant to others and might be the cause of jealousy. To repeat, jealous people are very unreasonable most of the time.
1. Blend in: Let’s take for example the hairstyles for men. There are men who are jealous of men with long locks of hair. The reason could be varied, from balding hair to not being allowed a long hairstyle to work or school.
If you don’t want balding men to direct their jealousy to you because you have a long and beautiful hair which signifies that you might not be a cubicle worker, stick to a plain hairstyle. While you might protest that you could do anything with your hair, remember: jealous people are mostly unreasonable.
2. Avoid the outward appearance of prosperity: Not only do you attract jealousy by projecting an image that you are rich, but you might also be the target of criminals and other people who might target you because they perceive that you have a lot of money.
3. Don’t brag: This shouldn’t even be a reminder but people forget that when they brag, they are sure to gain untoward attention like jealousy. Nobody likes a braggart, rather, let people know of your accomplishments and success from other people.
4.There is just so much that you can do. The problem lies mostly with jealous people and not with you: Like it or not, there would always be people who would hate or be jealous of you for no reason at all. This is just the reality of this world we live in.
Many people today, especially the young, feel that they lead mundane and boring lives which is very contrary to what they see in media. Movies, books and other forms of entertainment like to depict people leading extraordinary lives.
In turn, real people also try to live extraordinary lives. From dressing like their celebrity idols to copying the lifestyle and even the looks and mannerisms of their celebrity idols. When these people do, they stand out among other people and people take notice.
In real life, people who stand out from others even though they are just imitating their celebrity idols attract untoward attention including jealousy. For example, women who dress in the latest fashion like their fashion idols attract jealousy from other women.
The same thing can be said of men who dress, look and act like their celebrity idols. Men for example, who imitate their movie action hero idols often get into arguments and even fights because other men are jealous of them.
It is a sad reality in this world that people who stand out from other people are often targeted just for being different. They are often accused of being arrogant, a braggart or a weirdo by people jealous of them.
If ever you are doing something that may make you stand out from other people like being richer, smarter, famous and the likes, be very careful. Bad people like to bring down and even harm people who stand out.
Jealous people could be very dangerous people. At the extremes, jealous people have been known to murder the people they are jealous of. The sad part is that the victim has done nothing wrong to the jealous person.
When a person stands out from other people, they may automatically make some people jealous. This is because there are many people who hate the life they live and even hates it more when they see other people having great lives. Keep your distance from jealous people.
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