What Are Some Stupid Reasons You Can Get Fired?
According to Zippia, a career website: 40% of Americans have been fired from their job in their lifetime. Also, in 2020 alone in Asia: 81,000,000 jobs were lost during the pandemic according to the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Let’s face it, not many people can or wants to be business owners. For the vast majority of people, they are at their best being an ordinary employee. That is why when someone gets lucky and find employment in a good company, they should do their best not to get fired.
But typical to human nature, people/employees become complacent after a while. They believe that once they get hired by a company, the likelihood of them being fired is unlikely unless they do something very bad seriously.
Most don’t even read the company policies and manuals if they are provided by the company. Some even treat their co-employees like their friends and families. While there is nothing wrong with this, employees must realize that there are legal laws which govern employee relations.
Being an aggressive employee doesn’t necessarily mean that your company should fire you. For example, there are even companies that actively endorse their sales representatives to be more aggressive in finding clients.
But aggression towards co-employees in the form of physical or even verbal violence is not usually tolerated by companies. For example, threatening a co-employee is enough for a company to fire the employee who did the threatening.
There are also other forms of violent or antisocial behaviors that companies don’t tolerate. For example, defacing company property or even destroying company property can get someone fired from said company.
An employee can also be perceived as a violent person if they bully their other co-employees. This especially applies to employees in a position of power like CEOs, managers and even supervisors.
Being fired from your job because you are too violent or antisocial is a stupid way to get fired. The business world is run with employees being civil with each other. This is the accepted norm in business. That is why violent and antisocial people are usually not tolerated.
There are levels of incompetence in a job. The worst kind of incompetence is when one is totally not qualified to do the job. The less serious incompetence is when one takes up more than the required time to do their job in the company.
There are employees who want to waste as much company time as possible in order to do lesser and lesser work. Maybe they are not satisfied with their salary but simply can’t find another job elsewhere.
There are also employees who beef up their resumes just to get a job even though they’re not qualified. Sooner or later, their employers would find out that they’re not qualified for the job and fire them. This could cause a negative reputation to the fired employee.
Being lazy/incompetent is a stupid way to lose a job. This is because the fired employee fails to realize that sooner or later, their laziness and incompetence would be their undoing when compared to a hardworking and competent co-employee.
There are a lot of high profile cases lately where celebrated top executives of major companies are accused of sexual harassment. Usually, the culprits are men and there is not only one but several of their female employees taking them to court for sexual harassment.
Though sexual harassment cases are prevalent in men who hold high positions of power in big companies, there are also some cases where the women executives are being sued by their male employees for sexual harassment.
Its not only companies where sexual harassment can be found but also in other institutions like schools. Male and Female teachers have been put in jail for sexually exploiting their students. Male and Female teachers have been also fired for sexual innuendos to their students.
Nowadays, any out of the normal interactions with any co-employee of the opposite gender can be a cause for sexual harassment. For example, flirting and sex jokes towards another employee can be considered as sexual harassment.
Even the simple action of romantically courting a co-employee can be interpreted as sexual harassment. This is the reason why company romances are mostly frowned upon in companies.
Many employees usually take home their office stationery such as pens and paper pads and think nothing of it. This is because these items are so insignificant to them and are also so cheap that to them they hardly matter.
Others employees are more blatant: They steal company property en masse. For example, there are sales representatives who don’t give the company’s giveaway gifts to their customers. They either keep it to themselves or even sell them.
There are employees who treat company property and even the products that their company sells as compensation. They reason that since they are receiving low pay from their company, they can sell company property and products to top off their salary in the company.
Other employees are more insidious: They steal from the company out of revenge. For example, an employee might become disgruntled with their company when they are not being promoted, they steal company property and products to get even.
This is a stupid way to get fired. The reason why this is stupid is because the offending employee does not only get fired but they can also be sued by the company and in worst cases, the offending employee can go to jail.
Most low ranked employees don’t realize how much competition their company has. Many companies have trade secrets and other information that they seriously hide from their competitors.
For example, a company might be developing a very new and innovative product that would give them a decided edge among their competitors. If ever their competitors find out this information, they are surely to take serious action against the company.
This is the reason why companies usually make their employees sign non-disclosure contracts, to prevent their employees from discussing information that are supposed to be only for company insiders and not outsiders.
There are employees who divulge company information in order to brag. For example, an employee might divulge company matters to their partner during dinner or in bed. Their partner then divulges the information to another party and so on and so forth.
Eventually the company information becomes public that it affects the bottom line of the company. This is a stupid way to get fired because the offending employee does not only lose their job but can even be sued by the company.
This is similar to divulging company information. The only difference being that you divulge or babble about your personal opinion in matters regarding your employers or company. This is especially prevalent now in social media.
The most common issues employees babble about in social media regarding their company is about the negative aspects they experience/realize with the company they work for. It could be low pay, long working hours, toxic culture and so on.
But it’s not all negative news. It could be just plain bragging. For example, there are government employees who brag online how they can boss around people who apply for government assistance.
But to sum everything up, whatever this employee is babbling about, this results with the employers, company and even the co-employee themselves having a negative public image. Of course, the company has no recourse but to take action against this offending employee.
This is a stupid reason to not only get fired but to also be sued by the employer, boss, co-employees or the very company one babbled about. They can sue you for defamation. At the very least they can ask for an apology, at worst they can even ask for financial compensation.
Employees especially those who already hold tenure in their company usually become complacent regarding their behavior towards their employers, bosses, co-employees and the company itself.
They never realize that besides getting fired, they could be instances when they could also be sued by the company. Besides this, the offending employee can also land in jail for such stupid actions.
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