Make Money from Woman Eggs
The purpose of this article is not to convince women that they could make a lot of money from selling their eggs but to explain the egg donation business and its effects to women donors. I hope this article will help women decide if they want to be an egg donor especially that donating eggs for money is getting popular online and being advertised in social media.
Donating can be Difficult and Painful
I was researching online the different ways one can sell the materials produced by one’s body. One of the articles I came across was from Wisebread titled 5 Bodily Fluids You Can Exchange for Cash. One of the subjects the article tackled was selling woman’s eggs. What caught my eye however was the comment by an unknown reader:
She told her real life experience of selling her eggs 4 times for $8,000 each but she said that she stopped doing it because during the last one she nearly died of medical complications. According to her while you are not awake while the procedure is being done it can be painful and you will get bad cramps for days.
I even saw another article where a young woman earned a total of $60,000 from participating in several egg donation procedures. However she also commented that she endured a lot of pain during the procedures and that the process of being an egg donor is not simple.
For example one would have to undergo a lot of medical and physiological tests and wait to be approved. Once one is approved one is medically prepared for the actual procedure. This involves injecting yourself with hormones and it takes weeks and one is regularly tested by the medical practitioners which means having appointments in clinics.

What You Can Earn
As previously discussed the compensation is good. Donors are paid between $6,000 to $10,000 per donation in America depending on the market and the buyers. The client who buys the eggs from the medical facilities can be very picky in selecting a donor. The physical and mental qualities are a big factor in the price buyers are willing to pay for eggs.
There is a Biological Limit
Before we proceed let me inform women readers which could be interested in egg donation that in case you do not know women are born with only a certain number of eggs which do not get produced again. This is unlike men who continually produce sperm for most of their lifetime. A woman also needs to wait for months to be able to donate again once she has already donated eggs.
What is Happening in Africa and India
Egg donation is also happening in countries like Africa where it is popular among university students as a quick way to make money. Ads in social media can also be found where women are being enticed with the financial benefits of donating eggs while downplaying the risks. The women also told their painful experiences during and after undergoing the process with some even developing medical complications.
In India it is big business too. Many lowly educated and poor Indian women are enticed by the money they can make donating their eggs. They too are enticed by ads in social media. There are those recruited by agents who make a commission when they are able to entice a woman to be an egg donor. These agents make a living doing this.
Although many poor Indian women are egg donors there is a huge demand in India for educated and light skinned donors. Even well educated and well paid workers like stewardess and lawyers have become egg donors attracted by the money from being an egg donor.
India’s egg donation business is big enough that they can even arrange transactions where caucasian donors are arranged for caucasian couples.
America is the Epicentre of Egg Donation
America is however the main center of the egg donation industry because of American laws and the reputation of the industry. Many buyers come from other countries where egg donation is illegal or restricted. Egg donors from non-caucasian origins usually can get paid better because of the specialised demand for their eggs.
There is nothing wrong with donating eggs for money although it is illegal in other countries. For one the egg donors are performing valuable service to couples who cannot conceive. Also the good compensation may not even make up for the pain, discomfort and the possible threat to the life of the egg donor.
As explained only certain women can earn money from donating eggs. One can however setup an agency to act as an intermediary between the egg donors, egg recipients and the medical organisations involved and earn money.
If you are interested to become an egg donor or to setup your own agency checkout this agency: Sunshine Egg Donation Agency to get an idea.