Making Money with Urine
If you are a male the chances of you making money from your urine is dismal. Think about it. Every human produces urine and urinate several times a day. There is a glut of it and even if urine becomes valuable there will be stiff competition that this would drive the price down for you.
Controversial and Negative Uses of Urine
One of the uses of urine is in the field of drug testing. People who are likely to fail a urine drug test will buy clean urine from people who do not take drugs. However this is illegal and selling your urine for these deceitful purposes can land you in jail. For your information the going rate for clean urine is about $20.00 for a few ounces.
Another illegal way urine is sold is by some pregnant women who sell their urine to other women whose purpose is to trick their men into marrying them by convincing them that they are pregnant although they are not.
A legal but controversial way for women to sell their urine is to sell them to men who have urine sex fetishes. A dominatrix has successfully sold her urine twice for $4,000.00 each to her clients. Of course not any woman can do this as the women who sell their urine to these kinds of men must first attract them in a sexual way.
The Urine of an Individual Has Little Commercial Value
A good online article about the financial value of your urine can be found in Mel Magazine titled HOW MUCH IS MY PISS WORTH?. It stated that there is not much business a person can make from his urine unless as a woman she sells them to sex fetishists.
Even if a woman is able to sell her urine she faces competition for synthetic urine which is also being marketed to sex fetishists by many sex aid supply companies. Synthetic urine has the advantage of not being possibly contaminated by diseases unlike real urine. It is also safe to consume.
If one is lucky a DNA testing company can pay you about $20 per ounce for your urine. But these companies need specific persons based on their health conditions. Not anyone can just sell to them but one can always try. Be prepared to divulge your medical information to them.
Selling Urine on a Commercial Scale
Though making money from your urine might seem dismal there is potential good money from selling the urine of large numbers of people. This is the urine wholesaling business.
I remember when I was a young boy in school I came in 1 day to find that the urinals in the toilet have been removed. In their place were big plastic containers which we were supposed to pee on for now on. I remember that these containers would always overflow with pee even before the end of school day.
I pity the workers who have to carry these very heavy and smelly containers who have to load them in a truck everyday before sundown. I estimate that about 1,000 people can fill up more than a truck with urine every single day. The school was making money with our urine.
From Africa to Asia and other parts of the world human and animal urine are being used as fertiliser instead of chemical fertiliser and there are both big and small entrepreneurs involved.
Google “human urine fertiliser business” and you would see a lot of articles about it. The fact that many of these businesses have existed for years now prove that one can make a living form it.
Urine from Specific Women
Other pharmaceutical companies also use substances extracted from urine to make medicines. One of these is Urecholine which is a medicine used by people who have difficulty urinating.
Urine from postmenopausal women is used for fertility therapy. One such commercial product is Pergonal. This medicine is used to treat infertility caused by certain conditions in both men and women.
Urine from pregnant women is used to produce hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin medication which supports the normal development of an egg in a woman&aposs ovary, and stimulates the release of the egg during ovulation. HCG is used to cause ovulation and to treat infertility in women, and to increase sperm count in men.

As can be seen there are many uses for urine and therefore there is money to be made from urine. However the real way to make money from urine is to be a wholesaler of urine either coming from normal people or from more specialised sources such as certain types of women. Women seem to be the best source for urine either for fetishes, medicine or just as a fertiliser.