Buying Art Wisely that Still Makes You Happy
Although most people become more practical as they grow old, especially when their finances are tight, entertainment, fashion, art and other non-essentials still play a large part in many people’s lives.This is because these non-essentials delight people and gives them temporary reprieve from the daily pressures and hardships of life.
There are even non-essentials like art that appreciate in value. For example, paintings by renowned artists like Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello (pardon the TMNT pun) and so on, have been valued in the millions of dollars.
But for the most part, people just buy art to decorate their homes and maybe to try to impress other people. Whatever your purpose in buying an art is, here are a few pointers to buying art wisely while still making you happy.
Table of Contents:
1. Avoid the Hype2. Insist on an Artist’s Signature
3. Buy What Appeals to You
4. Research the Industry
5. Drop a Sales Hint
Final Words
The Details:
1. Avoid the Hype

Between the two, the family picture would be a more emotional choice. But, if you want to impress guests in your house, you might think that an expensive painting or sculpture might adorn your wall and impress your guests.
The problem is when your guests don’t appreciate the expensive piece of art you put on your wall.This is the second thing about art: it is subjective. A piece of art that appeals to you might not appeal to others, even though you bought it at an expensive price.
So, when buying a piece of art, don’t be taken in by the hype. Art sellers and gallery curators are by profession, salespeople, and their job is to sell art pieces for the highest amount as possible.
Sometimes, even a cheap piece of art might end up impressing the people you want to impress than an expensive one.
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2. Insist on an Artist’s Signature

However, insist that the artist put their signature on the piece of art that you are buying from them.
This is because should the artist become famous one day and their art pieces become very collectible, you might find that the piece of art that you bought from this now famous artist is now very expensive.
There are artists who only get appreciated after a long time, sometimes only after their death. Often, the art pieces they made while they were still young and alive, are only recognizable from their signature. Always insist on a signature because it alone might be worth a lot of money.
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3. Buy What Appeals to You

To buy these investment art pieces, you would need a lot of money. This is because investment grading companies would have assigned expensive valuations to these art pieces which are way beyond most normal people can afford.
But, if you’re just looking for a piece of art to grace a blank wall or space in your home, buy something that appeals to you. This way, you would have something that brightens up your day whenever you see it.
Just to remind you again, buying a piece of art just so you can use it to impress other people is a hit or miss thing. You won’t end up impressing all people no matter how expensive your art piece is. They might even laugh behind you back, thinking you’re a fool for buying such art.
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4. Research the Art Industry

While there is no sure way to possessing a cheap piece of art now that would greatly appreciate in value in the future, it still helps to know which types of art tend to sell well, that is, if you want to sell your piece of art in the future.
Also, by researching the industry, you would be exposed to all types of art that you might not be aware of, giving you a better option to select which art pieces to buy.
This is easily done these days because there are already many art sellers online. Also, art galleries and museums have also online versions of their displays, making it easy for you to see the vast array of art available throughout the world.
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5. Drop a Sales Hint

Usually, you would see another piece of art that would strike your fancy, making you want to possess it even though you already have other pieces of art in your possession.
That is why it’s best to think of your pieces of art as merchandise that just happens to be decorating your home. You can give subtle hints to your home guests that your art pieces are available for sale at the right price.
If you make a sell, it not only makes you money, but leaves you more opportunity to buy other art pieces which refreshes the look of your home.
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Final Words

Also, if you’re buying to resell art, take note that art is subjective. The art you like might not be the art your customers are willing to buy. This is why there art pieces which are strictly bought for their investment value and nothing else.
If you have to buy art, buy art that appeals to you. This way, you would have something that delights you whenever you see it. Never mind if it’s cheap or expensive, buy something that makes you happy.
Undeniably, just like all your possessions, you would gradually become distant and even bored with the art you own, that is why you need to treat them as merchandise that just happens to decorate your home.
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