Health Is Wealth: 11 Reasons Why Health Earns And Saves You Money
You might take your health for granted not knowing that being healthy literally earns and saves you money. This is especially true if you are a young person who is in the prime of your health.These are 11 reasons why being healthy earns and saves you money without you even knowing most of them.
"Why Health is Wealth” Summary List:
If you are sick or unhealthy:1. No One Wants To Hire You
2. You Earn Less
3. You Are Not Allowed To Do Certain Jobs
4. You Are Usually Passed On For Promotion
5. You Do Less Networking
6. You Spend More On Medical Bills
7. You Can Need Special Foods
8. You Need To Outsource Your Tasks
9. You Can Need Special Equipment
10. You Might Find It Harder To Find A Partner
11. You Pass On Your Weakness or Sickness To Your Children
Final Words
”Why Health is Wealth” Details:
1. No One Wants To Hire You

Also, if you cough a lot you might be turned down for hygiene sensitive jobs like food retail and other retail jobs because employers think you would drive customers away.
If you cough employers might think that you are too weak for manual labor jobs. The same goes for being too fat or too thin.
Employers might think that you would infect them and your coworkers as well.
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2. You Earn Less

If you work less because you are sick, you earn less if you are paid based on the amount of work you complete.
You get inferior pay if you produce inferior work. For example, if you are a writer and can’t produce high quality writing because you are sick, your customers/employers would pay you less.
Clients/Employers would choose a faster, more concentrated, more pleasing looking employee who is more healthier than you. If you are unhealthy, you tend to be slower, less concentrated and less pleasing.
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3. You Are Not Allowed To Do Certain Jobs

Haven’t you noticed that employees who are sick are usually taken off their customer facing positions? This is because they drive customers away.
If you are weak you cannot do manual labor. Even if you do land the job, you might not last long in the position.
If you are mentally ill, you are not trusted to do stressful or mentally taxing jobs. Mentally ill persons are usually relegated to non-stressful jobs which are lower paid.
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4. You Are Usually Passed On For Promotion

If you are a weak person, you would not be trusted to last a position that requires a lot of mental and physical pressure tolerance.
A leader must always be available for the company. If you are frequently sick, you are a danger or hindrance to the company.
If you look unhealthy, you might not be fit to meet other leaders. For example, if you tend to sweat profusely, other leaders might stay away from you.
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5. You Do Less Networking

Healthy looking people also attract more attention than normal. This is especially true if you have good looks and a well toned physique.
You might be too sick to attend networking events.
You might not have the endurance to last a networking event. Networking could lasts for hours and you might be standing up for hours. You might be too sick to endure this.
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6. You Spend More On Medical Bills

You would also need to spend money regularly on doctor checkups which can be very expensive when added up on a yearly basis.
If you also need supplements to cure your sickness or to simply improve your health, the cost can pile up on a yearly basis.
Hospitalizations can cost upwards to over a million dollars. Even one hospitalization can drive you into debt and poverty.
The same goes for insurance costs. If the insurance company determines that you are unhealthy, you pay a higher insurance premium.
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7. You Can Need Special Foods

Depending on your sickness or health, you might need to eat more meat or vegetables just to get well. This might add to your grocery bills.
Your doctor, nutritionist or dietician might advise that you need special and higher priced food to make yourself healthier. For example, you might need to eat wholegrain bread instead of ordinary bread.
You might also need specialist food equipments to process your food. You might need to buy a blender, a non-oily grill and so on.
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8. You Need To Outsource Your Tasks

Perhaps you have a skin sickness where your skin cannot stand being exposed to the sun or heat. You might have to pay others to do chores or other work outside your house.
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you cannot hold things properly. You might not even be able to write. Again, you have to pay others to do chores for you which includes writing chores.
If you don’t exercise, you would be unhealthy. If you need to do heavy manual labor even for a short time, you might find that you cannot do it. You might even faint which might require medicines.
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9. You Can Need Special Equipment

The same goes for knee and ankle problems. You would likely need a wheelchair, crutches, braces, and special medical shoes just to relieve your knee and ankle problems.
If you have a lung problem, you might need a breathing apparatus like an oxygen mask and tank. You might even need a hyperbaric chamber.
People with eye problems use reading glasses and people with hearing problems use hearing implants which are expensive. On a more expensive level, artificial organs like mechanical hearts are very, very expensive.
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10. You Find It Harder To Find A Partner

You must also do more to attract a partner. If you are physically not appealing because you are unhealthy or sick, the opposite sex might not only be turned off but even repulsed by you. This is why you would usually spend more to attract a partner.
Potential partners might think you would be a burden to them. Again, you need to usually show that you would not be a burden to your partner by spending more on them.
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11. You Might Pass On Your Weakness or Sickness To Your Children

A child of yours can be sick the moment they are born and would continue being sick for the rest of their lives. Supporting a chronically sick child is very expensive over a lifetime.
Your child might also need special schooling especially if they are so sick to attend school or are too mentally sick or impaired to learn by attending regular school.
The same problems associated with an adult unhealthy or sick person are much worse for a child who is unhealthy or sick. This is because most children cannot take care of themselves.
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Final Words

As the 11 reasons above has shown, being unhealthy affects people at all stages in their life but especially when they are old.
A single hospitalization can cost up to over a million dollars and lifetime treatment can lead a person and his family to the poorhouse.
This is the reason why ”Health Is Wealth”. This is because you earn less and spend more when you are unhealthy.
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