Making Money from the Internet
The internet is considered a utility because you cannot significantly function in modern society without an internet connection whether it is a home or a mobile internet connection or both. Just like with any utility business the cost of starting one is huge and requires a lot of resources and normal solopreneurs cannot usually do it.
Enterprising people act as agents for these internet utility companies also known as "Internet Service Providers" or ISP and get a commission. They can also endorse ISP companies and get commissions.
The internet is now a major part of the life of everyone which includes their social, educational, career, entertainment and so on activities and could be personally destructive for people who do not have a reliable, secure and quality internet connection. Make sure that you only represent a trustworthy company otherwise your clients may bore ill will against you.
You can also earn money using your internet connection. You can sell or endorse digital products as well as physical products. Many people now find their jobs and manage their careers using online job platforms which updates them of possible new jobs they might be interested in. Some of them even maintain the resumes of job applicants online.
Some people even make money using their mobile phones to top up the mobile and internet prepaid loads of the mobile phone of others in exchange for a commission from the telecommunication/ISP company.
These are just a few examples of how to earn using the internet. These possible earning opportunities using the internet are further elaborated in the Solopreneur Section of this website.