Physical Advertising Business
Philanthropists fund the expansion of hospitals and university building wings and even entire buildings. What do they get in return for their expensive contributions to hospitals, universities and other organisations? It is usually a plaque or a statue in the building that was constructed to commemorate their contribution. This is advertising.
Companies Will Advertise Whenever They Can
I remember when our family had a convenience store business. One of our suppliers which is a beverage company volunteered to construct a billboard at the top of our store with the name of our store in it. The sides of the billboard were filled with the ads of the beverage company’s products. Their competitors tried to persuade us to replace it with their own.
Another beverage company also supplied us with the chiller refrigerators we use to store the beverages we sell. These companies do not care if we stock competing beverage products in their chiller refrigerators but just want their chiller refrigerators to be prominently displayed in our store for our customers to see clearly.
These are just a few examples of the extent people and companies will do to advertise themselves or their products. Of course companies prefer famous people and things to advertise for them. My convenience store example however have proven that even small businesses can take advantage of advertising opportunities whether in cash or in kind.
Be an Advertising Business
In advertising Eyeball Count matters. This means the number of participants that saw something which is an indication of universal rather than a personal appeal. Companies want this number especially if you as a person or your product attract a lot of audiences. There are a number of ways you can do it even if you are not famous.
Maybe you have a small restaurant. You can ask for example a beverage company to supply you with free customisable menu and other print brochures which contains your restaurant’s name as well as an icon of the beverage product. This way you save on printing cost for your brochures. This might be small change but once you scale this it could be big money.
For example If you manage to persuade the beverage company to let you market their customisable brochure and other prints to other restaurants you know then this could be another source of income for you. You can work your way to more ads business related to restaurants using your connection to beverage companies and to other restaurants.
This is one way you can get ad revenue or sponsorships from companies. One of your best resources are your suppliers. As the previously mentioned example the restaurateur solicited ad revenue from a company that possibly supplies them with beverage.
Another example would be by following the example of some laptop manufacturing companies. Remember the “Intel Inside” luminous stickers on some laptops? You can follow this example and also put your supplier’s name in your products.
If you are a smalltime ice cream manufacturer for example you can add a slogan in your packaging stating it is made form 100% of a certain supplier’s milk product. You can strike a favourable deal with your supplier usually by a discount on their products or they may even pay you ad revenue. You just need to be convince your supplier that your product is worthy to represent them.
This is all well and good if you are a small business but what about if you are a common worker who has no business assets that can be used for advertising materials. Do not despair as advertising can be done in almost anywhere on anything. Everyone has properties such as a place of residence and possessions for example a car which could be used for advertising.
In fact I wrote an article titled Earning Money from Your Skin which just shows that you yourself could be used as a walking advertising billboard. This however applies more to people who are physically attractive with good facial and skin features. Arguably those people with whiter skin have a distinct advantage.
Do not despair if you are not physically superior. Your physical possessions can also be used for advertising. You can wear clothes from advertisers or even just small pins from them. You can put advertisements in your car as well. You can persuade advertisers to pay you money in exchange for you going in televised events like rallies wearing advertisement clothing.
The important thing as repeated is that you must be Able to attract eyeballs. Almost everyone is already trying social media to become famous and be an influencer. This is no secret. You can use your spare time to create an online presence . Googling how to be an influencer for example would yield many online sources.
Use Everything Around You
If you cannot be famous then maybe your pets can become famous. I also wrote an article called Making Money with Your Pets. You can also become famous through your family. There are people who became famous because of their children. Even simple videos of children playing with their toys can become popular in YouTube and earn millions of dollars in ad revenue.
Next comes your house. You can have advertisements in your house. I also made an article titled Ad Space on Your House which tells how you can put ads outside your house and even erect a big billboard in your house or property and earn good money from advertisers. Houses with billboards on top of their roof are not an unusual sight anymore.
Christmas, Halloween and other occasions also present a good opportunity for you to earn from your house. You can decorate your porch or house for example according to the season and if people seeing your decoration like it so much they might make your house famous. You can then ask companies to pay you in exchange for them advertising on your house.
Maybe you can even make it a permanent display like a piece of art or statue that could become a landmark that you can display year round. You can become lucky and may get advertisers to pay you yearly advertising contracts. You can promote it in social media for a better chance of success.
As can be seen there are many ways to earn advertising income even though you are not famous. If you are not famous maybe one thing related to you can become famous and you can use this to make yourself money. Almost anywhere and anything can be used for advertising. You just need to be creative.