Being An Expert In Another Culture Or Country
There are knowledge you automatically possess by just being yourself. For example, you by birth is born to a specific culture and country. Whether you like it or not, this knowledge is automatic and you do not have to do much work knowing it.
It even gets better if you are able to learn the culture of another country and everything about the country itself. People underestimate the value of knowing a culture especially one that is more advanced in certain aspects.
For example, the citizens of the country of the Philippines have benefited immensely from the culture of America. The Philippines is called the Call Center Capital Of The World because of the proficiency of almost all its citizens in speaking English.
This is the language that what taught to them by the Americans. The citizens of the Philippines have a lot to thank the Americans for teaching them their language. Not only is it a source of livelihood for many Filipinos in the call center industry, but it also helps them to communicate with other countries besides the USA.
If a knowledge of the language of another country can be very beneficial, then what more it’s culture? Another example we can get again is the fast food industry where American companies dominate globally.
The American fast food companies have successfully marketed their food to other countries by studying the eating preferences of other countries. For example, the same hamburger in America might have different variations in other countries because other cultures have different taste preferences.
What Is A Country Expert?
A country expert is a person who has expertise in a certain aspect of a country. The people who are usually considered country experts are those people who are knowledgeable in the business, political or cultural aspects of a country.
Business Experts
Country experts who are knowledgeable in the business of another country are usually well rounded in business conditions, international trade, business laws and anything there is to do with trading in a foreign culture.
Perhaps one of their greatest knowledge is in the field of business connections and networking. For example, there could be business experts who are so knowledgeable in business matters that they know such details as the proper way to handshake a foreign business counterpart.
Political Experts
Political experts are well, as the name implies, experts in the political matters of another country. They know the laws of another country and how it may apply to other countries. They know the right people in office to contact in case they need their assistance.
Political experts can be so knowledgeable in another country’s politics that government consult them for opinions regarding foreign policies. Some are even approached because they are such experts that they can almost predict the outcome of a political vote in another country.
Cultural Experts
Lastly, we have the cultural experts which are the most prevalent experts in another country. These are people who have usually lived in another country for such a long time that they are almost considered one of the locals of the foreign populace.
You can see many of these cultural experts in YouTube for example. There would be those who make videos of the many foods of a foreign country. They may show videos of them eating at different restaurants in that foreign country.
You may also see them acting like tourist guides in YouTube videos by showing you the many tourist destinations in that particular country. They can show you museums, shrines, amusement parks and any other destinations that could only be found in that country.
There are still others who show a slice of life of that country. They show people in their everyday lives at home, work and at play. They show the good and the bad aspects of the everyday lives of the citizens.
Then there are those who go deep in another country’s culture. They show the history of the country as well as the current and historical characters who are important in that country. They teach others how to read and write in the language of that country.
This is why cultural experts can be a very diverse bunch of people. For example, an anime expert or an expert in Greek mythology are cultural experts in some aspects. This is because a country’s culture can be totally encompassing for that country.
Direct Ways Of Earning As A Country Expert
There are many ways of earning as an expert in your own or another country’s culture. But the clear idea here is that you are a definitely working as a Consultant for your own or another country’s culture.
This because most people would not have the time to study for a prolonged basis and live their entire lives in a foreign country.
Also, since knowledge of culture is handed down from person to person, you can benefit by handing down your knowledge to another person unlike physical product which must be bought first before being handed down to another.
Travel Consultant
Perhaps one of the most popular country expert known by the public is the travel consultant. In the olden days before the internet was not yet popular, travel experts usually arranged for everything the tourist needs.
They arranged for the air and land travel of the tourist. They also took care of the accommodations and the itinerary of the tourist. Usually, they have partners in the other country who would also look after the tourist.
Though their roles have significantly lessened due to the self-service model of most tourism businesses, they are still sought after by those who want personalized and hassle free tourism.
If you are an aspiring travel consultant, you can begin in social media like what most of the others are doing now. You can document your travel holidays and post them in social media for all the world to see.
In fact, there are many professional social media personalities making a living by doing precisely this. But there is a catch. Traveling for holidays just so you can make money posting them to social media can be very hard.
There have been many YouTube videos posted which describes the reality of being a Travel Influencer. If you type the YouTube search keywords “the reality of travel influencers”
, you would be shown videos which details the harsh and sad reality of being a travel influencer.
Immigration Consultant
Next on the list is being an immigration consultant. Many people want to travel to foreign countries in the hopes of getting a better life. Immigration consultants usually work for people who want to immigrate to first world countries which provides the best life opportunities.
The expertise of an immigration consultant can be very varied. There are the straight up immigration agents who provide immigration services in a variety of ways. They explore how a person can immigrate to a country according to that country’s laws.
Immigration agents usually assess the professional skills of a person to see if their job is needed in another country. They also check if a person can become an immigrant based on marriage. They also check if a person can become an immigrant thru other non-standard ways.
This could be in the form of immigration based on family connection. Like a parent sponsoring their children. This could be in the form of a refugee seeking asylum. What is important is that you are knowledgeable of the law and is professionally licensed to be able to earn this way.
If you are not an immigration law expert nor a professionally licensed one, you could still earn money by being a Finder for immigration consultants. Finders are paid when they bring clients to immigration consultants.
This is because immigration is a long and expensive process and not many people can afford or have the time to avail of the services of an immigration consultant. Not many people intentionally plan to immigrate in other countries. This is why people work as finders for immigration consultants to entice people to immigrate.
Marriage Consultants
There are many men who are seeking foreign brides. The reason could be very varied. But the main reason men marry brides from foreign countries is usually because they can’t find women who are willing to marry them in their own countries.
As has been said, the reasons why these men can’t find wives in their own countries is varied. But the foreign women who usually marry these men marry them only under two conditions. The first one is that they truly love them.
The second reason is an economic one. Most of the men who marry foreign women come from first world countries. While the foreign women who marry them come from less developed countries.
These women marry these men in the hopes of getting a better life thru immigration. This article is not meant to judge the motives of the foreign women or the men who marry them. Rather, only the business side of being a marriage consultant would be tackled.
Men pay several thousands of dollars just to meet these women and spend a few thousands more just to marry them and bring them back in their countries. If you Google for example, the search keywords “date foreigners online” you would be taken to many websites that provide such services.
Education Consultant
Perhaps one of the most abused ways of providing consultancy services for another country is thru educational consultancy. Many young people usually travel to foreign and usually first world countries to study and work at the same time.
But this is prone to abuse as many young people neglect their studies and concentrate on working so they can earn money. This is no secret and the governments of many countries have been cracking down on such young people.
Again, this article would not concentrate on the ethics of people not actually studying but just working in order to earn foreign currency overseas. Nor does this article will study the ethics of the education consultants who provide such services.
Rather, what would be discussed is the business side of education consultancy. Is it a good business? Based from my experience, it is a good one. In Australia alone, many Australian universities are populated by many foreign students who study there despite the high tuition costs.
In fact, one of the top earning industries of Australia and many countries are based in foreign student education. This not only includes the tuition costs of students, but also their everyday costs like accommodation.
Job Placement Consultant
Another profitable consultancy job is in the field of job placement in a foreign country. There are many very profitable recruitment agencies that send people to work in foreign countries. I have personally known a person who was once a foreign worker in the Middle East.
He spent decades working there but eventually returned to his country with a decade long experience in Middle Eastern culture as well as Middle Eastern contacts. He set up a recruitment agency and became rich afterwards.
His strategy was simple. He also opened up a technical school where future overseas workers who want to go overseas can train. He knows what to teach them because he is familiar with the culture as well as the companies these future overseas workers will work for.
Introductory Consultants
These are consultants who assist newly arrived immigrants. They can assist in many ways. For example, there are language and etiquette schools that are run by these consultants. This is a good business for many consultants from first world countries as there are literally hundred of thousands of immigrant arriving in their shores annually.
There are also consultants who prepare the children of newly arrived immigrants for assimilation with other children. Besides language and etiquette, they also help the children to catch up on the local children in terms of school work.
People grow up with a specific culture in a specific country. Knowledge of one’s culture, its laws, traditions, businesses could be a good product or service to sell to people interested in one’s country.
By also acquiring knowledge in the culture and everything about a country or a few more countries, one gains a distinct product or service to sell to one’s own countryman as well as other people from other countries.
This product or service cannot be stolen by one’s competitors for it is unique. For this product or service is only acquired by spending a lot of time experiencing and knowing the knowledge of almost the entirety of a certain country.
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