Making Money from Travelling
Most people travel to relax, go to tourist spots, visit friends and relatives and so on. This can be expensive especially if you are going to a faraway place and even out of the country. Some enterprising people try to earn or recoup their expenses by selling their experience on social media. They upload for example videos of their trip in Youtube or share their photos in Instagram in the hope of making ad income.
Sell Your Travel Experiences
There are those who actually sell their vacation photographs of scenic places and objects in photo sharing online websites such as Shutterstock. Google “how much can you earn from shutterstock” to have an idea of how to earn and how much you can potentially earn by selling your photos in Shutterstock.
Uploading your vacation photos and videos online for cash is easy but it may take a long time for you to earn and worse the earnings can be dismal. You can however act as a reseller for the shops in the areas you took a vacation from...
Be a Buyer
Simply schedule your time in your vacation to visit the shops around the area and try to inform your clients about them and their products to see if your clients are interested in you buying these products for them. If your clients are interested buy the products and get a small commission from them for your effort.
I did this when I was young when I visited a region known for their cold climate clothes and much sought after handicrafts seldom found outside their region. I bought these products for myself and some extras for reselling purposes. When I went back home from vacation I easily resold the products I bought and lamented that I could have made more money if had bought more for resale purposes.
I made a decent profit. Today if I were to do it all over again I would have planned better. I would have researched the place I was planning to go on vacation and check if there are any worthwhile goods that I can buy from the vacation place and resell when I get back. I would then already check even before leaving if any of my clients are interested in me buying anything for them from the vacation place.
Be Aware of Travel Regulations
A reminder though if you are vacationing overseas especially for the first time: Be aware of quarantine and tax duty issues on any products you are buying overseas. I remember painfully how several of the goods I bought from overseas were confiscated due to the previously mentioned issues not on one (1) trip but from several of my trips. The law can change not only yearly but much randomly.
Going on travels and vacations can be expensive especially if you are travelling internationally. You can recoup all your costs or a part of your cost when you sell products based on your travelling. The obvious products would be selling your experiences digitally like the pictures of your travels and text or audio records of your travel.
You could also act as a small time courier by buying products especially souvenirs that are unique to the places you visited and then selling these to your customers back home. You not only enjoy yourself shopping for these products while you travel but you also earn as well. This could also open an opportunity for you to become a formal middleman to the businesses you visited on your travel and your customers back home.