Life is Unfair: 5 Areas You Can Correct or Improve
There are people who think life is unfair. You just might be one of these people. Perhaps, you are not happy with your appearance, health, gender, society, wealth, and so on.But is life really unfair? Yes, life is indeed unfair. This is because no person gets to select the life they want, many people don’t even get to select how and when they die.
Many so-called life experts would advise you to just accept your fate, but this is no comfort to the billions of people who have bad lives: living in extreme poverty, victims of heinous crimes, and so on.
But there are some unfair areas of your life which you can correct or improve:
5 Unfair areas of your life which you can correct or improve:
1. Appearance2. Health
3. Gender
4. Society
5. Wealth
Final Words
The Details:
1. Appearance

Appearance can include your height, skin color, facial beauty, hair color, breast size, number of skin moles, and so on.
But the field of medicine has progressed sufficiently enough that you can ask doctors to change some aspects of your appearance.
There are now medicines that enable a dark skinned person to have white skin, surgeries that either enlarge or reduce breast size, surgeries that remove warts, surgeries that remove and add moles, and so on.
Of course, some surgeries like height enhancement can be expensive, long, and painful, but the field of medicine has made changing your appearance very possible.
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2. Health

While there are people who are born with exceptional genetics that they become highly paid superstar athletes, there are people born with some of their body parts missing or defective, like missing legs or born with such weak legs that they are unable to walk.
The field of medicine and science have also progressed sufficiently that some of the sicknesses of unhealthy people are now solvable.
For example, with the problem of being unable to walk, there are now manual and motorized wheelchairs that enable disabled people to travel. There are now electronic devices that are implanted on humans with ear, eyes, heart and other defective human parts.
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3. Gender

Many societies are now accepting that there are people who are unhappy with their gender and are being accepting of these unhappy people now. Same sex relationships are now accepted in many societies.
As to having the sexual organs and functions of the opposite sex, medicine has been able to provide some solutions to these problems.
For example, a man’s chest can now be altered to look like a woman’s breast. Though not perfect, a man’s sexual organ can be chopped off and replaced with a “hole” that supposedly looks like a woman’s sexual organ.
However, there is no solution to the problem of a gay man wanting to become pregnant. The solution for this is of course adoption.
As you can see, even the problem of discontentment with one’s gender can now be solved on a limited basis.
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4. Society

But changing where you live in has been very possible since the dawn of humanity. Our ancestors were initially nomadic, traveling from place to place that suits them.
Gradually, a vast number of our ancestors settled on a long term basis to what would be their ancestral homes which they passed on to their children. Their children had families and then passed their land to their children, and so on.
But you are not restricted to this practice. You can move to another town if you think the other town suits your current town better.
You can even migrate to another country if you want to. It is really possible to change your environment and culture especially today when the entire world can be accessed by almost anyone.
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5. Wealth

There are people who spend all their energy and time trying to have money, yet remain poor; while there are people who do not have to do anything but are rich and even famous. Life is unfair, this is the answer again.
But there are a few steps that you can do to improve your chances of making money. You can study a much sought after skill, go into business, try your luck at lottery, and so on.
It must be noted that for each generation of billionaires, most of them are self-made billionaires. This means that they didn’t inherit their wealth, but happened to become a billionaire by circumstance.
So, life might not be totally unfair after all. Poor people winning the lottery is an example of how life can be fair/generous to some people.
Also, take note that if you think life has been unfair to you in terms of appearance, health, gender and society, a lot of these are solvable with money to some extent.
Life might be unfair, but having money can solve a lot of the unfairness in your life. For example, young men worry their appearance and/or health would make them not attractive to women. Making them worry that they would become bachelors all their life.
However, when they grow old and become rich, they realize that their money and wisdom attracts the kind of women they want to marry.
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Final Words

These areas could be appearance, health, gender, society and wealth. But as you grow old, you’ll realize that a lot of the unfairness in your life is solvable if you have money. With the power of money, you can change areas of your life you are not happy with.
Money won’t solve all your problems in life, but it could definitely solve almost all of them. You must do your best to earn as much money as you can to solve all that you perceive as unfairness in your life.
Worry first how life has been unfair to you in terms of wealth and worry about the other unfair areas in your life later.
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