Earning from Art Materials from Nature
You can make art out of anything. Art is a very subjective product and each customer has their own unique preference. An object that is worthless to one person can be valuable to another. This includes materials that are produced by nature and not man made. This materials include stones, rocks, dried trees, dried branches, dried leaves and so on.
As can be seen many jungles have these sort of materials and even privately owned large greeneries. One thing to remember though if you are interested in collecting such items for business or personal purposes is to know if you are legally allowed to do so. There may be regulations that restrict you from taking something from these areas.
The owners of the greeneries may also restrict you from taking anything even dirt from their properties. So if gathering these materials from nature is restricted you should ask permission to whoever is supervising these places. This is especially true if you want to extract these items on a commercial basis. It is but normal for people to ask compensation from you if you extract materials from their properties even seemingly insignificant ones.
If there are plenty of materials that you can gather in one place then this opens up an opportunity for you to become the agent for the owners of the property. This could be one of your simplest earning opportunity. For example if the area experienced drought and many of the plants died you can sell these dried plants on behalf of the owner.
Study Which E-commerce Platforms You Will Sell To Online
There are many e-commerce platforms that you can use to sell your products from nature. Some of these are Amazon, eBay, Etsy and so on. If you are serious in selling these materials from nature and have found an abundant source then your next step would be to study the online market.
Do not however just depend on these e-commerce sites. There are many more independent sellers online that you can find to study and connect with. You could for example Google the keyword “dried branches for sale” and a list of suppliers of dried branches will appear even big wholesalers. They may become your first contacts in the industry.
What I meant when I say Soil are ordinary soil, red soil, sand, volcanic ash, clay and so on. Normally people can make money from soil by creating potting soil mixes from them. But for the creative ones they can make sculptures or figurines from them. Clay is the most popular for sculpture making but if you are creative in marketing enough you can also sell the other soil types as hobby materials.
For example you can market them as project materials for the study of sculpturing. You can even package them as kits to be sampled on by hobbyists in sculpturing. You can even sell these items like toys for people. For example people scribble text and drawings on sand. You can sell sand as some sort of blackboard to people for art or fun.
Stones and Rocks
Stones and rocks are solid as compared to soils but they can also be turned to sculptures or figurines. They can be sold as blanks or painted on to become graphic art. I have made a separate article on them titled Selling Stone Art which has more detailed information on how you can earn from stones or rocks.
You do not even have to go to nature to get rocks. Even construction rocks like bricks can be sold profitably if you know how to market them. For example the clothing brand Supreme engraved their company name on common construction bricks and they sold very well at high prices. They used the power of their brand to turn simple bricks to must have items.
Plants are a renewable source. If you cut just enough of its part so that it still survives and you repeat this process then you will have nearly unlimited source of income. There are many uses of plant from food, medicine and so on but this article just deals with materials from plants that can be used for art. Plants are doubly useful in that you can use both fresh and dried parts from them.
Fresh parts can for example be used for floral bouquets and as decorative art. The beauty of this is that when these same fresh parts dry out you can still use them to make decorations and art. The best dried materials would be branches and stems from plants since they are still rigid and do not break as much. Canes and other sculptures and art that are elongated are best for them.
Flowers, leaves and seeds usually become brittle when they dry out that touching them without care would usually result in them breaking. The best art use for them is behind some sort of protective covering like glass, plastic and so on. Even a scotch tape can become a protective covering for a leaf art for example.
You are a Sales Company
It must be clear in your mind that you are a sales company. Nature has done the manufacturing job for you and the rest is up to you. You are the middleman between nature and the customer. They may be free from nature but there are a lot of people without access to nature and it is your job to sell it to these people.
Do not underestimate the desire or interest of people to have things they do not have. For example Petrified Wood does not come by easily and it takes a special condition in nature to produce them that is why they sell at high prices compared to what they are made of. This is the reason why there are people who create artificial petrified wood instead of sourcing them from nature.
You do not even need to gather them yourself. Sometimes they come to you. When there are floods for example you can get lucky when bits of soil, sand, plants, logs, branches and even trees land in your doorstep. Many people just clear these materials from their properties but the creative ones find purpose for them and sell them.
This article did not even delve into the multitude of ways one can earn from actually making these materials into actual art. But as you can see you can already make good money by just selling these materials from nature as raw art materials. The important and hard thing to do is to find customers who would actually buy these free products from nature.