Have You Considered A Sleepover And/Or Slumber Party Business? Can It Grow To Something Much More Bigger?
A female teenager from the UK who’s not even allowed by law to drive yet has successfully run for years now a sleepover and slumber party business since she was just 15 years of age. Here’s the link to the article: “Success of teen who started teepee tent birthday party business when she was just 15”.
If you think about it, sleepovers and slumber parties are like miniaturized summer camps. This is because with all three of them the participants get to spend a night together. The obvious difference is that you spend more nights in summer camps: up to several weeks max!
This is the reason why there are not many children who want to go to summer camps. There are children who are very uncomfortable being away from home and being in the company of complete strangers.
Sleepovers and slumber parties are more homely due to the fact that children and adults are in mostly familiar surroundings and in the company of people mostly familiar to them. Participants can also have the comfort of leaving early should they not like the sleepover or slumber party.
It has already been shown a little why sleepovers and slumber parties are the miniaturized versions of summer camps. Now let’s go to some other reasons why this analogy seems to be correct:
1. You spend several nights up to a few weeks in a summer camp. In sleepovers and slumber parties, you mostly stay one night only. In fact, sleepover businesses at the most only provide food for the sleepover night and the ensuing breakfast.
2. There are many activities in a summer camp. This can be coding sessions, trail walks, swimming, handcrafting and so on. Sleepovers are only limited to a few activities which are mostly limited to get togethers, parlor games and other forms of home entertainment.
3. Summer Camps have expansive surroundings. Some of their facilities could be dormitories, activity halls, swimming facilities and so on. Sleepovers are only at most limited to home facilities and are even restricted to a particular space in a home most of the time.
4. Summer Camps are mostly hard to reach and hard to runaway from. This is because they are usually located in areas where there is a lot of opportunity for nature exploration like near hiking trails. Sleepovers are usually located in easily reached residential or commercial areas.
It has been established that this business can be started even by a teenager and still become successful. It has also been established that this business is the smaller cousin of a summer camp business of which it could ultimately grow to be someday.
Maybe you’re now interested in this business and want to know what you would need to start such a business:
1. You would need miniature teepees and air cushions at the minimum together with small pillowcases. You would also need to offer a few sleepover themes for your customers to choose from like TikTok, Fortnite and so on.
2. You would also need additional decorations to liven up your sleepover and/or slumber party offerings. For example, you would need balloons, ribbons and other party decorations to liven up your slumber party offerings especially.
3. You must also be able to offer food offerings to your customers. This could be as simple as snacks and other refreshments solely targeting children’s palates up to more sophisticated foods that target the palates of more discerning adults.
4. Don’t forget that you need a cargo carrying vehicle: You can either own one or hire one.
Every business has a downside which also includes this type of business. If you analyze the business, its more related to a rental and service business and these two kinds of businesses have their own shares of problem:
1. Rental Problems: Whenever you rent something to a customer, there is a very high probability that your customer would damage or even destroy the product you rented out to them.
Usually, businesses that rent demand a deposit or insurance fee from their customers before renting out their product. This is even more important in this kind of business since most of the customers using your sleepover products are children who are notoriously careless when handling objects.
Another thing you should consider is the outright theft of your products by your customers. It is not entirely uncommon for children to do this without regard for the consequences.
2. Service Problems: If you’re also offering hosting services, there is a good chance that some of your customers can misbehave especially if they’re excited especially at slumber parties. It takes good people skills to navigate such situations.
Believe it or not, there are actually sleepover and slumber party businesses who have dedicated places for such occasions. This is a step up to the business as you’re not only renting out your sleepover or slumber party props but a dedicated space as well.
This is a more convenient business since you don’t have to trouble yourself with the logistics of having to haul your sleepover or slumber party props from one location to another which can be very exhausting.
Another advantage of having such a dedicated space is that you don’t have to setup your sleepover or slumber party props and decorations all the time. This also gives you the opportunity to continuously improve them as time goes by.
Let’s take a moment to really consider how exhausting the logistics of this business can be. You’re usually a one or two person operation whose responsible for getting your props, decorations and supplies from your storage place.
Next you get to drive to your customer’s place which could be faraway and is plagued with traffic. You then need to setup and disassemble your props and decorations before and after the sleepover. You drive back to your storage are and so on… You see, it’s easy to see the benefits of having a dedicated space for your business.
You can organically start your business by testing first if there is a demand among the people you reach in social media for example. The story of the 15 year old teenager I linked in this article started out this way.
According to her, she didn’t want to go over her friends house and actually favored sleepovers at her own home. She livened up her sleepover events with props and decorations and posted it in social media.
Soon there where replies for her in social media from people who wanted to avail of her sleepover props and decorations. She eventually started the businesses with the help of her family.
As has been said, there are even people who offer dedicated spaces for such businesses. You could start a sleepover business using a spare space in your house for example. If you’re wondering if this is legal, the answer is yes, it is. You just need to get a permit to operate one.
You can then either redecorate your home to accommodate a much bigger space for your business like converting your garden, garage and so on. This especially helps if you have a lot of spare space in your property. You can even offer camping services if you have open spaces!
If you have reached a point where you feel you can handle more business responsibilities, you can expand your products and services similar to those of a summer camp but on a much smaller scale basis.
For this to happen, you must really have dedicated lodging facilities for children and even adults. This could be like dormitory style bedrooms in your own house or an extra building in your own property.
But don’t despair if you don’t have such facilities or the money to build one. If you have a big vacant space in your property that is unpaved like a big garden, you can turn it into a camping site for hire.
All you need to do is to buy some affordable tents and a few camping equipments like gas lamps, torches, portable stoves and so on. You can build a dedicated site for barbecuing and bonfire activities complete with cut up logs for sitting.
This enables your customers to have a “feel” of the summer camp, nature and other outdoor experience without having to endure the discomfort of such outdoor activities like not having a proper comfort room to relieve oneself.
A sleepover or a slumber party business can already be profitable in itself without having the need to grow to earn more. But businesses tend to outgrow their financial needs which might include these businesses.
Luckily, this business is scalable. You can start by renting out your props and decorations which can be exhausting to having a dedicated space to host your business. You can then expand further into offering summer camp like products and services on a mini scale.
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