Getting Creative With Balloons
Balloons are usually reserved for festive occasions like birthdays. They are usually not used in everyday life except maybe if you are involved in businesses that cater to social gatherings like festivals.
I myself have a bagful of balloons that are not inflated and are gathering dust. I used them for an occasion we had in our household and I have never seen any need for them since then. For the sake of clarity, let me be particular about the kind of balloons I am referring to.
I am referring to the simple and inexpensive, rounded balloons we usually see at children’s parties, you know, the most basic type. This article would not discuss the more sophisticated type of balloons like the meteorological or even the military balloons.
What this article will try to discuss is about trying to find other uses for these simple balloons beyond merely being mostly decorative items at events. Of course, we will never be able to separate balloons from occasions, but we can at least decrease their dependence on them.
Let’s go first to the very basic: balloons as floaters. These are the most common ways balloons are used for any occasions. Usually, balloons are usually inflated with helium to make them float.
In other cases, they are inflated using common air and are tied or taped into elevated places to make it seem that they are floating. The balloons can have printed designs and letters in them and may even be bunched together.
It is customary for some people to giveaway these balloons to children and even adults. And if you are a balloon seller, it is good to emphasize this point to your customer. You may be able to persuade your customer to buy more balloons from you than what they intended in the first place.
Balloons are also usually displayed in front of establishments to make these establishments seem more welcoming or to announce to passersby that there is something special going on in the establishment.
This is the reason why you usually see balloon displays whenever a new establishment opens up or are having a special occasion like a sale or to celebrate an event like valentines or halloween.
If you are a balloon seller, you must be creative when you sell your balloons to these establishments. You can for example suggest white balloons for weddings, red balloons on valentines, and black balloons if its halloween.
You can also sell white balloons patterned after Frosty The Snowman and Santa Claus during Christmas. The two imaginary characters are rounded in shape and are easy to pattern using balloons.
A way you can market balloons to business with or without a special event or an occasion is to market them as Advertisement Balloons. Please let me explain. The most common way establishments try to attract the attention of passersby is by placating a sign or banner.
These signs and banners are usually located in strategic areas in front of their store or restaurant, but passersby see these ads and banners all the time and are used to them being in front of establishments.
But what about balloons which contains the advertisements of these establishments? Aren’t they more attention grabbing especially to young children? If you are a balloon seller, it would be wise to emphasize this point to these establishments to hopefully gain more sales.
Although these exist, they are still not widely advertised by balloon sellers especially those who sell helium filled balloons. Imagine there is a festival or a trade show and there is a store or a stand who wants to stand out.
How can this stores or stands stand out from the rest of the stores or stands trying to attract customers at these festivals and trade shows? How can you possibly “stand out” from the rest?
One way you could do this is with a balloon or balloons with your banner advertisement hanging from it. The advantage of this sort of advertising is that you can adjust the height of the balloon or balloons containing your banner according to your tastes.
This sort of advertising can even be used on top of buildings. Imagine if you are having a sale and your sale banner is hanging in balloons which are floating high atop your building or store. This sort of advertisement can be seen by almost anyone within the vicinity and is sure to attract attention.
If you are involved in the advertising industry or someone who sells balloons, you can emphasize this point whenever you approach establishment especially those whose location are low to the ground.
So far, what has been largely discussed are the ways balloons can be used as mainly decorative and advertising materials. Now, let’s try to discuss other uses of balloons besides these two.
Popular among young people especially children are balloon toy animals. Those who are skilled in this craft can create simple and small animal shaped balloon toys to life size balloon animal statues.
If you own a toy shop, this could be a handy skill to gain. Air filled balloons can stay inflated for weeks and would make great cheap toys for children. The beauty of balloons being animal toys is especially emphasized by helium filled balloons shaped like birds or fishes.
You can be a roving balloon seller and might only have a pack of balloons and a light manual air pump with you. You can position yourself near pet shops and zoos and hopefully attract pet loving people especially children.
You can also position yourself near concert venues and sell balloons shaped like hats, balls and long sticks. It has actually become a trend among concert goers to wave and even throw inflated balloons and other objects while having fun.
If you are lucky, you may even find yourself a wholesale balloon buyer if you are able to persuade your buyer to use balloons as landing cushions. Children these days like playing around inflatable bouncy houses and swimming in a pool of small plastic balls.
Of course, inflatable bouncy houses takes a long time to be installed and if ever even one hole develops, the entire inflatable bouncy house is already useless. You can sell your balloons as a temporary replacement to an inflatable bouncy house.
You can emphasize the point to your buyer that unlike an inflatable bouncy house, your balloons will stay inflated even if one pops out. They are also much better than a pool of small plastic balls that children swim in.
They are very much lighter and more softer than small plastic balls and should the children decide to throw the balloons at each other, they won’t get hurt. You can’t do this with a plastic ball. The balls may be made of plastic, but in some instances, they can still hurt when thrown.
One thing good about balloons is that you can put more than air inside of it. If the objects you put inside of it is light enough and if helium is used to inflate the balloon, it would still float even though there are objects inside it.
But what light objects could you possibly put inside it? One of the best would be paper objects. For example, you could put paper money inside a balloon and make it a sort of paper pinata.
Since there is money inside the balloon, lots of people would be scrambling to pop the balloon so that they can get the money inside it. This can be further elevated if for example instead of money, you put bank cheques or cash cards instead.
This would be a lively way of giving a child, teen or even an adult money on their birthday or even for a company to hand out bonuses. This could even be used in carnivals where if a customer pops a balloon in a carnival stand, they win prizes written in the paper inside the balloon.
It could also be simple. You could simply put a paper toy or a piece of candy inside a balloon. If you are a person who sells balloons or one who organizes events, you can suggest this to your customers as a way of handing out prizes.
If you are a balloon seller, you can take advantage of the fact that children love playing games especially in a social setting like a birthday or any special event. Usually, children would play with balloons the same way they play with ordinary balls.
But as said, the beauty of balloons is that you can put objects inside them which includes liquid. I don’t think it’s worth explaining much that balloons are made with a rubber material and is therefore waterproof.
If you do a Google keyword search for the words: “water balloon games”, you would find plenty of articles and lists discussing such subject. In my Google search, the first article which came up is a list which just shows you how popular the subject is.
And if something’s popular, there are usually plenty of opportunities to make money from it. I’m not an expert at children water balloon games, but one thing I know is that it entails someone getting soaked.
And getting soaked is an activity that most children and even adults enjoy at a festival. This must be the reason why water guns are one of the world’s top selling toys. There are even festivals entirely dedicated to the use of water balloons.
As can be seen, there are plenty of ways one can market the humble balloon. I definitely know that there are still other uses of the common balloon than I have discussed. It only took me a few minutes of online research to find out.
And to a balloon seller or even an advertising person, this might just be what your customer is missing: the knowledge of the many uses of a balloon. It would be in your best financial interest if you can educate your customers and even the public in the many uses of balloons.
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