Earning from Car Insurance
You might think basic car insurance is all you need but wait until you get in an accident with a real expensive car and you will be thankful you took that comprehensive insurance and also endorsed it to your clients.
According to cdc.gov about 3,700 people are killed daily by road vehicle accidents. This gloomy statistics does not even consider the injuries and the damaged/destroyed vehicles. I used to skimp on car insurance but after I experienced first hand a car accident my mind changed.
I think that selling or endorsing car insurance from a trustworthy company whether full-time or part time is a good action on your part to your potential clients especially if you notice that they are at risk of an accident because of their driving record and behaviour.
The best reminders of the need for car insurance would be on the actual scene of the car accident itself or the sight of wrecked cars being towed in the street. I however do not see car insurance advertisements in tow trucks.
I have been assisted in some emergency and accident situations by tow trucks and have seen a few rolling in the streets with or without a wrecked vehicle but they fail to remind me to get insurance.
I have had car accidents where there was an immediate response from the police but for most I was left to settle with the offending driver myself. There are now cameras that record a video of the back and front activities of your car. I however had not found any need for them yet. My cars were all hit from the sides.
There are now online videos of Tesla cars being scratched on their sides by malicious people but Tesla cars have side cameras that are able to record these kinds of malicious attacks on it as well as accidents were other people hit the side of Tesla cars.
I predict “side cameras” or 360 degree cameras will be an in demand or even a necessity in many cars and would be an integral part of car insurance soon. There are many old cars without side cameras and even many new cars being produced are not being installed with one.
There are now more than a billion cars globally as of 2016 and enterprising people who want or sell insurance product have more than a billion potential clients. In this case insurance does not only mean compensating a customer when the car damage is done but also preventing the car damage to happen in the first place thru car anti-damage products and services.