Making Money With Trash Valet Services
The Trash Valet Services had existed for sometime already. When I researched about this type of business involved with garbage collection, most of the information I got was from America. So my point of reference for this article would be the industry in America.
The trash valet service business is a simple one. Customers pay companies to pick up their garbage from their doorstep at an appointed schedule. Trash valets pick up from several customers at any given time.
As I have explained at the onset, I have not found a lot of trash valet service businesses beyond America. But if you are interested in starting a trash valet business in your own country, there are plenty of articles and YouTube videos available from American sources.
I admit it and probably most of you would admit it, you and me are not fond of picking up garbage or even be near them. This is because garbage is not good to look at and they also smell bad most of the time.
Now imagine if you would have to pick up garbage almost everyday, and not just one, but a whole pickup full of garbage. The work is not only hard and tiring, but you can feel disgusted as well while doing your work.
But what many consider as a disgusting job could be an advantage for you. Since there are not many people interested in doing what is considered a dirty and demeaning job and business, you have less competitors in both a job and a business.
Perhaps it’s no accident that everytime I research the waste management or garbage disposal business, many articles like to point out the big financial rewards of being involved in this sort of industry.
Many people globally still think that garbage disposal is a demeaning job that is done by lowly unskilled workers. But the truth is that the global waste management industry is a 2 trillion dollar industry and is growing.
If you are able to successfully introduce a trash valet service business, there is a big chance that you could grab a slice of this 2 trillion dollar industry. This is especially since more and more people are living in housing complexes where disposing garbage can be hard.
A Person Contracts Himself To An Apartment Owner Or A Service Company
The trash valet contracts himself out to a trash valet subcontracting company or is directly hired by a trash valet company. There are also many instances when a person is directly hired by the residential building owner or operator to be their trash valet.
The number of units, apartments, building, or properties that a trash valet services depends on their job. Usually, a trash valet collects garbage for several residential buildings during their given shifts or contract.
They may or may not be provided with a company pickup or truck when they are collecting garbage. The most usual vehicle used in the trash valet business is a pickup which may or may not come with a trailer.
Just to give you an idea of how much garbage a trash valet contractor can pickup, here is a YouTube video of one trash valet contractor during one of his shifts. It would be noted that he said that he eventually quit being a trash valet:
YouTube Video: A Day in the life. Trash Valet Edition. ENTREPRENEUR VLOG.
The Customers Prepare Their Garbage Carefully
The first step of the process is done by the customer. Before the appointed pickup schedule of their garbage, the customer or one of the tenants of the house or apartment puts their garbage in a clean garbage bag.
The customer must ensure that the garbage bag itself is clean and is not overloaded. Although it may not be so evident, there is a weight and possibly even a size limit on the garbage that the customer can give to the trash valet for pickup.
The customer then places their garbage in the garbage bin and seals it tightly so no garbage spills out. They also must ensure that the garbage bag has no holes and especially does not leak.
The customer then pickup their garbage bin and places it outside their doorstep. They must ensure that they do this step before the appointed garbage collection schedule. Otherwise, their garbage won’t be collected.
The Trash Valet Collects The Garbage
To give you a much more visual idea of what a trash valet does, I have linked several videos showing trash valets at work. But I would still like to point out the previous video which I linked which shows the real amount of garbage a trash valet can pick up at any given shift.
YouTube Video: DOORSTEP DETAILS - National Leader in Apartment Valet Trash
One thing to note about the video of the trash valet company is that they take pictures of the garbage bin once it has been emptied as proof that they have done their job in collecting the garbage.
YouTube Video: A Day in the Life of a Service Valet!
This video gives special emphasis on what is the requirement to do the job. One of the important requirement for a trash valet is the physical fitness to be able to not only carry heavy bags of garbage, but also the ability to go up and down stairs with little difficulty.
One of the things that you would see the trash valet bringing is a very big trash bag. The garbage bags from the individual customers are put in this bag. You can just imagine the weight and bulkiness of this big garbage bag once a couple of the customer’s garbage bags are in it.
This might be a good time to ask yourself if you have the physical endurance and strength to carry such a big and bulky bag. Another thing to note would be your height. Are you big enough to carry such a big bag without it gliding to the floor when you carry it?
A Trash Valet May Elect Not To Collect A Garbage Bag
There are instances when trash valets are not allowed to pick up a customer’s garbage. One reason would be due to hygiene. If a garbage bag is dirty, overflowing or leaking, the trash valet is perfectly within reason and contract not to pick it up.
There could be other reasons why a garbage bag would not be collected by the trash valet. Although they are allowed to not pick up a garbage bag, they are obliged to give a written notice to the customer.
He Puts The Trash In The Trash Compactor
This is the last process a trash valet has to do. It depends on the situation, but trash valets are also paid according to the ease they can dispose the garbage bags full of garbage. A trash valet might have an easy job disposing the garbage if there is a garbage disposal unit or dump available in the residential complex itself.
If you are an actual trash valet, it may be important that you know the location and condition of the trash compactor unit you would be using. You could waste a lot of time and do a lot of extra work if the trash compactor is faraway and is not in full operating condition.
He Gets Paid
By the day or by the hour, this is the question a trash valet should ask themselves. Per hour rates are generally higher than daily rates on a per hour basis, but can be grittier and hard to do.
I would suggest that before you do the job or accept the contract of becoming a trash valet, test yourself. Check how you would perform by simulating the work in a small residential complex setting. Are you best suited or will earn more in a per hour or a daily contract?
If you want to setup a trash valet company that does either direct hiring or franchising, remember that you are just primarily a middleman between the tenants or owners of a residential complex and the trash valet themselves.
Just like any subcontracting work, you collect a percentage of the trash valet’s profits who work either as an employee or a contractor. Of course you would be the one soliciting business for the trash valets while they do the actual work.
Having lived in a developing country and after researching online if the trash valet industry exists in other countries beyond America, I found out that there is no trash valet industry in other countries besides the ones I found online in America.
There may be a couple of reasons why this is so. One reason could be that disposing trash is so easy for people to do themselves that they no longer need a trash valet service. Another reason could be because people are not accustomed to the trash valet concept.
But I think the greatest reason why there are no trash valet industries in other countries especially in developing ones is because labor cost in these countries are so cheap. Home and even apartment owners can hire a maid or a house helper to do the job for them and much more.
There are two thing working for entrepreneurs in other countries who want to introduce trash valet services in their countries. One is the growing standard of living in developing countries, and the other, the continuing westernization of developing countries.
As more people in developing countries improve their standard of living, more of them would be able to afford to hire people who would do menial work for them. This includes the daily disposal of garbage.
Since many people from developing countries are adopting the western standard of living, many of them would also want to avail of the services that western people enjoy which includes trash valet services.
There is only one important step for you to be able to start your own trash valet business. And this all comes to acquiring customers who would pay you to collect their garbage on a regular basis.
This is the most important step in the business and not the actual collection of the garbage itself. For this part, you can collect the garbage yourself or hire or contract someone else to do the job for you.
The trash valet business by my research mainly exists in America where it is a good business. Many people are working in this industry as either trash valets or as franchising companies who subcontract the job of collecting the garbage.
Although the trash valet business does not exist in many countries, there are two promising factors that may make them thrive beyond America and into developing countries. The first one is the improving standard of living of the people. The second one is the westernization of people in developing countries.