Coconut Oil Business
We will examine how to make coconut oil even at home as well as the byproducts produced that you can also make money on.
Separate the coconut shell from the coconut husk using a coconut dehusker, machete, bolo o any large knife. The coconut husk can be sold as firewood, as a pot for plants, as handicraft or the coir can be extracted and used for landscaping, horticulture and so on.
Extract the coconut flesh and juice from the coconut shell. When you cut the coconut shell take note to cut it in such a way that the cut halves resemble a bowl so you can resell them as bowls and as handicrafts. If you fail to do so you can still use the coconut shell as additives to food the way Indians add them to curry.
The coconut juice can be served still fresh or packaged as a beverage where it is claimed to have health benefits like containing nutrients, may serve as an antioxidant, claims to be effective against kidney stones, and a good source of hydration. Take note of these medicinal benefits when you are marketing your coconut juice.
The coconut flesh is then grounded up and left to sit overnight until it cakes. The grounded coconut flesh is then put into a pot and fried. The frying process produces the coconut oil and the fried grounded coconut flesh which can be used to make sweetened coconut candies or added to sweetened sticky rice like what is done in Asia. Another thing good about fried coconut flesh is that it does not easily spoil. Refrigerate for best results.
The coconut oil produced can be used for food, medicine and most profitably as a personal care product. It can be used to nourish the hair and scalp. It can be used as a skin freshener and moisturiser, makeup remover, deodorant, lip balm and even teeth whitener.
As you can there is no waste produced from making coconut oil. If you can effectively market all these other coconut products when making coconut oil especially to women who have daily beauty routines then you can have daily buyers of coconut products like in personal care.