Whom Do I Sell My Ordinary And Designer Paper Plates For Profit?
The disposable plates market is growing at a very lucrative rate of 6% a year. The global disposable plate market is estimated to be approximately US$ 4.8 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach US$ 6.4 billion by 2027.
There are a few reasons why this is happening. First, more and more people are being conditioned to the “disposable” lifestyle. The Fast Fashion trend for example have made clothes disposable.
Instant foods like instant coffee, instant noodles and so on have become a regular fixture of many people’s lifestyle. Instead of cooking, many people today eat instant foods which includes ordering take out food.
And so, what has to follow instant foods? Of course, people would also want the convenience of not having to wash dishes anymore. This is especially true for occasions such as parties and celebrations. Who wants to wash a lot of dishes after a party anyway?
I did a quick check online and saw that I can buy 40 paper plates for less than a dollar. In fact, the amount of the 40 paper plates on sale was a measly 75 US cents! This means that each plate is less than 2 US cents!
This means that if you use five paper plates a day for an entire month all that it would cost you would be approximately US$ 2.85! If you are a family of four, this would just equate to US$ 11.40 a month!
Assuming you use 10 paper plates each day for a family of four, this would mean that your paper plate costs would just be roughly US$ 22.80 a month. Now, ask yourself, would you find someone willing to wash your dishes for an entire month for US$ 22.80?
I also saw online cheap disposable cups prices similarly. So, you’re basically almost paying US$ 45.60 to not wash your dishes. The same goes for disposable plastic spoon and forks. So, all in all you need to spend US$ 68.40 or even less to not wash your dishes anymore.
So, selling disposable plates, cups, spoons and forks to ordinary households is entirely feasible. No one would be stupid enough to wash the dishes of a family of four for an entire month for a measly US$ 68.40.
Now that we have established that it is viable to sell the average family of four (at least in developed countries) the idea of just using disposable crockery and cutlery instead of washing dishes, cups, spoons and forks after each meal, let’s see if designer paper plates are the same.
First off, designer paper plates can be sold for more than four times the value of an ordinary paper plate. Just a simple search at Etsy using the search keyword: “paper plates” would immediately show you that there is a thriving market for designer paper plates.
If you are still vague about what designer paper plates are (assuming you followed my advise and searched “paper plates” in Etsy), the simple difference between a normal paper plate and a designer paper plate is that the latter has graphic designs in them.
These designs could be as simple as printed letters and/or numbers to outright images and illustrations. And these simple graphic designs are the reason why they are four times more expensive at a minimum than ordinary or plain paper plates.
People buy designer paper plates to impress whoever is using their paper plates. This is especially true of people with money, but the same goes for people who don’t have money but still want to impress whoever is using their paper plates.
Ironically, these people are mostly not found by meeting them person to person. Most people nowadays buy designer paper plates from such sites as Etsy and other specialized e-commerce sites.
If you sell in general e-commerce sites like Amazon, you would face tough competition from sellers of ordinary paper plates. There is a high likelihood that the potential buyer would be tempted to buy the cheaper ordinary paper plates instead.
Also, you should start approaching food stands and restaurants both big and small. This is because the food suppliers might want to better establish their brand by having their company logo or designs printed on the paper plates they use.
You might even get lucky and become the regular supplier for one of these food stands or restaurant. So, don’t just depend on online sales for your paper plate business. You should contact online these food stands and restaurants and even approach them in person.
There are people who are more susceptible to advertising pitches like influencers and politicians. What if you offered influencers for example like MrBeast a fifty/fifty split when they lend their social media brand to your paper plate business?
With the legions of MrBeast fans, I’m sure that you’ll make a lot of money. Of course, its not easy to bag bigtime influencers like MrBeast, but you could see the potential of such a collaboration.
You could also approach other attention-hungry people like celebrities and politicians. Imagine if you approached a politician near election time. I’m sure you would find a few politicians more than happy to have their political ad adorned in paper plates.
This is especially true if your paper plates would be used in a large gathering like political campaigns and other events. The same is true for celebrities especially those who are still struggling to become famous or are on a downward spiral.
They can giveaway their paper plates to family, friends and followers in the hopes that this would increase their social profile. This could happen if they’re promoting their movie, album, concert, business and so on.
There are paper plates which are not meant to be used during parties but are meant to be giveaways. Paper plates make excellent giveaways since they are shaped and large enough to be identical to round or even square picture frames.
You could offer custom designer paper plate designs and sell these paper plates at a premium. For example, your client’s child is having a birthday and wants to buy custom paper plates from you.
You can offer your client to have the picture of their child shown on the paper plates together with the words “Happy Birthday” for example. The same goes for other events, even corporate events.
For example, you know that a big company’s anniversary is coming up soon and you know that they serve food and giveaways to their employees. You can approach this big company and offer to design their paper plate for them.
In essence, all that you need to do is to research online whatever occasions and events that you can find. It doesn’t matter if your client wants to use the paper plates to hold food or just give them out as giveaways.
The concept of just using disposable crockery and cutlery aka disposable plates, cups, spoons, forks and knives as a replacement of not having to wash dishes anymore is financially possible. You can offer a regular household this information and sell to them at the same time.
You could also sell designer paper plates either for use as actual food holders or as giveaways. You can sell them to anyone holding an event or an occasion. It doesn’t matter if your clients are families or companies.
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