
I Know You’re Alone
Bobby was a work from home computer programmer just like his friends, Anthony and Dalton, who also live with him in the same apartment. Bobby preferred to live by himself in his room while Anthony and Dalton shared the same room...

The Weakness
Young Magda was married to a very old mobster, Pedro. but she didn’t care. All she wanted from him was all the money and expensive gifts he kept buying her. She had a money allowance that is the envy of ordinary working class people...

One Last Thing To Consider
Mathew smiled as he entered to clean the small building of McCormack And Sons at about eight in the evening that night. He already knows the number combination of the safe he plans to open which contained the blueprints of the product his client wanted him to steal...

The Source
Steve woke up with his hand and feet all tied up by restraining straps. He was tied up to a hospital bed and was wearing a white hospital gown. He was alone in a brightly lit white room with no furniture except the hospital bed were he is strapped in...

Wolf Man?
Renee was on a medical mission from the UN to treat the people of a remote tribe in Langkasa, Indonesia. She was with a group of Indonesian medical workers who were treating the tribespeople regarding their various illnesses...

Old World Future Radio
Mark and Ofelia were smalltime antique dealers. They are not big time antique dealers who have a lot of budget to buy expensive old antiques. Their specialty was buying vintage appliances. The kind of appliances who do not have any miniature electronic parts yet...

The Prospector’s Feast
Michael was drinking with his friend in the bar. He was recently fired from his job for stealing office property. He was also thrown out from his apartment, his car got repossessed and his money in the bank was down to a few hundred dollars...

Food Blogger
Edward loves eating food so much that he became a professional food blogger. He would travel from restaurant to restaurant tasting and commenting on the foods he has eaten. Nothing was off limits to him. From snacks to full course meals, he would try them all...

King of the Wild
The bullet hits the bear. It violently shakes as it crashes to the ground. A few minutes more and it was dead. “Hooray!” I shouted out. “I’ve finally caught a big polar bear! Frank Dillon has finally bagged himself a big white polar bear! I am the king!” My companion was not happy as he gathered the dead polar bear’s cub...