Old World Future Radio
Part 1: Garage Sale
Mark and Ofelia were smalltime antique dealers. They are not big time antique dealers who have a lot of budget to buy expensive old antiques. Their specialty was buying vintage appliances. The kind of appliances who do not have any miniature electronic parts yet.
They were in a garage sale when Mark saw a small vintage 1940s radio.
He smiled, “Look Ofelia, isn’t that radio a beauty?”
“But does it work?”, asked Ofelia.
Mark rubbed his chin with his fingers, “If it doesn’t work, at least we might still cannibalize it for parts.”
Ofelia smiled, “Maybe we could replace it with new electronic parts.”
“Maybe,” said Mark, “a lot of people just want to buy these things out of nostalgia.”
“It would make a nice display piece on top of our fireplace,” said Ofelia, “if we can buy it cheap or even free, I want to have it.”
The couple approached the owner of the garage sale. She was an old lady who was in her seventies. She wore thick eyeglasses and carried a cane with her. She is assisted by her teenage granddaughter.
Mark smiled at the old lady, “How much is it for that antique radio over there?”
“You want that old piece of junk?”, asked the old lady, “why would you want an old radio when a new one is so much cheaper?”
Marked quietly laughed in his mind, “This old lady is a tough customer. She won’t easily part with her old radio.”
He made his offer, “I’ll pay you ten dollars for the old radio if it’s still working.”
The old lady smiled, “It’s not working, but I’ll sell it to you for twenty-five dollars.”
Mark sneered, “Twenty-five dollars and its not even working? Be reasonable ma’m you’re asking too much for your broken down radio.”
“Take it or leave it, I won’t sell it for less than twenty-five dollars,” said the old lady.
Ofelia smiled, “We really like your radio and we think we can make it work. We’ll also be able to find a new home for your radio. Would you sell it to us for twenty dollars?”
The old lady smiled, “Since you put it that way, Okay young lady. I’ll sell my radio to you for twenty dollars.”
Part 2: Does It Work?
Mark slumped on the sofa while Ofelia placed the old radio on top of the fireplace.
She smiled, “This old radio is so beautiful, I wish it would work.”
Mark frowned, “I still think we overpaid for that broken old radio.”
“But Mark, if we can make this radio work, we’ll be able to sell it for hundreds even a thousand dollars.”
Mark sighed, “As usual, I have to do the hard work while you enjoy yourself.”
Ofelia smiled, “But honey, we’re a team. I’m the brains and marketing while you’re the brawn of the team. Plus, I’m the one who cooks. So I’m very important.”
“You win, Ofelia,” said Mark, “I’ll take that radio apart to see if I can make it work.”
After Ofelia has cooked dinner, they ate and relaxed on their sofa in the living room. While watching television, Mark began taking apart the old broken radio.
He smiled after opening it, “This radio is really old, it looks like its vacuum tubes haven’t been replaced.”
“Is that good, Mark?”, asked Ofelia.
“Yes, it means that if we can make this work, we still have the original parts, which means this radio can be sold at a high price.”
Ofelia frowned, “Could you make it work?”
Mark rubbed his chin with his fingers, “This radio seems intact to me, probably it just needs cleaning and tightening.”
Mark cleaned the inside of the radio as well as tightened the connections of the vacuum tubes. He then plugged the radio in a power supply to see if it would work. The analog dials of the vacuum tube lighted up.
Ofelia laughed, “It’s working. It’s working.”
Mark smiled, “Hold your horses, Ofelia. I’ll turn the radio station dial to see if we can pick up radio stations.”
All the couple heard from the radio was static as they turned the radio station dial for minutes, trying to see if they can pick up a radio station transmission.
Ofelia frowned, “It seems we bought a dud, Mark. This old radio cannot pick up any stations.”
Mark was so frustrated that he violently tapped the top of the old radio, “Dammit, this radio is not even worth ten dollars. It’s just a piece of junk.”
Then they heard the sound of music coming out from the radio.
“It’s working!”, said Ofelia as she clapped her hands.
Mark laughed, “So the old trick hammer the radio with your fist works for this old junk. This junk still works after all these years.”
Part 3: Old World Radio
Ofelia suddenly became puzzled, “The music’s from the olden days, it seems to be music from the 1940s.”
Mark tried tinkering with the radio station dial, but the only station they can get was one station playing old world radio music.
The radio station announcer laughed, “Listeners, thanks for listening to radio KBL, proudly sponsored by Laramie cigarettes.”
Ofelia turned pale, “Cigarette advertising has been banned years ago.”
Mark became worried, “That not the important thing, I believe there is no radio station called KBL.”
Part 4: Money News
The radio announcer spoke again, “Today is Tuesday, the Miami Heat defeated the Detroit Pistons 81 to 78.”
Mark’s eyes widened, “Today is Monday, and I know that the Miami Heat will only play tomorrow against the Detroit Pistons.”
Ofelia was puzzled, “An extinct radio station broadcasting the results of future games? Something is wrong with this radio, Mark. I’m scared of it. Dispose of it, Mark. Get it out of this house.”
“Hold on, Ofelia,” said Mark, “this old radio must be magical or something. We can’t throw this radio away. We might know the result of future NBA games. You know what it means, Ofelia? Money!”
“I’m scared of it, Mark,” said Ofelia. “It could be the work of the devil. Aren’t you scared that the radio station is already extinct? The announcer of the radio station could be already dead for crying out loud.”
“Just wait until tomorrow when we have confirmed that this radio is broadcasting future news,” said Mark, “just let me confirm my theory.”
Part 5: The Windfall
Mark laughed as he counted a lot of money in front of Ofelia in their living room, “See Ofelia? What I have predicted is true. The announcer of this old radio accurately predicted who would win the game today.”
Ofelia forced a smile, “It’s good that this old radio is somehow magical and reports future events, but it still gives me the creeps. I don’t want it in this house.”
Mark frowned, “And miss out on money, Ofelia? You’re not thinking well.”
“I still think that this radio is evil, Mark. I don’t want any part of it,” said Ofelia.
Mark became quiet and looked at the radio intently.
He sighed, “Just let me make a few million with it and we’ll dispose of it.”
Ofelia smiled, “Promise, Mark?”
Mark grinned, “Promise, Ofelia. I won’t trade you for all the money in the world. I only need a few million and I’m quitting.”
Part 6: The Lottery
Mark stayed all night listening to the announcer of the radio, “Cmon radio, make me win big so I don’t have to work anymore.”
The announcer on the radio then stopped the old music that was playing, “And now the lottery results…”
Mark scrambled to write the winning lottery numbers in a piece of paper, “Half a billion dollars! Tomorrow I will be a multimillionaire. I’ll be worth half a billion dollars. Mark kissed the piece of paper where he wrote the winning lottery numbers.”
Part 7: Different News
Mark embraced Ofelia when he saw the winning lottery numbers that day, “We’re rich Ofelia, we’re rich. We’re worth half a billion dollars. We don’t need to work anymore. All we’ll do starting today is to spend money.”
Mark and Ofelia kissed each other as they double checked their lottery ticket to ensure that they indeed have the winning lottery numbers.
Ofelia looked at the old radio, “I don’t think that this old radio is evil. It’s a blessing to us.”
Mark smiled, “Don’t you realize it, Ofelia? Why be content with hundred millions? We could be billionaires.”
Ofelia frowned, “Aren’t you forgetting your promise, Mark, That you’ll stop.”
“Just one more time, Ofelia. Let me hear future news one more time.”
Mark turned the old radio on. When the music it played stopped, the announcer began speaking, “This is sad news from radio KBL…”
Mark and Ofelia were surprised. Chills went down their spine all of a sudden.
The announcer continued speaking, “New multimillionaire Mark Hall is dead. He had a heart attack after winning today’s lottery.”
Mark turned pale, “I’m Mark Hall and I won the lottery. Did I die in the future of a heart attack?”
The announcer continued speaking, “It is said he died of a heart attack at exactly midnight today.”
The old radio then began playing music again. Mark looked at his watch. It was eleven in the evening.
He looked at Ofelia, “Do you think I’ll die of a heart attack tonight?”
Ofelia began to cry, “No Mark, you can’t die. I don’t need the lottery winnings. I need you alive.”
Mark embraced Ofelia, “Hold me Ofelia, I suddenly feel cold.”
Part 8: The Hour Is Up
Ofelia regularly checked Mark’s blood pressure, “I don’t believe you’re gonna die, Mark. Your blood pressure is normal.”
Mark smiled, “Thank you, Ofelia. But if something happens to me, please don’t grieve for me.”
“No, Mark, you won’t die. That radio announcer is playing tricks on you,” said Ofelia.
Mark looked at his watch, “One minute more and it would be midnight.”
Then the radio stopped playing music. The announcer spoke again, “This is radio KBL and we are pleased to announce to you that we have a new addition to our station…”
Mark suddenly felt chest pains. Ofelia cried and hugged him.
The radio announcer laughed, “Joining us in our radio station from now on is Mr. Mark Hall.”
Mark closed his eyes. His heart stopped beating.
As Ofelia cried she heard the announcer laughing, “Hello Mr. Mark Hill. We’re so glad that you’re now here.”