Quotes on Success
“When I was a child, adults would tell me not to make things up, warning me of what would happen if I did. As far as I can tell so far, it seems to involve lots of foreign travel and not having to get up too early in the morning.”
― Neil Gaiman, Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fiction and Illusions
Neil Gaiman, Life, Success
"It is important to have people believe in you. With this support, what you can achieve is limitless."
Ronnie Coleman, Success
“You’ve got money and the sh*t that comes with the fame.”
King Von, Success, Wealth
“You have to go harder so everybody can talk about you. The more people know you, the more money you get.”
King Von, Goals, Success, Wealth
"Those who keep trying without giving up are the ones who succeed."
BTS: Jin, Success, Goals
"Popularity is a bubble. It's a mountain: you can go up really hard but walk down really fast."
BTS: RM, Success
"Popularity is a bubble. It's a mountain: you can go up really hard but walk down really fast."
BTS: RM, Success
“Basically, I’m one of the greatest producers ever. And I’m also one of the greatest DJs ever. And I’m also one of the best executives ever.”
DJ Khaled, Success
“Winning, to me, is easy. Winning more is the challenge.”
DJ Khaled, Success
“That’s what we provide you know what I’m saying. When you get DJ Khaled you sound bites. You get documentaries. My interviews will play ten years from now. I ain’t regular like these other people. This is DJ Khaled, this is special cloth alert.”
DJ Khaled, Success
“The key to more success is coco butter.”
DJ Khaled, Success
“My fans expect me to be greater and keep being great.”
DJ Khaled, Success
“The key is to make it.”
DJ Khaled, Success
“It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshipers. They are constantly, and for the most part sincerely, assured of their greatness. They live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment. They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.”
Calvin Coolidge, Government, Success
“There is only one form of political strategy in which I have any confidence, and that is to try to do the right thing and sometimes be able to succeed.”
― Calvin Coolidge, The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge, Goals, Government, Success
“Any reward that is worth having only comes to the industrious. The success which is made in any walk of life is measured almost exactly by the amout of hard work that is put into it.”
― Calvin Coolidge, The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge, Life, Success
“I look at where I’m at today and realize that most of my success is owed to the mentors that was in my life.“
Kendrick Lamar, Success
“The worst part of success is, to me, adapting to it. It’s scary.”
Kendrick Lamar, Success
“It’s a great, great experience to finally get the reception that you know you rightfully deserve.”
Kendrick Lamar, Success
If I speak the good into existence, that instant my dreams will unlock, money flow like water, I’ll just wait at the dock.”
Kendrick Lamar, Goals, Success, Wealth
“Doing it your own way, not having to go exactly by the book to be successful.”
Ice Cube, Success, Goals
“Don’t worry about being a star, worry about doing good work, and all that will come to you.”
Ice Cube, Success, Work
“I don’t think of myself as being a celebrity, it’s too mortifying. I have a hard time watching myself on screen and it’s getting worse. I can’t tell whether my work is good or not.”
Johnny Depp, Success
Why am I a star? It can’t be because of looks.
Clint Eastwood, Success
Winning the election is a good-news, bad-news kind of thing. Okay, now you’re the mayor. The bad news is, now you’re the mayor.
Clint Eastwood, Success, Government
"There’s more pressure to be famous for being yourself than if you’re being a character."
Kim Kardashian, Success
"F— you, stop laying on the ground just to get a picture up my ass. Literally they’re constantly up my ass and I’m over it."
Kim Kardashian, Success
“I have a cult-like following because I exemplify what it is to be a human being.”
Kevin Gates, Success
“When you follow your heart, you always win!”
Kevin Gates, Success
“I’m successful and now they love me.”
Kevin Gates, Success
“Why accept failure when success is free?”
Kevin Gates, Success
“You can’t make everybody else happy and still stay on top.”
Kevin Gates, Success
“When I first started doing sketch comedy, I promised myself that if I were ever to have any success in this business, I wouldn’t hold back. Why get there and play it safe?”
Will Ferrell, Art, Goals, Success
“I’m just a big, hairy, American winning machine!”
Will Ferrell, Life, Success
“And the secret to my success is as boring as it is unsurprising: You show up and you lay another brick. Pissed off? Lay another brick. Bad opening weekend? Lay another brick. Album sales dropping? Get up and lay another brick. Marriage failing? Lay another brick.”
― Will Smith, Will
Will Smith, Success
“The thing about money, sex, and success is that when you don’t have them, you can justify your misery—shit, if I had money, sex, and success, I’d feel great! However misguided that may be, it psychologically permeates as hope. But once you are rich, famous, successful—and you’re still insecure and unhappy—the terrifying thought begins to lurk: Maybe the problem is me.”
― Will Smith, Will
Will Smith, Success
“Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, godlike feature that only the special among us will ever taste, it's something that truly exists in all of us.”
Will Smith, Success
“Money & success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there.”
Will Smith, Wealth, Success
“I want to be the person that is the first person there and the last person to leave. That's who I want to be, because I think the road to success is through commitment, and through the strength to drive through that commitment when it gets hard. And it is going to get hard and you're going to want to quit sometimes, but it'll be colored by who you are, and more who you want to be.”
Will Smith, Goals, Success
"From wrestling to my hip-hop thing, I've just been able to do so much and meet so many crazy characters."
Macho Man, Success
"What a great way to see all of our legacies live on, through the video games."
Macho Man, Success
"We're in space and space is the place!"
Macho Man, Success
"I've been in the danger zone."
Macho Man, Success
"Hulkamania is like a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert that is Macho Madness."
Macho Man, Success
"Too hot to handle, too cold to hold!"
Macho Man, Success
"Best there is... past, present and future! Ohhhhh yeahhhh!"
Macho Man, Success
"You will eat my rear rockets and like it! Ohhhh yeahhh!"
Macho Man, Success
"Let me tell you now a man of my position can afford to look ridiculous at any time."
Macho Man, Success
Expect the unexpected in the kingdom of madness!"
Macho Man, Success
"Ten thousand years as Intercontinental Champion, Oooooh yeeeah!"
Macho Man, Success
"The madness is runnin' wild!"
Macho Man, Success
“I’m the man that made wrestling famous.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“I’ve always felt from everyone I talk to that the fans feel like I’m tangible and they can talk to me and they know me.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“I know what happens every time I get in front of a UK crowd – they just go nuts and they are so nice and excited and crazy and they won’t sit down.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“The fans know what’s happened to me over the past couple of years. I lost my family. I pretty much got devastated financially and the fans know that I’ve had some hard times – and that’s the nature of loyal fans. They want to see the people that they love and believe in get back on their feet.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“I love to give the fans what they want. They’re what I miss most when I’m not wrestling. That time in the ring is like being in heaven for me.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“People always expect Hulk Hogan to be standing up straight, or to have the bandanna on, or to not have my arms covered up. If I have an extra large shirt on people go ‘oh yeah you look small.’ It kind of ruins the mystique.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“I’ve been around so long and no matter if I’ve done good things or bad things, or my personal life has been good or bad, the fans have always stuck with me.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“The only time I’m not Hulk Hogan is when I’m behind closed doors because as soon as I walk out the front door, and somebody says hello to me, I can’t just say ‘hello’ like Terry. When they see me, they see the blond hair, the mustache, and the bald head, they instantly think Hulk Hogan.”
Hulk Hogan, Success
“The moral flabbiness born of the exclusive worship of the bitch-goddess SUCCESS. That - with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word 'success' - is our national disease.”
William James, Society, Success
“There is little success where there is little laughter.”
Andrew Carnegie, Happiness, Success
“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”
Andrew Carnegie, Happiness, Success
“So many will try to destroy me. So many, over and over, coming in periods of greatness. But in this period, I cannot be broken: GAGAKLEIN.”
Lady Gaga, Success
“I'd wear any of my private attire for the world to see. But I would rather have an open flesh wound than ever wear a band aid in public.”
Lady Gaga, Success
“I'm already crazy. I'm a fearless person. I think it creeps up on you. I don't think it can be stopped. If my destiny is to lose my mind because of fame, then that's my destiny. But my passion still means more than anything.”
Lady Gaga, Success
“I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. I am a busy girl. I live and breathe my work. I love what I do. I believe in the message. There's no stopping. I didn't create the fame, the fame created me.”
Lady Gaga, Success, Work
“I've always been famous, it's just no one knew it yet.”
Lady Gaga, Success, Life
“Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner, you want to be like yourself. I want my fans to know it's okay.”
Lady Gaga, Success, Life
“This is the Manifesto of Little Monster:
There is something heroic about the way my fans operate their cameras. So precisely, so intricately and so proudly. Like Kings writing the history of their people, is their prolific nature that both creates and procures what will later be percieved as the kingdom. So the real truth about Lady Gaga fans, my little monsters, lies in this sentiment: They are the Kings. They are the Queens. They write the history of the kingdom and I am something of a devoted Jester. It is in the theory of perception that we have established our bond, or the lie I should say, for which we kill. We are nothing without our image. Without our projection. Without the spiritual hologram of who we percieve ourselves to be or rather to become, in the future.
When you are lonely,
I will be lonely too.
And this is the fame.”
Lady Gaga, Success, Life, Art
“In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves… self-discipline with all of them came first.”
Harry Truman, Success
“I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way. I hope it never will.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Success
“None of my rules of success will work unless you do.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Success
“Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into a winner.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Success
“The better you get, the less you run around showing off as a muscle guy. You know, you wear regular shirts – not always trying to show off what you have. You talk less about it. It’s like you have a little BMW – you want to race the hell out of this car because you know it’s just going 110. But if you see guys driving a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, they slide around at 60 on the freeway because they know if they press on that accelerator they are going to go 170. These things are the same in every field.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Success
“Be hungry for success, hungry to make your mark, hungry to be seen and to be heard and to have an effect. And as you move up and become successful, make sure also to be hungry for helping others.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Success
“Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Success
“To be successful, however, you must be brutal with yourself and focus on the flaws.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Success
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Strength, Success
“Glory crowns the deeds of those who expose themselves to toils and dangers.”
Alexander the Great, Success, Courage
“Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame.”
Alexander the Great, Success, Courage
“Success is more than luck. You have to believe in yourself and make it happen.”
― Richard Branson, Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons In Life
Richard Branson, Success
“to be successful, you have to be out there, you have to hit the ground running.”
― Richard Branson, Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way
Richard Branson, Success
“Whatever your goal is you will never succeed unless you let go of your fears and fly.”
― Richard Branson, Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons In Life
Richard Branson, Goals, Success
“I don’t believe it can be taught as if it were a recipe. There aren’t ingredients and techniques that will guarantee success. Parameters exist that, if followed, will ensure a business can continue, but you cannot clearly define our business success and then bottle it as you would a perfume. It’s not that simple: to be successful, you have to be out there, you have to hit the ground running; and, if you have a good team round you and more than your fair share of luck, you might make something happen. But you certainly can’t guarantee it just by following someone else’s formula. Business is a fluid, changing substance.”
― Richard Branson, Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way
Richard Branson, Business, Success
“If I had to give one reason why I have been fortunate enough to experience some success, it would be my knack of bringing together wonderful people.”
― Richard Branson, Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography
Richard Branson, Business, Success
“Fun is at the core of the way I like to do business and it has been key to everything I've done from the outset. More than any other element, fun is the secret of Virgin's success. I am aware that the ideas of business as being fun and creative goes right against the grain of convention, and it's certainly not how the they teach it at some of those business schools, where business means hard grind and lots of 'discounted cash flows' and net' present values'.”
― Richard Branson, Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way
Richard Branson, Business, Success, Happiness
“If you opt for a safe life, you will never know what it's like to win.”
― Richard Branson, Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons in Life
Richard Branson, Life, Success
“There have been times when I could have succumbed to some form of bribe, or could have had my way by offering one. But ever since that night in Dover prison I have never been tempted to break my vow.. My Parents always drummed into me that all you have life is your reputation: you may be very rich, but if you lose your good name you'll never be happy.”
― Richard Branson, Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way
Richard Branson, Life, Success, Happiness
“I don’t know, man, I guess I’m gonna fade into Bolivian.”
- Misspelling his words, Mike Tyson contemplates the end of his career and his passing to "oblivion". Every celebrity feels the same way towards the end of their career.
Mike Tyson, Success
“Nothing that we do, is done in vain. I believe, with all my soul, that we shall see triumph.”
A Tale of Two Cities, Life, Success
"The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team."
John Wooden, Success
"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you capable of becoming."
John Wooden, Success
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming."
John Wooden, Success
"Don’t mistake activity with achievement."
John Wooden, Success, Mistakes
"Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts."
John Wooden, Success, Courage
“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”
Success can be intoxicating. Ever heard the phrase: "Drunk with Success"? This is because success can be fleeting and failures in life are a constant. It' important to learn from your failures while not getting drunk or complacent with your success.
Bill Gates, Success
“Patience is a key element of success.”
Success usually only comes after a lot of trial and error and a lot of failures. The successful individual are those who have the patience and determination to stick through all these frustrating moments along the way.
Bill Gates, Success
“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.”
Success teaches people very little. A person's success might just be due to luck. It' the lessons learned of what doesn't work from your many failures that eventually leads you to success.
Bill Gates, Success
"You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights."
Dr Seuss, Success
“The rewards are great if one succeeds but the rewards are great only because so few succeed.”
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Success
“Victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats.”
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Success, Problems, Life
“Which two, among a thousand wise men, will define success in the same words; yet failure is always described but one way. Failure is man's inability to reach his goals in life, whatever they may be.”
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Success, Problems, Goals
“In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedeth all others is—I will form good habits and become their slave.”
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Success, Life, Goals
“I determine to render more and better service, each day, than I am being paid to render. Those that reach the top are the ones who are not content with doing only what is required of them.”
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Success, Life, Goals
“Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats. Yet each struggle, each defeat, sharpens your skills and strengths, your courage and your endurance, your ability and your confidence and thus each obstacle is a comrade-in-arms forcing you to become better … or quit. Each rebuff is an opportunity to move forward; turn away from them, avoid them, and you throw away your future.”
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Business, Success, Problems
“Truly, many times have you heard me say that the rewards are great if one succeeds but the rewards are great only because so few succeed. Many succumb to despair and fail without realizing that they already possess all the tools needed to acquire great wealth. Many others face each obstacle in their path with fear and doubt and consider them as enemies when, in truth, these obstructions are friends and helpers.”
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Business, Success, Problems, Wealth
“These days there seems to be nowhere left to explore, at least on the land area of the Earth. Victims of their very success, the explorers now pretty much stay home.”
― Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space
Carl Sagan Pale Blue Dot, Success
“Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.”
Erma Bombeck, Success
“I measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her fellow human beings.”
Margaret Mead, Success
“So what does it take to win? Yes, you have to be determined. Yes, you have to be driven. Yes, you must have the unconquerable will to win. But to really win, to truly win at all cost, requires more flexibility, more creativity, more adaptability, more compromise, and more humility than most people ever realize. That is what it takes to win.”
― Jocko Willink, The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win
Jocko Willink, Success
“The people who are successful decide they are going to be successful. They make that choice. And they make other choices. They decide to study hard. They decide to work hard. They decide to be the first person to get to work and the last to go home. They decide they are going to take on the hard jobs. Take on the challenges. They decide they are going to lead when no one else will.”
― Jocko Willink, Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual
Jocko Willink, Goals, Success
“We learned that leadership requires belief in the mission and unyielding perseverance to achieve victory, particularly when doubters question whether victory is even possible.”
― Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Jocko Willink, Management, Success
“A good leader does not get bogged down in the minutia of a tactical problem at the expense of strategic success.”
― Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Jocko Willink, Management, Problems, Success
“Leaders should never be satisfied. They must always strive to improve, and they must build that mind-set into the team. They must face the facts through a realistic, brutally honest assessment of themselves and their team’s performance. Identifying weaknesses, good leaders seek to strengthen them and come up with a plan to overcome challenges. The best teams anywhere, like the SEAL Teams, are constantly looking to improve, add capability, and push the standards higher. It starts with the individual and spreads to each of the team members until this becomes the culture, the new standard. The recognition that there are no bad teams, only bad leaders facilitates Extreme Ownership and enables leaders to build high-performance teams that dominate on any battlefield, literal or figurative.”
― Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Jocko Willink, Management, Goals, Problems, Success
“Prioritize your problems and take care of them one at a time, the highest priority first. Don’t try to do everything at once or you won’t be successful.” I explained how a leader who tries to take on too many problems simultaneously will likely fail at them all.”
― Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
Jocko Willink, Management, Goals, Problems, Success
“If you haven't confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.”
Marcus Garvey, Success
“You at this time can only be destroyed by yourselves, from within and not from without. You have reached the point where the victory is to be won from within and can only be lost from within.”
Marcus Garvey, Life, Success
“If you set out to be liked, you will accomplish nothing.”
Margaret Thatcher, Goals, Success
“If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at anytime, and would achieve nothing.”
Margaret Thatcher, Life, Success
“If you have the courage to start, you have the courage to succeed.”
Mel Robbins, Courage, Success
"The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense."
Thomas Edison, Success
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
Thomas Edison, Success
"One might think that the money value of an invention constitutes its reward to the man who loves his work. But... I continue to find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success."
Thomas Edison, Success, Happiness
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Thomas Edison, Success
"Anything that won't sell, I don't want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success."
Thomas Edison, Ideas, Business, Success
“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.”
Will Rogers, Success
“If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.”
Will Rogers, Success
“There is tremendous satisfaction in working your tail off to hit a goal, then winning. It is worth the work.”
Dave Ramsey, Goals, Success
“Every person falls down at some point. Successful people choose to get back up!”
Dave Ramsey, Life, Success
“If hard work, integrity, thrift, and perseverance have caused you to succeed, then you don’t owe anyone an apology for winning.”
Dave Ramsey, Success
“Study the habits of the people you want to be like and then imitate them. If they are succeeding, they must be doing something right.”
Dave Ramsey, Goals, Success
“Making mistakes and learning from them is crucial to winning.”
Dave Ramsey, Mistakes, Success
“I think the lie we’ve told people in the marketplace is that a degree gets you a job. A degree doesn’t get you a job. What gets you a job is the ability to carry yourself into that room and shake a hand and look someone in the eye and have people skills. These are the things that cause people to become successful.”
Dave Ramsey, Work, Success
"Luck is not chance, it’s toil fortune’s expensive smile is earned."
Poem – Luck is not chance
Emily Dickinson, Success, Life
"I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name."
Poem – I do not like the man who squanders life for fame
Emily Dickinson, Success, Work
"Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne’er succeed"
Poem – Success is counted sweetest
Emily Dickinson, Success, Happiness
"Fame is a fickle food upon a shifting plate"
Poem – Fame is a fickle food upon a shifting plate
Emily Dickinson, Success
“When you’re rich and famous you are the dominant force in a relationship, even if you try hard not to be. I’ve talked of sacrificing everything for Fleetwood Mac, but I realize now that it is simply the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do.”
Stevie Nicks, Wealth, Success, Love
“I’m doing lots of interviews and stuff. I’m longing for the days of getting up, not having to put on makeup and do my hair and just going to the studio.”
Stevie Nicks, Success
“That’s not going to happen, because I don’t want it to happen. I don’t want a movie about me until I’m very, very old – when I’m very, very old, everybody that wants to play me will be middle-aged.”
Stevie Nicks, Success
“I don’t really like to be filmed.”
Stevie Nicks, Success
“I didn’t want to look like anyone else – like Janis Joplin or Grace Slick. That’s why I never went to any of the big designers.”
Stevie Nicks, Success, Goals
“By the time I was five, I was a little diva.”
Stevie Nicks, Time, Success
“Entrepreneurial success and wealth creation, as well as wealth attraction, requires a willingness to risk and experience failure, and the emotional resiliency to recover from it quickly, decisively, passionately, and persistently.”
Dan Kennedy, Business, Wealth, Success
“Ultimately, as always, the way the majority thinks about money is wrong. Thinking that virtue or talent or superior product quality or service entitles you to success is fantastical and foolish.”
Dan Kennedy, Intelligence/Wisdom, Wealth, Business, Success
“Too often, achievement, accomplishment, ambition is defined as greed. Here’s my clarification: greed is attempting to get something for nothing, to take without exchange.”
Dan Kennedy, Success
“The successful among us delay gratification and bargain with the future.”
Jordan Peterson, Success
“If you’re going to be successful you need to be smart, conscientious, and tough.”
Jordan Peterson, Intelligence/Wisdom, Success, Strength
“The path to success will leave you callused, bruised, and very tired. It will also leave you empowered.”
David Goggins, Success, Power
“You can tolerate doubt as a backseat driver, but if you put doubt in the pilot’s seat, defeat is guaranteed.”
David Goggins, Success
“I had a rough childhood coming up, and I just took all that negative energy and made it very positive for myself to drive me. I’m a very driven person. I have passion that almost scares people, just to be successful and make it no matter what."
David Goggins, Goals, Success
“Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability.”
David Goggins, Success, Life
“It’s so easy to be great these days, because everyone else is so weak.”
David Goggins, Success, Society
“We live in an external world. Everything, you have to see it, touch it. If you can for the rest of your life, live inside yourself – to find greatness, you have to go inside.”
David Goggins, Life, Success, Goals
“I didn’t hang my head, because injuries happen. I’d given it everything I had and when you handle business like that, your effort will not go unnoticed.”
David Goggins, Success
“Greatness pulls mediocrity into the mud. Get out there and get after it.”
David Goggins, Success, Goals
“If you have any mental toughness, if you have any fraction of self-discipline; The ability to not want to do it, but still do it; If you can get through to doing things that you hate to do: on the other side is greatness.”
David Goggins, Success
“If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.”
David Goggins, Success
“Death will be a great relief. No more interviews.”
Katharine Hepburn, Death, Success
“I don't care what is written about me as long as it isn't true.”
Katharine Hepburn, Success
“Without patience, I could never have succeeded.”
Jane Goodall, Success
“Starting a job and working hard is how to be successful.”
Florence Nightingale, Success, Work
“Remember my name … you’ll be screaming it later.”
Florence Nightingale, Success
“I attribute my success to this – I never gave or took any excuse.”
Florence Nightingale, Success
“Riches, prestige, everything can be lost. But the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there, as long as you live, to make you happy again.
Whenever you're feeling lonely or sad, try going to the loft on a beautiful day and looking outside. Not at the houses and the rooftops, but at the sky. As long as you can look fearlessly at the sky, you'll know that you're pure within and will find happiness once more.”
Anne Frank, Wealth, Success, Happiness, Nature
“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!”
Anne Frank, Life, Love, Success
“Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness.”
Anne Frank, Life, Wealth, Power, Success
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.”
Helen Keller, Success
"Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost."
Helen Keller, Happiness, Success
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller, Life, Goals, Success
"It is as if I had been going downhill while I imagined I was going up. And that is really what it was. I was going up in public opinion, but to the same extent life was ebbing away from me. And now it is all done and there is only death."
Tolstoy (Leo Tolstoy), Success, Death
"It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results."
Warren Buffet, Goals, Success
"In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love."
Warren Buffet, Business, Goals, Success
"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything."
Warren Buffet, Success
"Basically, when you get to my age, you'll really measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you."
Warren Buffet, Love, Life, Success
"Success in investing doesn't correlate with IQ ... what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing."
Warren Buffet, Finance, Success
"I refuse putting from me the best that I am."
Walt Whitman, Success
"When I was about to be famous, I feared it on a few levels. I feared it because I didn’t want people to lump me in with those people who’d do anything to be famous. I didn’t like the word ‘celebrity.’ I feared intrusion, you know? Make me famous, and suddenly you can go through my trash bins."
Ricky Gervais, Success
"I never think of myself as a celebrity – or even an actor, actually. I think of myself as a writer-director."
Ricky Gervais, Success, Work
"There’s no difference between fame and infamy now. There’s a new school of professional famous people that don’t do anything. They don’t create anything."
Ricky Gervais, Success
"Famous people are above the law."
Ricky Gervais, Success
"Call me Diana, not Princess Diana."
Princess Diana, Success
"I am not a political figure, I am a humanitarian figure, always was, always will be."
Princess Diana, Success
"Don’t call me an icon. I’m just a mother trying to help."
Princess Diana, Success
"It took a long time to understand why people were so interested in me."
Princess Diana, Success
"Being a princess isn't all that it's cracked up to be."
Princess Diana, Work, Success
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."
Henry David Thoreau, Success
"Men are born to succeed, not to fail."
Henry David Thoreau, Success
"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth."
Henry David Thoreau, Love, Wealth, Success, Truth
"If you’re gonna make it to the top, get a grip on this rock, and get a grip on yourself."
Alice in Wonderland, Success
"How do you like the Queen?” said the Cat in a low voice.
“Not at all,” said Alice: “she’s so extremely—” Just then she noticed that the Queen was close behind her, listening: so she went on “—likely to win, that it’s hardly worthwhile finishing the game."
Alice in Wonderland, Success
"I succeeded in teaching a number of the idiots from the asylums both to read and to write so well that I was able to present them at a public school for an examination together with normal children. And they passed the examination successfully."
Maria Montessori, Success
"The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist."
Maria Montessori, Success
"Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed."
Maria Montessori, Goals, Success
"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow."
Thomas Paine, Anger and Fighting, Success, Strength
"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up."
Stephen Hawking, Life, Goals, Success
"Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine."
Tesla, Success
"I think all of us need to be on guard against arrogance which knocks at the door whenever you’re successful."
Steve Jobs, Arrogance, Success
"I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next."
Steve Jobs, Success, Goals
"I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."
Steve Jobs, Business, Success
"If you don’t love it, you’re going to fail."
Steve Jobs, Success
"I don’t care about being right. I care about success and doing the right thing."
Steve Jobs, Success
"Everything you need for better future and success has already been written. And guess what? All you have to do is go to the library."
Jim Rohn, Intelligence/Wisdom, Success
"Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals."
Jim Rohn, Success
"Success is something you attract by the person you become."
Jim Rohn, Success
"Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well."
Jim Rohn, Success
"Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure."
Jim Rohn, Success
"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads us to either fortune or failure."
Jim Rohn, Success
"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs."
Jim Rohn, Success
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
Jim Rohn, Goals, Success
"You can succeed at almost anything for which you have unbridled enthusiasm."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation."
Zig Ziglar, Success, Opportunities, Planning
"Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"Failure is an event not a person."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."
Zig Ziglar, Goals, Success
"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now."
Zig Ziglar, Success, Happiness
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."
Zig Ziglar, Success
"Do what you need to do, so that you can do what you want to do. Success and convenience do not go together. You have what it takes to be successful, so you have to step up your game and make room for it."
Les Brown, Work, Success
"If you want to be rich watch what rich people do everyday and do it. And watch what poor people do and don’t do it."
Les Brown, Goals, Success
"Make each day count by setting specific goals to succeed, then putting forth every effort to exceed your own expectations."
Les Brown, Goals, Success
"To be successful, you must be willing to do the things today others won’t do in order to have the things tomorrow others won’t have."
Les Brown, Success
"There are winners, there are losers and there are people who have not yet learned how to win."
Les Brown, Success
"To achieve something that you have never achieved before, you must become someone that you have never been before."
Les Brown, Success
"It's not over until you win."
Les Brown, Success
"No one rises to low expectations."
Les Brown, Success
"The greatest revenge is massive success."
Les Brown, Success
"Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit."
Les Brown, Life, Success, Goals
"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great."
Les Brown, Success
"What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?"
Eleanor Roosevelt, Success
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up."
Nelson Mandela, Success
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
Nelson Mandela, Success
"I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death."
Nelson Mandela, Success, Life, Death
"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation."
Nelson Mandela, Success
"It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success."
Nelson Mandela, Goals, Success
"A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men."
Plato, Success
"The doubters said, "Man can not fly," The doers said, "Maybe, but we'll try," And finally soared In the morning glow while non-believers watched from below."
Bruce Lee, Success
"I think we consider too much the luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm."
FDR- Franklin D. Roosevelt, Success
"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."
FDR- Franklin D. Roosevelt, Happiness, Wealth, Success, Work
"the harder the conflict, the greater the triumph."
George Washington, Anger and Fighting, Success
"I just really can't wait for people to forget about me."
Selena Gomez, Success
"Success is nothing if you don't have the right people to share it with; you're just gonna end up lonely."
Selena Gomez, Success, Happiness
"Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly."
JFK- John F. Kennedy, Success
"Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan."
JFK- John F. Kennedy, Success
"It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself. But he can put himself in such shape that when or if the opportunities come he is ready."
Teddy Roosevelt, Success
"If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."
Teddy Roosevelt, Success
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
Teddy Roosevelt, Success
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
Teddy Roosevelt, Success
"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
Teddy Roosevelt, Success
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
Teddy Roosevelt, Success
"There must be something wrong with those people who think Audrey Hepburn doesn’t perspire, hiccup or sneeze, because they know that’s not true. In fact, I hiccup more than most."
Audrey Hepburn, Success
"I never think of myself as an icon. What is in other people's minds is not in my mind. I just do my thing."
Audrey Hepburn, Success
"There are certain shades of limelight that can wreck a girl's complexion."
Audrey Hepburn, Success
"Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you're exactly the same."
Audrey Hepburn, Success
"I've been lucky. Opportunities don't often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them."
Audrey Hepburn, Success
"It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace."
Aristotle, Anger and Fighting, Success
"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, then success is sure."
Mark Twain, Success
"The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation."
Mark Twain, Success, Work
"Fame is like caviar, you know—it's good to have caviar but not when you have it at every meal."
Marilyn Monroe, Success, Wealth
"I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else."
Marilyn Monroe, Success
"In this bright future you can't forget your past."
Bob Marley, Success
"The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively."
Bob Marley, Success
"Success is sometimes the outcome of a whole string of failures."
Van Gogh, Success
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."
Van Gogh, Success
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."
Abraham Lincoln, Success
"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have."
Abraham Lincoln, Truth, Success
"The price of greatness is responsibility."
Winston Churchill, Success
"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill, Success
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston Churchill, Success, Courage
"I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things."
Walt Disney, Success, Goals
"People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working."
Walt Disney, Work, Success
"The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting."
Walt Disney, Success
"The greatest danger occurs at the moment of victory."
Napoleon Bonaparte, Success
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
Napoleon Bonaparte, Success
"Victory belongs to the most persevering."
Napoleon Bonaparte, Success
"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment."
Napoleon Bonaparte, Success
"Without training, they lacked knowledge. Without knowledge, they lacked confidence. Without confidence, they lacked victory."
Julius Caesar, Success
"My powers are ordinary. Only my application brings me success."
Isaac Newton, Success
"Success can be intoxicating, you can get drunk with success."
russelison.com quotes, Success
"Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success."
Henry Ford, Success
"The way to learn to do things is to do things. The way to learn a trade is to work at it. Success teaches how to succeed. Begin with the determination to succeed, and the work is half done already."
Henry Ford, Success
"There is no disgrace in honest failure; there is disgrace in fearing to fail."
Henry Ford, Success
"success is 99% failure."
Henry Ford, Success
"If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own."
Henry Ford, Success, Intelligence/Wisdom
"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal."
Earl Nightingale, Success
"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
Dale Carnegie , Happiness, Success
"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
Dale Carnegie , Success
"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing."
Dale Carnegie , Success
"Flaming enthusiasm backed up by horse sense and persistence is the quality that most frequently makes for success."
Dale Carnegie , Success
"Success has ruined many a man."
Benjamin Franklin, Success
"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning."
Benjamin Franklin, Success
"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."
Albert Einstein, Success
"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value."